SR1434LRB098 22478 GRL 61399 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Linda Marie Lonigro of Crystal Lake, who
4passed away on August 10, 2014; and
5 WHEREAS, Linda Lonigro was born on June 30, 1964 in
6McHenry; her parents were Jean and Harold Walters; and
7 WHEREAS, Linda Lonigro worked as an EMT for the Crystal
8Lake Fire Department for 10 years; she was a registered nurse
9in the home health care field and raised 11 foster children
10from 1999 through 2007; she also worked for the McHenry County
11Youth Sports Association and the 15-year old World Series held
12in Crystal Lake every year; and
13 WHEREAS, Linda Lonigro was preceded in death by her father
14and a nephew, Ryan; and
15 WHEREAS, Linda Lonigro is survived by her husband of 20
16years, Richard Lonigro; 2 children, Cody Lonigro and Cassidy
17Lonigro; 2 step-children, Emily (Dan) Boylan and Sam (Sabrina)
18Lonigro; a granddaughter, Ginger; her mother, Jean Nicholson; 4
19siblings, Gary (Michele) Mack, Laurel Sweeney, Catherine
20(David) Schmit, and Lisa (John) Simon; 15 nieces and nephews,
21Emily, Amanda, Nicholas S., Kristin, Kyle, Lindsay, Taylor,

SR1434- 2 -LRB098 22478 GRL 61399 r
1Justin, Jeremy, Rachel, Ben, Christina, Melissa, Sydney, and
2Nicholas L.; and 4 grandnieces and grandnephews, Symphony,
3Cameron, Lily, and Wyatt; therefore, be it
5ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we, along with her
6family and friends, mourn the passing of Linda Marie Lonigro;
7and be it further
8 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
9presented to the family of Linda Lonigro as an expression of
10our sympathy.