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2 WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 7 of the Illinois Emergency
3Management Agency Act (20 ILCS 3305/7), the Governor of the
4State of Illinois has issued a proclamation declaring that a
5public health emergency exists related to the COVID-19 outbreak
6in the State of Illinois; and
7 WHEREAS, As the Governor of the State of Illinois, pursuant
8to Sections 7(1), 7(2), 7(8), and 7(12) of the Illinois
9Emergency Management Agency Act, 20 ILCS 3305, ordered during
10the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamations, the
11requirement in the Section 2105-400 of the Civil Administrative
12Code, 20 ILCS 2105-400, and its accompanying regulations,
13authorizing the Secretary of the Department of Financial and
14Professional Regulation (IDFPR) to take certain actions to
15increase the number of licensed professionals responding to the
16disaster, is suspended to the extent it limits the Secretary's
17authority to those persons working under the direction of the
18Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and the Illinois
19Department of Public Health (IDPH) pursuant to a declared
20disaster by the Governor; and
21 WHEREAS, The Governor further ordered that the requirement
22that the Secretary shall only exercise this authority "in
23coordination with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and

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1the Department of Public Health" remains in effect and that in
2exercising this authority, the Secretary shall work closely
3with the Directors of the IEMA and the IDH to ensure any
4impacted licensed professionals are aiding in the response to
5the disaster; and
6 WHEREAS, Section 2105-400(a)(l) of the Civil
7Administrative Code (20 ILCS 2105) authorizes the Secretary of
8the IDFPR to suspend the requirements for permanent licensure
9of persons who are licensed in another state and modify the
10scope of practice restrictions under any licensing act
11administered by the Department; and
12 WHEREAS, The Secretary of IDFPR has coordinated a response
13to the declared public health emergency with IEMA and IDPH,
14including expanding the scope of practice of dentists in order
15to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic; and
16 WHEREAS, Under the Illinois Dental Practice Act, dentists
17are authorized to administer influenza (inactivated influenza
18vaccine and live attenuated influenza intranasal vaccinations)
19to patients 18 years of age and older pursuant to a valid
20prescription or standing order by a physician licensed; and
21 WHEREAS, Under the Illinois Dental Practice Act
22Administrative Rules section 1220.240(g)(2), dental hygienists

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1may administer local anesthetics upon successful completion of
2a 32-hour course that covers pharmacology, anatomy, techniques
3in the use of mandibular block and infiltration injections, and
4post-operative instructions; and
5 WHEREAS, There are currently two vaccines approved under
6the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), and more approvals are
7expected in the coming months; and
8 WHEREAS, There is a shortage of healthcare providers
9available to administer the millions of vaccines needed to
10reach a level of herd immunity; and
11 WHEREAS, The inability to provide this needed vaccine due
12to a lack of healthcare providers trained to administer the
13necessary vaccinations will possibly contribute to unnecessary
14sickness and death; therefore, be it
16ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we urge the Governor
17and the Secretary of the IDFPR to issue an Amended Emergency
18Proclamation to include an amended version that allows dentists
19to receive, store, and administer the COVID-19 vaccine and a
20second provision allowing Just in Time (JIT) training for both
21dentists and dental hygienists in order to participate in mass
22vaccination efforts throughout the State of Illinois; and be it

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2 RESOLVED, That we urge the Illinois licensed dentist's and
3dental hygienist's scope of practice under the Dental Practice
4Act, 225 ILCS 25, to be expanded to allow them to administer
5COVID-19 vaccinations to persons 16 years of age and older
6pursuant to a standing order and pursuant to the following
8 (1) The vaccine must be FDA-authorized or
9 FDA-licensed;
10 (2) The vaccination must be ordered and administered
11 according to the Advisory Committee on Immunization
12 Practices' (ACIP) standard immunization schedule;
13 (3) The dentist must complete a practical training
14 program of at least 4 hours that is approved by an Illinois
15 approved sponsor pursuant to 68 Ill. Adm. Code
16 1220.440(b)(2); this training program must include a
17 review of hands-on injection techniques, clinical
18 evaluation of indications and contraindications of
19 vaccines, the recognition and treatment of adverse
20 reactions to vaccines including anaphylactic shock
21 symptoms and treatment, the appropriate method of storage,
22 handling and disposal of vaccines and all used supplies or
23 contaminated equipment, and the proper administration and
24 maintenance of written policies and procedures pursuant to
25 Section 1220.403 of the Administrative Rules;

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1 (4) The dentist must have a current certificate in
2 basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation; and
3 (5) The dentist must comply with record-keeping and
4 reporting requirements of the jurisdiction in which he or
5 she administers vaccines, including informing the
6 patient's primary-care provider within 30 days after
7 administration of a vaccine, submitting the required
8 immunization information to the State or local
9 immunization information system (vaccine registry),
10 complying with requirements with respect to reporting
11 adverse events, and complying with requirements whereby
12 the person administering a vaccine must review the vaccine
13 registry or other vaccination records prior to
14 administering a vaccine; and be it further
15 RESOLVED, That we also urge that the scope of practice for
16a licensed dentist or a dental hygienist who has completed
17prior training in mandibular block and infiltration injection
18techniques and for those dentists and dental hygienists who
19wish to only volunteer as part of a mass vaccination effort for
20the administration of COVID-19 vaccinations to persons 16 years
21of age and older pursuant to a standing order be additionally
22expanded to allow, as an alternative to the training provisions
23in (3), (4) and (5) above, administration of vaccines under a
24Just in Time (JIT) training model, if provided, under the
25coordination and supervision of a medical facility or local

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1health mass vaccination plan pursuant to the following
3 (1) The dentist or dental hygienist must complete a
4 Just in Time (JIT) training program of at least 1 hour that
5 is approved by an Illinois approved continuing education
6 sponsor pursuant to 68 Ill Adm Code 1220.440(b)(2); this
7 training program must include instruction on hands-on
8 intramuscular injection techniques, medication dosage,
9 clinical evaluation of indications and contraindications
10 of vaccines, and the recognition and treatment of adverse
11 reactions to vaccines including anaphylactic shock
12 symptoms and treatment;
13 (2) Proper handling of vaccines and all supplies or
14 contaminated equipment and proper record-keeping policies
15 and procedures required by the facility;
16 (3) The dentist and dental hygienist volunteering
17 under this section must have a current proof of license and
18 a certificate in basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation; and
19 (4) Complete an orientation at the medical facility or
20 public health facility on workstation requirements and
21 protocol; and be it further
22 RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution should be
23delivered to the Governor of the State of Illinois, the
24Secretary of the IDFPR, and the Director of the IDPH.