April 24, 2013, Introduced by Rep. Walsh and referred to the Committee on Elections and Ethics.
A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled
"The revised school code,"
by amending section 705 (MCL 380.705), as amended by 2003 PA 299.
Sec. 705. (1) Beginning in 1997, and in each year after 1997,
a regional enhancement property tax may be levied by an
intermediate school district at a rate not to exceed 3 mills to
enhance other state and local funding for local school district
operations if approved by a majority of the intermediate school
electors voting on the question.
(2) If a resolution requesting that the question of a regional
property tax be submitted to the voters intermediate
school electors is adopted within a 180-day period and transmitted
to the intermediate school board by 1 or more boards of its
constituent school districts representing a majority of the
combined membership of the constituent school districts as of the
most recent pupil membership count day and if those resolutions all
contain an identical specified number of mills to be levied under
this section and an identical specified number of years for which
the tax shall be levied, the question of levying a regional
enhancement property tax by the intermediate school district shall
be placed on the ballot by the intermediate school district at the
next regular school election held in each of the constituent
If the question is to be submitted to the intermediate
electors of an intermediate school district having a
of more than 1,400,000, the intermediate school board
call a special election to be held at the next state primary
general election. If the resolution
requirement is met more than
180 days before the next regular school district elections, and if
requested in the resolutions, the intermediate school board shall
submit the question of levying a regional enhancement property tax
within the intermediate school district on the ballot at a special
election called by the intermediate school board for that purpose
not earlier than 90 days after the resolution requirements are met.
(3) Not later than 10 days after receipt by the intermediate
school district of the revenue from the regional enhancement
property tax, the intermediate school district shall calculate and
pay to each of its constituent school districts an amount of the
revenue calculated by dividing the total amount of the revenue by
the combined membership of the constituent school districts within
the intermediate district, as of the most recent pupil membership
count day, and multiplying that quotient by the constituent school
district's membership, as of the most recent pupil membership count
day for which a final department-audited pupil count is available.
(4) Regional enhancement property tax under this section may
be levied for a term not to exceed 20 years, as specified in the
ballot question, and may be renewed for the same term with the
approval of a majority of the intermediate school electors voting
on the question.
(5) The question of levying a regional enhancement property
tax under this section shall be presented to the intermediate
school electors as a separate question.