Citations Affected: IC 6-3.5-1.1-25; IC 6-3.5-6-31.
Synopsis: Public safety local option income tax. Provides that a county
or municipality that receives revenue from a local option income tax
for public safety (public safety LOIT) may use the public safety LOIT
only to increase the total amount available for expenditure for public
safety purposes. Provides that the public safety LOIT may not be used
to reduce or replace revenue devoted to public safety purposes from
any other source of revenue.
Effective: Upon passage.
January 10, 2011, read first time and referred to Committee on Ways and Means.
A BILL FOR AN ACT to amend the Indiana Code concerning
or the person's custodian, guardian, or parent and that provides
for confinement, supervision, community corrections services,
or other correctional services instead of a final action
described in clause (B) or (C);
(B) convicted of a crime; or
(C) adjudicated as a delinquent child or a child in need of
(8) A juvenile detention facility under IC 31-31-8.
(9) A juvenile detention center under IC 31-31-9.
(10) A county jail.
(11) A communications system (as defined in IC 36-8-15-3) or an
enhanced emergency telephone system (as defined in
IC 36-8-16-2).
(12) Medical and health expenses for jail inmates and other
confined persons.
(13) Pension payments for any of the following:
(A) A member of the fire department (as defined in
IC 36-8-1-8) or any other employee of a fire department.
(B) A member of the police department (as defined in
IC 36-8-1-9), a police chief hired under a waiver under
IC 36-8-4-6.5, or any other employee hired by a police
(C) A county sheriff or any other member of the office of the
county sheriff.
(D) Other personnel employed to provide a service described
in this section.
(b) If a county council has imposed a tax rate of at least twenty-five
hundredths of one percent (0.25%) under section 24 of this chapter, a
tax rate of at least twenty-five hundredths of one percent (0.25%) under
section 26 of this chapter, or a total combined tax rate of at least
twenty-five hundredths of one percent (0.25%) under sections 24 and
26 of this chapter, the county council may also adopt an ordinance to
impose an additional tax rate under this section to provide funding for
public safety.
(c) A tax rate under this section may not exceed twenty-five
hundredths of one percent (0.25%).
(d) If a county council adopts an ordinance to impose a tax rate
under this section, the county auditor shall send a certified copy of the
ordinance to the department and the department of local government
finance by certified mail.
(e) A tax rate under this section is in addition to any other tax rates
imposed under this chapter and does not affect the purposes for which
other tax revenue under this chapter may be used.
(f) Except as provided in subsection (k), the county auditor shall
distribute the portion of the certified distribution that is attributable to
a tax rate under this section to the county and to each municipality in
the county. The amount that shall be distributed to the county or
municipality is equal to the result of:
(1) the portion of the certified distribution that is attributable to a
tax rate under this section; multiplied by
(2) a fraction equal to:
(A) the attributed allocation amount (as defined in
IC 6-3.5-1.1-15) of the county or municipality for the calendar
year; divided by
(B) the sum of the attributed allocation amounts of the county
and each municipality in the county for the calendar year.
The county auditor shall make the distributions required by this
subsection not more than thirty (30) days after receiving the portion of
the certified distribution that is attributable to a tax rate under this
section. Tax revenue distributed to a county or municipality under this
subsection must be deposited into a separate account or fund and may
be appropriated by the county or municipality only for public safety
(g) Tax revenue distributed under subsection (f) may be used
only to increase the total amount available for expenditure for
public safety purposes. A county or municipality that receives tax
revenue under subsection (f) may not reduce or replace the amount
devoted to public safety purposes from any other source of
revenue. The department of local government finance may not require
a county or municipality receiving tax revenue under this section to
reduce the county's or municipality's property tax levy for a particular
year on account of the county's or municipality's receipt of the tax
(h) The tax rate under this section and the tax revenue attributable
to the tax rate under this section shall not be considered for purposes
of computing:
(1) the maximum income tax rate that may be imposed in a county
under section 2 of this chapter or any other provision of this
(2) the maximum permissible property tax levy under STEP
EIGHT of IC 6-1.1-18.5-3(b);
(3) the total county tax levy under IC 6-1.1-21-2(g)(3),
IC 6-1.1-21-2(g)(4), or IC 6-1.1-21-2(g)(5) (before the repeal of
IC 6-1.1-21); or
the county. The amount that shall be distributed to the county or
municipality is equal to the result of:
(1) the portion of the certified distribution that is attributable to a
tax rate under this section; multiplied by
(2) a fraction equal to:
(A) the total property taxes being collected in the county by
the county or municipality for the calendar year; divided by
(B) the sum of the total property taxes being collected in the
county by the county and each municipality in the county for
the calendar year.
The county auditor shall make the distributions required by this
subsection not more than thirty (30) days after receiving the portion of
the certified distribution that is attributable to a tax rate under this
section. Tax revenue distributed to a county or municipality under this
subsection must be deposited into a separate account or fund and may
be appropriated by the county or municipality only for public safety
(g) Tax revenue distributed under subsection (f) may be used
only to increase the total amount available for expenditure for
public safety purposes. A county or municipality that receives tax
revenue under subsection (f) may not reduce or replace the amount
devoted to public safety purposes from any other source of
revenue. The department of local government finance may not require
a county or municipality receiving tax revenue under this section to
reduce the county's or municipality's property tax levy for a particular
year on account of the county's or municipality's receipt of the tax
(h) The tax rate under this section and the tax revenue attributable
to the tax rate under this section shall not be considered for purposes
of computing:
(1) the maximum income tax rate that may be imposed in a county
under section 8 or 9 of this chapter or any other provision of this
(2) the maximum permissible property tax levy under STEP
EIGHT of IC 6-1.1-18.5-3(b);
(3) the total county tax levy under IC 6-1.1-21-2(g)(3),
IC 6-1.1-21-2(g)(4), or IC 6-1.1-21-2(g)(5) (before the repeal of
IC 6-1.1-21); or
(4) the credit under IC 6-1.1-20.6.
(i) The tax rate under this section may be imposed or rescinded at
the same time and in the same manner that the county may impose or
increase a tax rate under section 30 of this chapter.