SR1306LRB098 21841 MST 60698 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of John J. Forni, Jr. of St. Charles, who
4passed away on June 16, 2014; and
5 WHEREAS, John Forni, Jr. was born in Geneva on April 2,
61925 to John Joseph, Sr. and Viola (nee Popp) Forni; he served
7in the United States Navy in the Pacific from March of 1944 to
8March of 1946; he married Dorothy (nee Hedstrom) Nelson on
9March 8, 1947; after the passing of his first wife, he married
10Donna (nee Schmidt) Malesh on June 8, 1991; and
11 WHEREAS, Over the years, John Forni, Jr. worked for State
12Street Motors in Geneva, the City of Geneva, and Delnor
13Hospital; he retired in 1990 from ARA Services; for over 25
14years, he was a volunteer with the Geneva Fire Department; and
15 WHEREAS, John Forni, Jr. was active in the American Legion
16and the Veterans of Foreign Wars; for many years he played
17Santa Claus; he enjoyed politics and was very active with the
18Republican Party; he served on the board of the St. Charles
19Park District for 14 years from 1997 through 2011; and
20 WHEREAS, John Forni, Jr. was preceded in death by his first
21wife, Dorothy; a brother, Hugo, and his sisters, Louise and

SR1306- 2 -LRB098 21841 MST 60698 r
1Eldora; and
2 WHEREAS, John Forni, Jr. is survived by his wife of 23
3years, Donna; his 5 step-children, Karen Heavlin, Ray Nelsen,
4Bruce Malesh, Edward (Kimberly) Malesh, and Brian (Roberta)
5Malesh; 6 step-grandchildren; 4 step-great-grandchildren; 3
6sisters, Lois Carlson, Barbara Johnsen, and Viola Johnsen; and
7numerous nieces and nephews; therefore, be it
9ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
10John J. Forni, Jr., and extend our sincere condolences to his
11family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
13 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
14presented to the family of John Forni, Jr. as an expression of
15our deepest sympathy.