April 24, 2013, Introduced by Rep. Shirkey and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.


     A bill to amend 1956 PA 218, entitled


"The insurance code of 1956,"


by amending sections 102, 1201, 1238, and 1242 (MCL 500.102,


500.1201, 500.1238, and 500.1242), section 102 as amended by 2000


PA 252, section 1201 as amended by 2012 PA 462, section 1238 as


amended by 2012 PA 453, and section 1242 as amended by 2002 PA 32,


and by adding sections 1229, 1230, 1231, 1231a, and 1231b.




     Sec. 102. (1) "Commissioner" as used in this act means the


commissioner of the office of financial and insurance




     (2) "Department" as used in this act means the office of


financial and insurance services.department of insurance and


financial services.


     (3) "Director" as used in this act, unless the context clearly


implies a different meaning, means the director of the department


of insurance and financial services.


     Sec. 1201. As used in this chapter:


     (a) "Affordable care act" means the patient protection and


affordable care act, Public Law 111-148, as amended by the health


care and education reconciliation act of 2010, Public Law 111-152.


     (b) (a) "Agent" except as provided in section 1243 means an


insurance producer.


     (c) (b) "Business entity" means a corporation, association,


partnership, limited liability company, limited liability


partnership, or other legal entity.


     (d) "Exchange" means an American health benefits exchange


established or operating in this state pursuant to the affordable


care act.


     (e) (c) "Home state", except as provided in section 1224,


means the District of Columbia or any state or territory of the


United States in which an insurance producer maintains his or her


principal place of residence or principal place of business and is


licensed to act as an insurance producer.


     (f) (d) "Insurance" means any of the lines of authority in


chapter 6.


     (g) (e) "Insurance producer" means a person required to be


licensed under the laws of this state to sell, solicit, or


negotiate insurance.


     (h) (f) "License" means a document issued by this state's


commissioner the director authorizing a person to act as an


insurance producer or navigator for the qualifications specified in


the document. The license itself does not create any actual,


apparent, or inherent authority in the holder to represent or


commit an insurer.


     (i) (g) "Limited line credit insurance" includes credit life,


credit disability, credit property, credit unemployment,


involuntary unemployment, mortgage life, mortgage guaranty,


mortgage disability, guaranteed automobile protection insurance,


and any other form of insurance offered in connection with an


extension of credit that is limited to partially or wholly


extinguishing that credit obligation that the commissioner director


determines should be designated a form of limited line credit




     (j) (h) "Limited line credit insurance producer" means a


person who sells, solicits, or negotiates 1 or more forms of


limited line credit insurance coverage to individuals through a


master, corporate, group, or individual policy.


     (k) (i) "Limited lines insurance" means any of the following:


     (i) Marine insurance as defined in section 614.


     (ii) Credit insurance as described in section 624(1)(e).


     (iii) Surety and fidelity insurance as defined in section 628.


     (iv) Legal expense insurance as defined in section 618.


     (v) Livestock insurance as described in section 624(1)(g).


     (vi) Malpractice insurance as described in section 624(1)(h).


     (vii) Plate glass insurance as described in section 624(1)(c).


     (viii) Any other miscellaneous insurance described in section




     (ix) Any other line of insurance that the commissioner director


considers necessary to recognize to comply with section 1206a(5).


     (l) (j) "Limited lines producer" means a person authorized by


the commissioner director to sell, solicit, or negotiate limited


lines insurance.


     (m) "Navigator" means a person required to be licensed under


the laws of this state to perform any of the activities described


in 42 USC 18031(i).


     (n) (k) "Negotiate" means the act of conferring directly with


or offering advice directly to a purchaser or prospective purchaser


of a particular contract of insurance concerning any of the


substantive benefits, terms, or conditions of the contract,


provided that the person engaged in that act either sells insurance


or obtains insurance from insurers for purchasers.


     (o) (l) "Sell" means to exchange a contract of insurance by any


means, for money or its equivalent, on behalf of an insurance




     (p) (m) "Solicit" means attempting to sell insurance or asking


or urging a person to apply for a particular kind of insurance from


a particular company.


     (q) (n) "Terminate" means the cancellation of the relationship


between an insurance producer and the insurer or the termination of


a producer's authority to transact insurance.


     Sec. 1229. (1) An individual shall not act as a navigator or


hold himself or herself out to the public as a navigator unless he


or she is licensed as a navigator.


     (2) Unless licensed as a navigator, an individual shall not


receive funding from an exchange.


     (3) A navigator may do all of the following:


     (a) Conduct public education activities to raise awareness of


the availability of qualified health plans.


     (b) Distribute fair and impartial general information


concerning enrollment in all qualified health plans offered within


the exchange and the availability of the premium tax credits under


section 36B of the internal revenue code of 1986, 26 USC 36B, and


cost-sharing reduction under section 1402 of the affordable care




     (c) Facilitate enrollment in qualified health plans, without


suggesting that an individual select a particular plan.


     (d) Provide referrals to appropriate state agencies for an


enrollee with a grievance, complaint, or question regarding the


enrollee's health plan, coverage, or a determination under such


plan coverage.


     (e) Provide information in a manner that is culturally and


linguistically appropriate to the needs of the population served by


the exchange.


     (4) A navigator shall not do any of the following:


     (a) Sell, solicit, or negotiate health insurance.


     (b) Provide advice concerning the benefits, terms, and


features of a particular health plan or offer advice about which


health plan is better or worse for a particular individual or




     (c) Recommend a particular health plan or advise consumers


about which health plan to choose.


     (d) Provide any information or services related to health


benefit plans or other products not offered in the exchange.


     (5) If an exchange is established or operating in this state,


the director shall do all of the following:


     (a) Establish a licensing and training program for a


prospective navigator. The licensing and training program shall


include, but is not limited to, training on compliance with the


health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996, Public


Law 104-191, or regulations promulgated under that act, training on


ethics, and training on provisions of the affordable care act


relating to navigators.


     (b) Develop an application and disclosure form by which a


navigator may disclose any potential conflicts of interest, as well


as any other information required by the director.


     Sec. 1230. (1) An individual applying for a navigator license


shall file with the director the uniform application required by


the director and shall declare under penalty of refusal,


suspension, or revocation of the license that the statements made


in the application are true, correct, and complete to the best of


the individual's knowledge and belief. An application for a


navigator's license shall not be approved unless the director finds


that the individual meets all of the following:


     (a) Is at least 18 years of age.


     (b) Has not committed any act listed that would be a ground


for denial, suspension, or revocation of an insurance producer's


license in section 1239(1).


     (c) As required under section 1229, has completed a


prelicensing course of study for the qualifications for which the


person has applied.


     (d) Has paid the fees required by the director.


     (e) Has successfully passed the examination required for each


qualification for which the person has applied.


     (2) A business entity acting as a navigator shall obtain a


navigator license. A business entity applying for a navigator


license shall file with the director the uniform business entity


application required by the director. An application for a


navigator license under this subsection shall not be approved


unless the director finds all of the following:


     (a) The business entity has paid the fees required by the




     (b) The business entity has designated an individual licensed


navigator responsible for the business entity's compliance with


this state's insurance laws, rules, and regulations.


     (c) The business entity has not committed any act listed in


section 1239(1).


     (3) The director may require the production of any documents


reasonably necessary to verify the information contained in an




     Sec. 1231. (1) In addition to any other powers under this act,


the director may place on probation, suspend, or revoke a


navigator's license or may levy a civil fine under section 1244 or


any combination of actions, and the director shall refuse to issue


a navigator license under section 1230, for any 1 or more causes


that would be a ground for refusal, suspension, or revocation of an


insurance producer's license under section 1239. Beginning October


1, 2013, the director shall revoke a navigator license of any


person or refuse to issue a navigator license for a person that


receives financial compensation, including monetary and in-kind


compensation, gifts, or grants from an insurer offering qualified


health benefits through an exchange operating in this state. The


director may deny, suspend, approve, renew, or revoke the license


of a navigator if the director considers it necessary to protect


insureds and the public.


     (2) Before the director denies an application for a navigator


license under section 1230, the director shall notify in writing


the applicant or licensee of the denial and of the reason for the


denial. Not later than 30 days after this written denial, the


applicant or licensee may make written demand upon the director for


a hearing before the director to determine the reasonableness of


the director's action. A hearing under this subsection shall be


held pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA


306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.


     (3) The navigator license of a business entity may be


suspended, revoked, or refused if the director finds, after


hearing, that an individual navigator's violation was known or


should have been known by 1 or more of the partners, officers, or


managers acting on behalf of the business entity and the violation


was neither reported to the director nor corrective action taken.


     (4) The director may examine the books and records of a


navigator to determine whether the navigator is conducting its


business in accordance with this chapter. For the purpose of


facilitating the examination, the navigator shall allow the


director free access, at reasonable times, to all of the


navigator's books and records relating to transactions to which


this chapter applies.


     Sec. 1231a. A business entity licensed as a navigator shall,


in a manner prescribed by the director, make available a list of


all individual navigators that the business entity employs or


supervises or with which the business entity is otherwise




     Sec. 1231b. A business entity that terminates the employment,


engagement, affiliation, or other relationship with an individual


navigator shall notify the director using a format prescribed by


the director of the termination within 30 days following the


effective date of the termination if the reason for termination is


1 of the reasons listed in section 1239 or the business entity has


knowledge the individual navigator was found by a court or


government body to have engaged in any of the activities listed in


section 1239.


     Sec. 1238. (1) When applying for a license to act as an agent,


solicitor, counselor, or adjuster, or navigator, the applicant


shall report his or her mailing and electronic mail address to the


commissioner. director. An agent, solicitor, counselor, or


adjuster, or navigator shall notify the commissioner director of


any change in his or her mailing or electronic mail address within


30 days after the change. The commissioner director shall maintain


the mailing and electronic mail address of each agent, solicitor,


counselor, or adjuster, or navigator on file.


     (2) A notice of hearing or service of process may be served


upon an agent, solicitor, counselor, or adjuster, or navigator in


any action or proceeding for a violation of this act by mailing the


notice or process by first class mail to the agent's, solicitor's,


counselor's, or adjuster's, or navigator's mailing address reported


to the commissioner director under subsection (1).


     Sec. 1242. (1) The commissioner director shall refuse to grant


a license to act as a solicitor, an insurance counselor, or an


adjuster, or a navigator to an applicant who fails to meet the


requirements of this chapter. Notice of the refusal shall be in


writing and shall set forth the basis for the refusal. If the


applicant submits a written request within 30 days after mailing of


the notice of refusal, the commissioner director shall promptly


conduct a hearing in which the applicant shall be given an


opportunity to show compliance with the requirements of this




     (2) The commissioner, director, after notice and opportunity


for a hearing, may suspend or revoke the license of a solicitor,


insurance counselor, or adjuster, or navigator who fails to


maintain the standards required for initial licensing or who


violates any provision of this act.


     (3) After notice and opportunity for a hearing, the


commissioner director may refuse to grant or renew a license to act


as a solicitor, adjuster, or insurance counselor if he or she


determines by a preponderance of the evidence, that it is probable


that the business or primary occupation of the applicant will give


rise to coercion, indirect rebating of commissions, or other


practices in the sale of insurance that are prohibited by law.


     (4) Without prior hearing, the commissioner director may order


summary suspension of a license if he or she finds that protection


of the public requires emergency action and incorporates this


finding in his or her order. The suspension shall be effective on


the date specified in the order or upon service of a certified copy


of the order on the licensee, whichever is later. If requested, the


commissioner director shall conduct a hearing on the suspension


within a reasonable time but not later than 20 days after the


effective date of the summary suspension unless the person whose


license is suspended requests a later date. At the hearing, the


commissioner director shall determine if the suspension should be


continued or if the suspension should be withdrawn, and, if proper


notice is given, may determine if the license should be revoked.


The commissioner director shall announce his or her decision within


30 days after conclusion of the hearing. The suspension shall


continue until the decision is announced.


     (5) The commissioner, director, or his or her designated


deputy, may issue subpoenas to require the attendance and testimony


of witnesses and the production of documents necessary to the


conduct of the hearing and may designate an office of financial and


insurance services a department employee to make service. The


subpoenas issued by the commissioner, director, or his or her


designated deputy, may be enforced upon petition to the circuit


court of Ingham county to show cause why a contempt order should


not be issued, as provided by law.


     Enacting section 1. (1) This amendatory act does not do any of


the following:


     (a) Authorize or be construed to authorize the establishment


or operation of an American health benefit exchange in this state


pursuant to the patient protection and affordable care act, Public


Law 111-148, as amended by the health care and education


reconciliation act of 2010, Public Law 111-152.


     (b) Authorize this state or an agency of this state to conduct


or oversee state-level governmental consumer assistance functions


for an American health benefit exchange established or operating in


this state pursuant to the patient protection and affordable care


act, Public Law 111-148, as amended by the health care and


education reconciliation act of 2010, Public Law 111-152.


     (c) Convey any administrative, statutory, rule-making, or


other power to this state or an agency of this state to authorize,


establish, or operate an American health benefit exchange in this


state that did not exist before the effective date of this


amendatory act.


     (2) It is the intent of this legislature that any consumer


assistance functions by or overseen by this state or an agency of


this state with regard to an American health benefit exchange shall


be conducted in a manner that utilizes and highlights Michigan-


based resources, including insurance producers, in order to best


serve the residents of this state and to ensure appropriate health


care decisions.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act applies to policies,


certificates, or contracts delivered, issued for delivery, or


renewed in this state on and after the effective date of this


amendatory act.