The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Kathi-Anne Reinstein
To the
Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts in General
Court assembled:
The undersigned legislators and/or citizens respectfully petition for the passage of the accompanying bill:
Resolve to establish a special commission to evaluate the status of Massachusetts veterans long term care services.
Name: |
District/Address: |
Kathi-Anne Reinstein |
16th Suffolk |
Willie Mae Allen |
6th Suffolk |
Bruce E. Tarr |
First Essex and Middlesex |
Frank I. Smizik |
15th Norfolk |
Thomas M. Stanley |
9th Middlesex |
Louis L. Kafka |
8th Norfolk |
Mary E. Grant |
6th Essex |
Jennifer M. Callahan |
18th Worcester |
Ann-Margaret Ferrante |
5th Essex |
Elizabeth Poirier |
14th Bristol |
Linda Dean Campbell |
15th Essex |
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
In the Year Two Thousand and Nine
Resolved, There is hereby established a special commission to
evaluate the status of Massachusetts’ veterans long term care services,
the need of such veterans for long term care services, and the
feasibility of establishing comprehensive long term care services
for such veterans. Said study shall include, but not be limited to,
an examination of the following factors: (1) an exhaustive
analysis of the number of veteran’s who may need institutional
care and community-based long term care services in the Commonwealth;
(2) the extent and nature of long term care services
currently available to such veterans; (3) an itemized list by location
and size of any and all federally owned facilities or spaces
that may serve as long term care facilities that may provide such
services to such veterans, including the number of empty beds, so-called,
per facility that may be available for the provision of such
services; (5) a cost-benefit analysis of the number of beds
required to serve any and all veterans that may not currently have
access to such long term care services; (6) the commonwealth’s
liability for subsidizing any and all long term care services that
the commission deems necessary to provide quality care to such
veterans; (7) a detailed and actuarially-sound assessment of the
costs associated with establishing an independent program of long
term care for such veterans who may be in need of long term care
in Massachusetts; and (8) the availability of federal financial participation
in establishing or expanding long term care services to
such veterans.
Said commission shall consist of the secretary of administration
and finance, the commissioner of the division of medical assistance,
the commissioner of the division of health care finance and
policy, the commissioner of the department of public health, the
secretary of elder affairs, the commissioner of the department of
veterans services, and the commandants of the Chelsea and
Holyoke soldier’s homes and four persons to be appointed by the
governor, one of whom shall be a representative of the extended
care federation, one of whom shall be a representative of health
care for all, and two of whom shall be citizens who shall represent
the interests of such veterans: and two members of the house and
one member of the senate.
Said commission shall file a report on the results of its study,
together with recommendations and any legislation necessary to
carry its recommendations into effect with the clerks of the house
of representatives and the senate, and the house and senate committees
on ways and means, no later than March 25, 2010.