A HOUSE RESOLUTION recognizing the 200th
anniversary of the Indian-Kentuck Baptist Church.
Whereas, Although some early history remains lost, current
members of the Indian-Kentuck Baptist Church mark their
historical beginning when the original members met at a
private home in 1812;
Whereas, The Indian-Kentuck Baptist Church grew rapidly
from the outset, increasing its congregation from nine to 29 in
three years;
Whereas, By 1823, there were 75 people belonging to the church, and records showed 204 people were members in 1963,
averaging between 80 to 100 members in other years;
Whereas, The Indian-Kentuck Baptist Church has survived
many challenges;
Whereas, The congregation has learned through old
records that the church first occupied a building on Copeland
Ridge on land that was sold to the church for $1 and by 1838
included a brick stove and glass windows;
Whereas, However, members of the church voted to sell the
building at public auction and built another meeting place "one
mile south of east" in 1843;
Whereas, The new church was built on the property where
the present Indian-Kentuck Baptist Church is located, but a
faulty foundation caused the first church building to be torn
down and rebuilt in 1865;
Whereas, The second church building stood for more than
100 years until a tornado destroyed it in April 1974;
Whereas, A few of the current members have family ties to
the original founders, with some having the same last name as
the original founders; and
Whereas, The congregation of the Indian-Kentuck Baptist
Church has gone to great lengths to preserve its history so that
future members may understand its background more
thoroughly: Therefore,
HR 1587/DI 84