February 10, 2015, Introduced by Rep. Outman and referred to the Committee on Local Government.


     A bill to amend 1913 PA 88, entitled


"An act empowering the board of supervisors of any of the several

counties of the state of Michigan to levy a special tax, or by

appropriating from the general fund for the purpose of advertising

the agricultural advantages of the state or for displaying the

products and industries of any county in the state at domestic or

foreign expositions, for the purpose of encouraging immigration and

increasing trade in the products of the state, and advertising the

state and any portion thereof for tourists and resorters, and to

permit the boards of supervisors out of any sum so raised, or out

of the general fund, to contribute all or any portion of the same

to any development board or bureau to be by said board or bureau

expended for the purposes herein named,"


by amending the title and section 1 (MCL 46.161).






     An act empowering the county board of supervisors of any of


the several commissioners of certain counties of the this state of


Michigan to levy a special tax, or by appropriating from the


general fund for the purpose of advertising the agricultural


advantages of the this state or for displaying the products and


industries of any county certain counties in the this state at


domestic or foreign expositions, for the purpose of encouraging


immigration and increasing trade in the products of the this state,


and advertising the this state and any portion thereof of this


state for tourists and resorters, and to permit the county boards


of supervisors commissioners out of any sum so raised, or out of


the general fund, to contribute all or any portion of the same to


any development board or bureau to be expended by said the board or


bureau expended for the purposes herein named.


     Sec. 1. The boards of supervisors of the several counties


county board of commissioners of a county with a population of more


than 325,000 and less than 400,000 may levy a special tax on the


taxable property within their respective counties that county for


the purpose of creating a fund; or appropriate out of the general


fund an amount to be used for advertising agricultural or


industrial advantages of the this state or the county or any part


of the this state, or for collecting, preparing, or maintaining an


exhibition of the products and industries of the county at any


domestic or foreign exposition, for the purpose of encouraging


immigration and increasing the trade in the products of Michigan,


this state, or advertising the this state and any portion thereof


of this state for tourists and resorters. The total tax levied in


any one 1 year shall not exceed 5 cents on each $100.00 of taxable


property within the county according to the assessment rolls. The


sums so raised or appropriated out of the general fund shall be


used as directed by the county board of supervisors. commissioners.


The county board of supervisors commissioners may appropriate the


sum so raised by special tax, or appropriated out of the general


fund, or any part of the same to the support and work and


maintenance of a legal association, development bureau, or board


organized under the laws of Michigan, this state, not organized or


conducted for profit, and which that is engaged in the purpose of


advertising the advantages of and encouraging immigration, and


increasing the trade of the county and other adjoining counties of


the this state.