Introduced Version
Citations Affected: IC 4-13-20.
Synopsis: Climate expenditure accountability. Provides that if a
contract to which a state agency is a party includes a climate
expenditure, the contract must: (1) set forth: (A) the total cost of the
climate expenditure; (B) the amount, in metric tons, of the reduction in
carbon dioxide equivalent intended to be achieved through the climate
expenditure; and (C) the cost per metric ton of the reduction in carbon
dioxide equivalent intended to be achieved through the climate
expenditure; and (2) include a provision requiring the contractor, if not
in compliance with performance standards for the cost per metric ton
of the reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent intended to be achieved
through the climate expenditure, to: (A) provide certified carbon offsets
equal to the difference between the intended carbon dioxide equivalent
reduction set forth in the contract and the actual carbon dioxide
equivalent reduction achieved; or (B) refund a portion of the funds the
contractor received under the contract so that the cost per metric ton of
the actual carbon dioxide equivalent reduction achieved equals the cost
per metric ton of the reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent intended
to be achieved through the climate expenditure, as set forth in the
contract. Requires the office of management and budget to audit these
contracts to ensure that contractors meet performance standards for the
cost per metric ton of the reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent
intended to be achieved through the expenditure of state funds.
Requires a state agency that is a party to a climate expenditure contract
to provide semiannual reports to the office of management and budget
and the general assembly outlining the contractor's performance under
the contract.
Effective: July 1, 2011.
January 12, 2011, read first time and referred to Committee on Environmental Affairs.
First Regular Session 117th General Assembly (2011)
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A BILL FOR AN ACT to amend the Indiana Code concerning state
offices and administration.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana:
SOURCE: IC 4-13-20; (11)IN1235.1.1. -->
1, 2011]:
Chapter 20. Climate Expenditure Accountability
Sec. 1. This chapter applies to contracts entered into or renewed
after June 30, 2011.
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "carbon dioxide equivalent"
means a quantity of a greenhouse gas that has the same global
warming potential as the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide
when measured over a specific period of time.
Sec. 3. As used in this chapter, "certified carbon offset" means
a carbon credit certified to meet the United Nation's Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM) as defined in Article 12 of the
Kyoto Protocol.
Sec. 4. As used in this chapter, "climate expenditure" means the
expenditure of state funds intended to reduce greenhouse gas
Sec. 5. (a) As used in this chapter, "greenhouse gas" means a
chemical or physical substance that:
(1) is emitted into the air; and
(2) may cause or contribute to climate change.
(b) The term includes carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,
hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride.
Sec. 6. (a) If a contract to which a state agency is a party
includes a climate expenditure, the contract must:
(1) set forth:
(A) the total cost of the climate expenditure;
(B) the amount, in metric tons, of the reduction in carbon
dioxide equivalent intended to be achieved through the
climate expenditure; and
(C) the cost per metric ton of the reduction in carbon
dioxide equivalent intended to be achieved through the
climate expenditure; and
(2) include a provision requiring the contractor, if not in
compliance with the performance standards for the cost per
metric ton of the reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent
intended to be achieved through the climate expenditure, to:
(A) provide certified carbon offsets equal to the difference
(i) the intended carbon dioxide equivalent reduction set
forth in the contract under subdivision (1)(B); and
(ii) the actual carbon dioxide equivalent reduction
achieved; or
(B) refund a portion of the funds received by the
contractor under the contract so that the cost per metric
ton of the actual carbon dioxide equivalent reduction
achieved equals the cost per metric ton of the intended
carbon dioxide equivalent reduction set forth in the
contract under subdivision (1)(C).
(b) The office of management and budget shall regularly audit
contracts described in subsection (a) to ensure that contractors
meet performance standards for the cost per metric ton of the
reductions in carbon dioxide equivalent intended to be achieved
through climate expenditures.
Sec. 7. (a) A state agency that is a party to a contract described
in section 6 of this chapter shall provide semiannual reports to the
office of management and budget and the general assembly
outlining the contractor's performance under the contract,
including the following:
(1) The total cost of the climate expenditure.
(2) The amount, in metric tons, of the reduction in carbon
dioxide equivalent intended to be achieved through the
climate expenditure.
(3) The cost per metric ton of the reduction in carbon dioxide
equivalent intended to be achieved through the climate
(4) The amount, in metric tons, of the reduction in carbon
dioxide equivalent actually achieved through the climate
(5) The cost per metric ton of the reduction in carbon dioxide
equivalent actually achieved through the climate expenditure.
(b) A report to the general assembly described in subsection (a)
must be in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6.