Citations Affected: IC 36-1.5; IC 36-4-1-1.
Synopsis: Counties having a consolidated city. Raises the population
threshold at which a city qualifies to become a first class city to
1,500,000. Establishes a process for deconsolidation of a consolidated
city if the population of the consolidated city becomes less than the
number that defines a first class city. Provides that each political
subdivision in the county having the consolidated city becomes a
reorganizing political subdivision and establishes a reorganization
committee to prepare a plan to reorganize the political subdivisions in
the county. Provides the procedures for the operation of the
reorganizing committee. Provides the details required for the
reorganization plan. Provides that if the voters of the county approve
the reorganization plan, the political subdivisions in the county are
reorganized as provided in the reorganization plan. Provides that if the
voters of the county do not approve the reorganization plan, the
consolidated city becomes a second class city and the other political
subdivisions in the county will be governed as provided by law for
other like political subdivisions.
Effective: July 1, 2012; January 1, 2013.
January 10, 2012, read first time and referred to Committee on Local Government.
A BILL FOR AN ACT to amend the Indiana Code concerning local
legislative body of the political subdivision.
(2) A petition has been filed under IC 36-1.5-4-11 by the voters
of the political subdivision.
(3) The political subdivision is a consolidated city, the county
containing the consolidated city, or a political subdivision
within the county containing the consolidated city to which
IC 36-1.5-6 applies.
committee shall select a chair and any other officers that the
reorganization committee determines necessary from the members
of the reorganization committee.
(c) The members of the reorganization committee serve without
compensation. The members, however, are entitled to
reimbursement from the reorganizing political subdivisions for the
necessary expenses incurred in the performance of the members'
(d) The reorganizing political subdivisions shall provide
necessary office space, supplies, and staff to the reorganization
committee. The reorganizing political subdivisions may employ
attorneys, accountants, consultants, and other professionals for the
reorganization committee.
(e) Except as otherwise provided in an agreement adopted by
the reorganizing political subdivisions, claims for expenditures for
the reorganization committee shall be made to the fiscal officer of
the consolidated city and county. The fiscal officer shall pay the
necessary expenditures and obtain reimbursement from the
reorganizing political subdivisions in accordance with an
agreement adopted by the reorganizing political subdivisions. If the
reorganizing political subdivisions are unable to agree on the
allocation of expenses of the reorganizing committee, expenses
shall be paid as follows:
(1) Six-ninths (6/9) of the expenses shall be paid by the
consolidated city.
(2) One-ninth (1/9) of the expenses shall be paid by the
excluded cities within the county. Each excluded city shall pay
an equal proportion of the expenses allocated to the excluded
cities under this subdivision.
(3) One-ninth (1/9) of the expenses shall be paid by the school
corporations within the county. Each school corporation shall
pay an equal proportion of the expenses allocated to the
school corporations under this subdivision.
(4) One-ninth (1/9) of the expenses shall be paid by the
townships within the county. Each township shall pay an
equal proportion of the expenses allocated to the townships
under this subdivision.
Sec. 5. The reorganization committee may do the following:
(1) Adopt procedures governing the internal management of
the reorganization committee.
(2) Conduct public hearings on the plan of reorganization as
the reorganization committee determines necessary or
(3) Review the books and records of any reorganizing political
(4) Administer oaths.
(5) Issue and enforce subpoenas and discovery orders under
IC 4-21.5.
Sec. 6. (a) The reorganization committee shall prepare a
comprehensive plan of reorganization for restructuring the
government of the county and the political subdivisions within the
(b) If the plan of reorganization is adopted as provided in this
chapter, the plan governs the actions, duties, and powers of the
county and the reorganized political subdivisions within the
county, beginning on the effective date of deconsolidation.
(c) The plan of reorganization must include at least the
(1) The name and a description of each reorganized political
subdivision and the reorganizing political subdivisions that
the reorganized political subdivision will succeed.
(2) A description of the boundaries of each reorganized
political subdivision.
(3) Subject to IC 36-1.5-4-40, a description of the taxing areas
in which taxes to retire obligations of the reorganizing
political subdivisions will be imposed.
(4) The following information for each reorganized political
(A) A description of the membership of the legislative
body, the fiscal body, and the executive of the reorganized
political subdivision.
(B) A description of the election districts or appointment
districts from which officers will be elected or appointed.
(C) The manner in which the membership of each elected
or appointed office will be elected or appointed.
(5) A description of the services to be offered by each
reorganized political subdivision and the service areas in
which services will be offered.
(6) The disposition of the personnel, the agreements, the
assets, and, subject to IC 36-1.5-4-40, the liabilities of the
reorganizing political subdivisions, including the terms and
conditions upon which the transfer of property and personnel
will be achieved.
(7) A statement of:
subdivision in the county.
Sec. 9. (a) Not sooner than the earlier of:
(1) one (1) year after completion of the plan of reorganization;
(2) thirty (30) days after receiving the most recent of all the
resolutions of the legislative bodies of the reorganizing
political subdivisions under section 8 of this chapter;
the reorganization committee shall hold a hearing.
(b) At the hearing held under this section, the reorganization
committee shall do the following:
(1) Consider changes suggested to the plan of reorganization
received from the reorganizing political subdivisions.
(2) Hear public testimony on the plan of reorganization and
the suggested changes.
Sec. 10. (a) Not sooner than thirty (30) days after the hearing
held under section 9 of this chapter, the reorganizing committee
shall hold a hearing to adopt any amendments to the plan of
reorganization and adopt a final plan of reorganization.
(b) The affirmative vote of at least six (6) members of the
reorganization committee is necessary for adoption of the final
plan of reorganization.
Sec. 11. The reorganizing committee shall file a certified copy of
the final plan of reorganization with each of the following:
(1) The circuit court clerk of the county.
(2) The department of local government finance.
(3) The department of education.
Sec. 12. (a) After the circuit court clerk of the county receives
the certified copy of the final plan of reorganization under section
11 of this chapter, the county election board shall place the
following public question on the ballot in accordance with
IC 3-10-9 at the next general election held in the county. The public
question must be in substantially the following form:
"Shall the government of (insert name of the county) County
and all the political subdivisions within (insert name of the
county) County be reorganized as provided in the final plan
of reorganization adopted by the (insert name of the county)
County Reorganization Committee?".
(b) IC 3 applies to the election at which the public question is
submitted to the voters of the county under this section.
Sec. 13. The circuit court clerk shall certify the results of the
vote on the public question submitted to the voters of the county as
provided in IC 3 to each of the following:
The county treasurer, county auditor, and county assessor
serve as the county fiscal body until the county fiscal body
elected under this subdivision takes office. Before the effective
date of deconsolidation, the city-county council may divide the
county into four (4) contiguous single member districts that
comply with IC 36-2-3-4(d) from which four (4) members of
the county fiscal body shall be elected under this subdivision.
Three (3) of the members of the county fiscal body shall be
elected at large as provided in IC 36-2-3-4. After the county
executive takes office under this subdivision, the county
executive may divide the county into single member districts
for the county fiscal body as provided in IC 36-2-3-4. Until the
territory of the county is divided into districts as provided in
IC 36-4-6-3, the following apply to election of the members of
the county fiscal body:
(A) The county fiscal body consists of seven (7) members.
(B) Each member of the county fiscal body shall be elected
at large by all the voters who reside within the county.
(C) Each voter may vote for only one (1) candidate for
election to the fiscal body.
(D) The seven (7) candidates who receive the greatest
number of votes in the election are elected to the fiscal
(E) Except as provided in this section, IC 3 and IC 36-2-3
apply to the election of the members of the fiscal body.
(6) All county elected officers other than the county executive
and the county fiscal body shall be elected in the manner and
at the times that they would be elected had the
deconsolidation not occurred.
(7) The county and each political subdivision within the
county shall be governed by the law applicable to counties or
the similar political subdivision.
Sec. 16. The following apply in the case of a reorganization
under this chapter:
(1) IC 36-1.5-4-40.
(2) IC 36-1.5-4-41.
(3) IC 36-1.5-4-42.