January 18, 2011, Introduced by Reps. Horn, Wayne Schmidt, MacMaster, LaFontaine, Muxlow and Somerville and referred to the Committee on Families, Children, and Seniors.


     A bill to amend 1939 PA 280, entitled


"The social welfare act,"


by amending sections 32, 57f, and 57r (MCL 400.32, 400.57f, and


400.57r), section 32 as amended by 1995 PA 223, section 57f as


amended by 2006 PA 468, and section 57r as amended by 2007 PA 9,


and by adding sections 57v, 57w, 57x, and 57y.




     Sec. 32. (1) Subject to section 14g, a person qualified for


and receiving assistance under this act in any county in this state


who moves or is taken to another county in this state may continue


to receive assistance in the county to which the person has moved


or is taken, and the county family independence agency department


of the county from which the person has moved shall transfer all


necessary records relating to the person to the county family


independence agency department of the county to which the person


has moved.


     (2) For purposes of the family independence program and


medical assistance under this act, a resident of this state is a


person who is living in this state voluntarily with the intention


of making his or her home in this state and not for a temporary


purpose and who is not receiving assistance from another state. For


purposes of the family independence program, an individual must


have resided in this state for not less than 180 days prior to


applying for family independence program benefits. For purposes of


medical assistance, a resident of this state also includes a person


and the dependents of a person who, at the time of application, is


living in this state, is not receiving assistance from another


state, and entered the state with a job commitment or seeking


employment in this state. For purposes of determining eligibility


to receive assistance under this act, excluding recipients of


supplemental security income under title XVI of the social security


act, chapter 531, 49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. USC 1381 to 1382 , and


1383 to 1383d, or state supplementation under this act, the


continued absence of a recipient from this state, unless the


absence is temporary or intent to return is established as provided


by applicable federal regulations, shall constitute abandonment by


the recipient of residence in this state. Any existing rule that


has been promulgated under this act that defines temporary absence


for the purpose of eligibility for family independence assistance


or medical assistance, or that provides for continuation of


eligibility if the absence is not temporary, is not applicable.


     (3) For purposes of medical assistance eligibility the


requirements in subsection (2) apply except as otherwise provided


in federal regulations for the administration of the medical


assistance program under title XIX of the social security act, 42


U.S.C. USC 1396 to 1396g and 1396i to 1396v 1396w-2.


     (4) The residence of a husband shall not be considered to be


the residence of the wife if they are living separate and apart. If


a husband and wife are living separate and apart, each may have a


separate residence dependent upon proof of the fact and not upon


legal presumption. This subsection shall not be construed to


prohibit a person from acquiring or retaining a legal residence.


     Sec. 57f. (1) The department shall enter into an agreement


with the department of energy, labor, and economic growth to


facilitate the administration of work first. The department shall


make information on the program available to the legislature.


     (2) Except as provided in section 57b, at the time the


department determines that an individual is eligible to receive


family independence assistance under this act, the department shall


determine whether that individual is eligible to participate in the


work first program or if the individual is exempt from work first


participation under this section. The Except as otherwise provided


in this section, the particular activities in which the recipient


is required or authorized to participate, the number of hours of


work required, and other details of work first shall be developed


by the department and the department of energy, labor, and economic


growth and shall be set forth in the recipient's family self-


sufficiency plan. If a recipient has cooperated with work first,


the recipient may enroll in a program approved by the local


workforce development board or authorized under subsection (6). Any


and all training or education with the exception of high school


completion, GED preparation, and literacy training, and programs


authorized under subsection (6) must be occupationally relevant and


in demand in the labor market as determined by the local workforce


development board and may be no more than 2 years in duration.


Participants must make satisfactory progress while in training or




     (3) The following individuals are exempt from participation in


work first:


     (a) A child under the age of 16.


     (b) A child aged 16 or older, or a minor parent, who is


attending elementary or secondary school full-time.


     (c) The parent of a child under the age of 3 months. The


family independence agency may require a parent exempted from


participation in work first under this subdivision to participate


in family services, including, but not limited to, instruction in


parenting, nutrition, and child development beginning 6 weeks after


the birth of his or her child until the child is 3 months old as


fulfillment of that parent's social contract obligation under


section 57e(1)(c).


     (d) An individual aged 65 or older.


     (e) A recipient of supplemental security income.


     (f) An individual who meets 1 or more of the following


criteria to the extent that the individual, based on medical


evidence and an assessment of need by the department, is severely


restricted in his or her ability to participate in employment or


training activities:


     (i) A recipient of social security disability, or medical


assistance due to disability or blindness.


     (ii) An individual suffering from a physical or mental


impairment that meets federal supplemental security income


disability standards, except that no minimum duration is required.


     (iii) The spouse of an individual described in subparagraph (i)


or (ii) who is the full-time caregiver of that individual.


     (iv) A parent or caretaker of a child who is suffering from a


physical or mental impairment that meets the federal supplemental


security income disability standards, except that no minimum


duration is required.


     (a) (g) Beginning April 1, 2007, the The parent of a child


under the age of 3 months. The department may require a parent


exempted from participation in work first under this subdivision to


participate in family services, including, but not limited to,


instruction in parenting, nutrition, and child development


beginning 6 weeks after the birth of his or her child until the


child is 3 months old as fulfillment of that recipient's family


self-sufficiency plan obligation under section 57e(1)(c).


     (b) (h) Beginning April 1, 2007, a A recipient of supplemental


security income.


     (c) (i) Beginning April 1, 2007, an An individual who meets 1


or more of the following criteria to the extent that the


individual, based on medical evidence and an assessment of need by


the department, is severely restricted in his or her ability to


participate in employment or training activities:


     (i) A recipient of social security disability , or medical


assistance due to disability or blindness.


     (ii) An individual suffering from a physical or mental


impairment that meets federal supplemental security income


disability standards, except that no minimum duration is required.


     (iii) The spouse of an individual described in subparagraph (i)


or (ii) who is the full-time caregiver of that individual.


     (iv) A parent or caretaker of a child who is suffering from a


physical or mental impairment that meets the federal supplemental


security income disability standards, except that no minimum


duration is required.


     (v) An individual with low intellectual capacity or learning


disabilities that impede comprehension and prevent success in


acquiring basic reading, writing, and math skills, including, but


not limited to, an individual with an intelligence quotient less


than 80.


     (vi) An individual with documented chronic mental health


problems that cannot be controlled through treatment or medication.


     (vii) An individual with physical limitations on his or her


ability to perform routine manual labor tasks, including, but not


limited to, bending or lifting, combined with intellectual capacity


or learning disabilities.


     (d) An individual aged 65 or older.


     (4) In addition to those individuals exempt under subsection


(3), the department may grant a temporary exemption from


participation in work first, not to exceed 90 days, to an


individual who is suffering from a documented short-term mental or


physical illness, limitation, or disability that severely restricts


his or her ability to participate in employment or training


activities. An individual with a documented mental or physical


illness, limitation, or disability that does not severely restrict


his or her ability to participate in employment or training


activities shall be required to participate in work first at a


medically permissible level.


     (5) An individual is not disabled for purposes of this section


if substance abuse is a contributing factor material to the


determination of disability.


     (6) The time an individual spends in an early childhood


education program or volunteering in a community service


organization counts toward work first participation requirements.


The community service is not required to be set up or coordinated


through the department, but documentation of the hours an


individual participates in the community service must be provided


to the work first representative in charge of the individual's




     (7) (6) The department may promulgate rules in accordance with


the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201


to 24.328, identifying exemptions under this section. The director


of the department may grant exemptions for extenuating


circumstances beyond the exemptions provided for in this section.


The department shall annually provide to the legislature, at the


same time as the governor's departmental budget proposal, a report


of the number of exemptions issued under this section and the


individual reason for those exemptions.


     (8) (7) This section does not apply after September 30, 2011.


     Sec. 57r. (1) Beginning October 1, 2007 Except as provided in


section 57v, if the department determines that an individual is


eligible to participate in the work first program and resides in a


county in which a jobs, education and training (JET) program is


available, family independence assistance shall be paid to that


individual for not longer than a cumulative total of 48 months


during that individual's lifetime. If the recipient is meeting all


the requirements outlined in his or her family self-sufficiency


plan, has not received more than 2 penalties under section 57g


after October 1, 2007, has not received any penalties under section


57g in the preceding 12 months, and labor market conditions or


employment barriers prevent employment placement, the recipient may


apply to the department for an extension of family independence


assistance benefits for a period not to exceed 12 months over the


48-month cumulative lifetime total. Nothing in this subsection


prevents the department from providing assistance to individuals


who are determined to be exempt from work first participation under


section 57f.


     (2) This section does not apply after September 30, 2011.


     Sec. 57v. (1) An individual who is ineligible to receive


family independence program benefits because he or she has gained


employment and no longer fits the financial eligibility criteria


for family independence program benefits or because he or she has


received family independence program benefits for the maximum


period allowed under law may reimburse the state for all the money


that he or she received for family independence program benefits.


As an alternative to cash repayment to the state under this


section, at the department's direction, an individual may


participate in community service at an organization that is not


operated for profit and is exempt from federal income tax under


section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code, 26 USC 501. The


department shall establish a schedule that translates the amount of


hours of community service to be performed into the equivalent


amount of cash repayment.


     (2) An individual described in subsection (1) is eligible to


receive further family independence program benefits after he or


she has repaid the state 100% of the amount he or she received in


family independence program benefits. After that individual has


reimbursed the state as provided in this section and in rules


promulgated by the department, he or she is eligible to receive


family independence program benefits for an additional 24-month


period provided he or she meets all the other family independence


program eligibility requirements.


     (3) An individual described in subsection (1) may begin


repayment to the state at any time after notification by the


department that he or she is no longer eligible to receive family


independence program benefits for 1 of the reasons set forth in


subsection (1).


     (4) The department shall promulgate rules to implement this


section according to the administrative procedures act of 1969,


1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.


     (5) Money repaid to the state under this section shall be


deposited into the cash assistance repayment fund created in


section 57w.


     Sec. 57w. (1) The cash assistance repayment fund is created


within the state treasury.


     (2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets from


any source for deposit into the fund. The state treasurer shall


direct the investment of the fund. The state treasurer shall credit


to the fund interest and earnings from fund investments.


     (3) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall


remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.


     (4) The department of human services shall be the


administrator of the fund for auditing purposes.


     (5) The department of human services shall expend money from


the fund, upon appropriation, for offsetting future family


independence program obligations.


     Sec. 57x. Beginning on the effective date of the amendatory


act that added this section, if the individual has a member of the


family group who is truant from school under the local school


district's attendance policy, the family group is no longer


eligible for family independence program benefits until the member


is no longer truant.


     Sec. 57y. A family independence program recipient who is the


parent of a child under 5 years old must participate in an early


childhood education program that is available in his or her area in


order to continue to be eligible for family independence benefits.