March 11, 2009, Introduced by Rep. Ball and referred to the Committee on Ethics and Elections.


     A bill to amend 1954 PA 116, entitled


"Michigan election law,"


by amending sections 951, 952, and 957 (MCL 168.951, 168.952, and


168.957), section 951 as amended by 1993 PA 45 and section 952 as


amended by 1993 PA 137, and by adding section 952b.




     Sec. 951. Every elective officer in the this state, except a


judicial officer, is subject to recall by the voters of the


electoral district in which the officer is elected as provided in


this chapter. A recall petition shall not be filed nor shall recall


petition signatures be collected against an officer until the


officer has actually performed the duties of the office to which


elected for a period of 6 months during the current term of that


office. A recall petition shall not be filed against an officer


during the last 6 months of the officer's term of office. An


officer sought to be recalled shall continue to perform the duties


of the his or her office until the result of the recall election is




     Sec. 952. (1) A petition for the recall of an officer shall


meet all of the following requirements:


     (a) Comply with section 544c(1) and (2).


     (b) Be printed.


     (c) State clearly each reason for the recall. Each reason for


the recall shall be based upon the officer's conduct during his or


her current term of office. The reason for the recall may be




     (d) Contain a certificate of the circulator. The certificate


of the circulator may be printed on the reverse side of the




     (e) Be in a form prescribed by the secretary of state.


     (2) Before being circulated, a petition for the recall of an


officer shall be submitted to the board of county election


commissioners of the county in which the officer whose recall is


sought resides. A filing fee of $50.00 shall be submitted with the


recall petition. The recall petition filing fee filed with the


board of county election commissioners under this subsection shall


be paid by that board of county election commissioners in its


proportionate share to the treasurer of each governmental unit


responsible for conducting the recall election. If the recall


petition filing fee is to be paid by the board of county election


commissioners to a governmental unit other than the county, the


board of county election commissioners shall withhold 10% of the


recall petition filing fee as an administrative fee.


     (3) The board of county election commissioners, not less than


10 days or more than 20 days after submission to it of a petition


for the recall of an officer, shall meet and shall determine


whether each reason for the recall stated in the petition is of


sufficient clarity to enable the officer whose recall is sought and


the electors to identify the course of conduct that is the basis


for the recall. Failure of the board of county election


commissioners to comply with this subsection shall constitute a


determination that each reason for the recall stated in the


petition is of sufficient clarity to enable the officer whose


recall is being sought and the electors to identify the course of


conduct that is the basis for the recall.


     (4) The board of county election commissioners, not later than


24 hours after receipt of a petition for the recall of an officer,


shall notify the officer whose recall is sought of each reason


stated in the recall petition and of the date of the meeting of the


board of county election commissioners to consider the clarity of


each reason.


     (5) The officer whose recall is sought and the sponsors of the


recall petition may appear at the meeting and present arguments on


the clarity of each reason.


     (6) The determination by the board of county election


commissioners may be appealed by the officer whose recall is sought


or by the sponsors of the recall petition drive to the circuit


court in the county. The appeal shall be filed not more than 10


days after the determination of the board of county election




     (7) A recall petition that is determined to be of sufficient


clarity under subsection (1) (3) or, if the determination under


subsection (1) (3) is appealed pursuant to subsection (6), a recall


petition that is determined by the circuit court to be of


sufficient clarity is valid for 180 90 days following the last


determination of sufficient clarity under this section. A recall


petition that is filed under section 959 or 960 after the 180-day


90-day period described in this subsection is not valid and shall


not be accepted pursuant to section 961. This subsection does not


prohibit a person from resubmitting a recall petition for a


determination of sufficient clarity under this section.


     Sec. 952b. (1) The reasons for recall that are determined to


be of sufficient clarity under section 952 shall be permanently


printed on each recall petition that is circulated for signatures.


     (2) A person shall not circulate a recall petition that does


not comply with subsection (1). Any signature collected on a recall


petition that does not comply with subsection (1) or any other


provision of this act shall not be counted.


     Sec. 957. (1) A person circulating a recall petition shall be


a qualified and registered elector in the electoral district of the


official sought to be recalled. and


     (2) A person circulating a recall petition shall attach


thereto his to the recall petition a certificate of the circulator


stating that he or she is a qualified and registered elector in the


electoral district of the official sought to be recalled and shall


state the city or the township wherein he resides and his post-


office address; further, that stating his or her city or township


and post office address. In addition, the certificate of the


circulator shall indicate all of the following:


     (a) That signatures appearing upon the recall petition were


not obtained through fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation. and that


     (b) That he or she has neither caused nor permitted a person


to sign the recall petition more than once and has no knowledge of


a person signing the recall petition more than once. ; that


     (c) That all signatures to the recall petition were affixed in


his or her presence. ; and that


     (d) That to the best of his or her knowledge, information, and


belief, the signers of the recall petition are qualified and


registered electors and that the signatures appearing thereon on


the recall petition are the genuine signatures of the persons of


whom they purport to be signing the recall petition.


     (3) A person who knowingly makes a false statement in the


certificate hereby required of the circulator is guilty of a


misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days or


a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both.