September 24, 2015, Introduced by Rep. Phelps and referred to the Committee on Tax Policy.


     A bill to amend 1893 PA 206, entitled


"The general property tax act,"


by amending section 78a (MCL 211.78a), as amended by 2014 PA 499.




     Sec. 78a. (1) For taxes levied after December 31, 1998, all


property returned for delinquent taxes, and upon which taxes,


interest, penalties, and fees remain unpaid after the property is


returned as delinquent to the county treasurers of this state under


this act, is subject to forfeiture, foreclosure, and sale for the


enforcement and collection of the delinquent taxes as provided in


section 78, this section, and sections 78b to 79a. As used in


section 78, this section, and sections 78b to 79a, "taxes" includes


interest, penalties, and fees imposed before the taxes become


delinquent and unpaid special assessments or other assessments that


are due and payable up to and including the date of the foreclosure


hearing under section 78k.


     (2) On March 1 4 in each year, taxes levied in the immediately


preceding year that remain unpaid shall be returned as delinquent


for collection. However, if the last day in a year that taxes are


due and payable before being returned as delinquent is on a


Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the last day taxes are due and


payable before being returned as delinquent is on the next business


day and taxes levied in the immediately preceding year that remain


unpaid shall be returned as delinquent on the immediately


succeeding business day. If unpaid taxes returned as delinquent


remain unpaid after March 31 of the same year that they were


returned as delinquent, those taxes shall, for purposes of section


78, this section, and sections 78b to 79a, be treated as having


been returned as delinquent on March 1 of that year. Except as


otherwise provided in section 79 for certified abandoned property,


property delinquent for taxes levied in the second year preceding


the forfeiture under section 78g or in a prior year to which this


section applies shall be forfeited to the county treasurer for the


total of the unpaid taxes, interest, penalties, and fees for those


years as provided under section 78g.


     (3) A county property tax administration fee of 4% and, except


as provided in section 78g(3)(c), interest computed at a


noncompounded rate of 1% per month or fraction of a month on the


taxes that were originally returned as delinquent, computed from


the date that the taxes originally became delinquent, shall be


added to property returned as delinquent under this section. A


county property tax administration fee provided for under this


subsection shall not be less than $1.00.


     (4) Any person with an unrecorded property interest or any


other person who wishes at any time to receive notice of the return


of delinquent taxes on a parcel of property may pay an annual fee


not to exceed $5.00 by February 1 to the county treasurer and


specify the parcel identification number, the address of the


property, and the address to which the notice shall be sent.


Holders of any undischarged mortgages wishing to receive notice of


the return of delinquent taxes on a parcel or parcels of property


may provide a list of such parcels in a form prescribed by the


county treasurer and pay an annual fee not to exceed $1.00 per


parcel to the county treasurer and specify for each parcel the


parcel identification number, the address of the property, and the


address to which the notice should be sent. The county treasurer


shall notify the person or holders of undischarged mortgages if


delinquent taxes on the property or properties are returned within


that year.


     (5) Notwithstanding any charter provision to the contrary, the


governing body of a local governmental unit that collects


delinquent taxes may establish for any property, by ordinance,


procedures for the collection of delinquent taxes and the


enforcement of tax liens and the schedule for the forfeiture or


foreclosure of delinquent tax liens. The procedures and schedule


established by ordinance shall conform at a minimum to those


procedures and schedules established under sections 78a to 78l,


except that those taxes subject to a payment plan approved by the


treasurer of the local governmental unit as of July 1, 1999 shall


not be considered delinquent if payments are not delinquent under


that payment plan.