SR1385LRB102 30209 ECR 42584 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Senate Republican Staff Member James
4Louis "Jim" Goldenstein of Springfield, who passed away on
5December 25, 2022; and
6 WHEREAS, Jim Goldenstein was born to Jay and Doris
7"Charlie" Goldenstein in Kankakee on August 7, 1986; he was
8raised on his family farm in Gilman; he attended St. John's
9Lutheran School, Christ Lutheran High School, and the
10University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; and
11 WHEREAS, From an early age, Jim Goldenstein was always
12destined to go into politics or public service; after college,
13he moved to Washington, D.C. to work on Capitol Hill before
14returning to Illinois for a position with the Illinois Senate;
16 WHEREAS, Jim Goldenstein served as Director of District
17Operations for the Illinois Senate Republican Caucus; he was a
18beloved member of "Team Turner"; during his career, he made a
19significant impact on his colleagues and the senators for whom
20he worked on staff; and
21 WHEREAS, Jim Goldenstein was a member of the University of

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1Illinois FarmHouse Fraternity, and he was a cherished friend
2of his fraternity brothers; he loved Fighting Illini sports;
4 WHEREAS, Jim Goldenstein cherished spending time with his
5family, and he loved nothing more than being "Uncle Jim" to his
6three nieces; and
7 WHEREAS, Jim Goldenstein was known for having several
8endearing nicknames bestowed by those who knew him; he will be
9remembered for being graciously welcoming to all, for his
10quick wit, and for his deep loyalty to his family, friends,
11work colleagues, and beloved dog, Oscar; he will be greatly
12missed; and
13 WHEREAS, Jim Goldenstein was preceded in death by his
14maternal grandparents, Kenneth and Delores Meier; his uncle,
15Jake Peters; and his godfather, Steve Hemp; and
16 WHEREAS, Jim Goldenstein is survived by his parents; his
17brother, Joel (Jill) Goldenstein; his nieces, Hadlee, Olivia,
18and Annalise Goldenstein; his paternal grandparents, John and
19Judy Goldenstein; and numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins;
20therefore, be it

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1ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
2James Louis "Jim" Goldenstein and extend our sincere
3condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved
4him; and be it further
5 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
6presented to the family of Jim Goldenstein as an expression of
7our deepest sympathy.