_______________________, read first time and referred to Committee on
I offer the following resolution and move its adoption:
A SENATE RESOLUTION recognizing the six staff
members of Lowell Elementary School.
Whereas, Six staff members of Lowell Elementary
School, Warren Township, Indianapolis, knew exactly what
to do when Susan Howard collapsed during a meeting;
Whereas, Susan, who was experiencing ventricular
fibrillation, had no pulse, and was in cardiac arrest;
Whereas, Her staff knew what should be done;
Whereas, While three staff members took turns
administering CPR, another delivered rescue breaths;
Whereas, Thanks to the Warren Township PTA, Lowell
Elementary School was equipped with a defibrillator;
Whereas, Administration of two shocks from the AED
restarted Susan Howard's heart; and
Whereas, The quick actions of Anne McGrath, Christy
Hartman, Brooke Austin, Jennifer Perkins, David Stroud,
and Candy Gauer in saving the life of Susan Howard merit
special thanks from a grateful community: Therefore,
SECTION 1. That the Indiana Senate wishes to recognize the
quick actions taken by the six staff members of Lowell Elementary
School in saving the life of Susan Howard.
SECTION 2. That copies of this resolution be transmitted by the
Secretary of the Senate to Anne McGrath, Christy Hartman, Brooke
Austin, Jennifer Perkins, David Stroud, and Candy Gauer.