May 19, 2009, Introduced by Reps. Ball, Donigan, Bauer, Kandrevas, Gonzales, Polidori, LeBlanc, Geiss, Lahti, Wayne Schmidt, Melton, Byrnes and Dean and referred to the Committee on Transportation.


     A bill to amend 1951 PA 51, entitled


"An act to provide for the classification of all public roads,

streets, and highways in this state, and for the revision of that

classification and for additions to and deletions from each

classification; to set up and establish the Michigan transportation

fund; to provide for the deposits in the Michigan transportation

fund of specific taxes on motor vehicles and motor vehicle fuels;

to provide for the allocation of funds from the Michigan

transportation fund and the use and administration of the fund for

transportation purposes; to set up and establish the truck safety

fund; to provide for the allocation of funds from the truck safety

fund and administration of the fund for truck safety purposes; to

set up and establish the Michigan truck safety commission; to

establish certain standards for road contracts for certain

businesses; to provide for the continuing review of transportation

needs within the state; to authorize the state transportation

commission, counties, cities, and villages to borrow money, issue

bonds, and make pledges of funds for transportation purposes; to

authorize counties to advance funds for the payment of deficiencies

necessary for the payment of bonds issued under this act; to

provide for the limitations, payment, retirement, and security of

the bonds and pledges; to provide for appropriations and tax levies

by counties and townships for county roads; to authorize

contributions by townships for county roads; to provide for the

establishment and administration of the state trunk line fund,

local bridge fund, comprehensive transportation fund, and certain

other funds; to provide for the deposits in the state trunk line

fund, critical bridge fund, comprehensive transportation fund, and

certain other funds of money raised by specific taxes and fees; to

provide for definitions of public transportation functions and

criteria; to define the purposes for which Michigan transportation

funds may be allocated; to provide for Michigan transportation fund

grants; to provide for review and approval of transportation

programs; to provide for submission of annual legislative requests

and reports; to provide for the establishment and functions of

certain advisory entities; to provide for conditions for grants; to

provide for the issuance of bonds and notes for transportation

purposes; to provide for the powers and duties of certain state and

local agencies and officials; to provide for the making of loans

for transportation purposes by the state transportation department

and for the receipt and repayment by local units and agencies of

those loans from certain specified sources; and to repeal acts and

parts of acts,"


by amending section 9a (MCL 247.659a), as amended by 2007 PA 199.




     Sec. 9a. (1) As used in this section:


     (a) "Asset management" means an ongoing process of


maintaining, upgrading, and operating physical assets cost-


effectively, based on a continuous physical inventory and condition




     (b) "Bridge" means a structure including supports erected over


a depression or an obstruction, such as water, a highway, or a


railway, for the purposes of carrying traffic or other moving


loads, and having an opening measuring along the center of the


roadway of more than 20 feet between undercopings of abutments or


spring lines of arches, or extreme ends of openings for multiple


boxes where the clear distance between openings is less than 1/2 of


the smaller contiguous opening.


     (c) "Central storage data agency" means that agency or office


chosen by the council where the data collected is stored and




     (d) "Council" means the transportation asset management


council created by this section.


     (e) "County road commission" means the board of county road


commissioners elected or appointed pursuant to section 6 of chapter


IV of 1909 PA 283, MCL 224.6, or, in the case of a charter county


with a population of 2,000,000 or more with an elected county


executive that does not have a board of county road commissioners,


the county executive for ministerial functions and the county


commission provided for in section 14(1)(d) of 1966 PA 293, MCL


45.514, for legislative functions.


     (f) "Department" means the state transportation department.


     (g) "Federal-aid eligible" means any public road or bridge


that is eligible for federal aid to be spent for the construction,


repair, or maintenance of that road or bridge.


     (h) "Local road agency" means a county road commission or


designated county road agency or city or village that is


responsible for the construction or maintenance of public roads


within the state under this act.


     (i) "Multiyear program" means a compilation of road and bridge


projects anticipated to be contracted for by the department or a


local road agency during a 3-year period. The multiyear program


shall include a listing of each project to be funded in whole or in


part with state or federal funds.


     (j) "State planning and development regions" means those


agencies required by section 134(b) of title 23 of the United


States Code, 23 USC 134, and those agencies established by


Executive Directive 1968-1.


     (k) "Transit agency" means a recipient of comprehensive


transportation funds under section 10e(4)(a) of this act.


     (l) "Transit asset" means all rolling stock, all facilities


with value over $25,000.00, and all equipment with replacement


value over $100,000.00.


     (2) In order to provide a coordinated, unified effort by the


various roadway agencies within the state, the transportation asset


management council is hereby created within the state


transportation commission and is charged with advising the


commission on a statewide asset management strategy and the


processes and necessary tools needed to implement such a strategy


beginning with the federal-aid eligible highway system, and once


completed, continuing on with the county road and municipal


systems, in a cost-effective, efficient manner. Nothing in this


section shall prohibit a local road agency from using an asset


management process on its non-federal-aid eligible system. The


council shall consist of 10 voting members appointed by the state


transportation commission. The council shall include 2 members from


the county road association of Michigan, 2 members from the


Michigan municipal league, 2 members from the state planning and


development regions, 1 member from the Michigan townships


association, 1 member from the Michigan association of counties,


and 2 members from the department. Nonvoting members shall include


1 person from the agency or office selected as the location for


central data storage. Each agency with voting rights shall submit a


list of 2 nominees to the state transportation commission from


which the appointments shall be made. The Michigan townships


association shall submit 1 name, and the Michigan association of


counties shall submit 1 name. Names shall be submitted within 30


days after the effective date of the 2002 amendatory act that


amended this section. The state transportation commission shall


make the appointments within 30 days after receipt of the lists.


     (3) The positions for the department shall be permanent. The


position of the central data storage agency shall be nonvoting and


shall be for as long as the agency continues to serve as the data


storage repository. The member from the Michigan association of


counties shall be initially appointed for 2 years. The member from


the Michigan townships association shall be initially appointed for


3 years. Of the members first appointed from the county road


association of Michigan, the Michigan municipal league, and the


state planning and development regions, 1 member of each group


shall be appointed for 2 years and 1 member of each group shall be


appointed for 3 years. At the end of the initial appointment, all


terms shall be for 3 years. The chairperson shall be selected from


among the voting members of the council.


     (4) The department shall provide qualified administrative


staff and the state planning and development regions shall provide


qualified technical assistance to the council.


     (5) The council shall develop and present to the state


transportation commission for approval within 90 days after the


date of the first meeting such procedures and requirements as are


necessary for the administration of the asset management process.


This shall, at a minimum, include the areas of training, data


storage and collection, reporting, development of a multiyear


program, budgeting and funding, and other issues related to asset


management that may arise from time to time. All quality control


standards and protocols shall, at a minimum, be consistent with any


existing federal requirements and regulations and existing


government accounting standards.


     (6) The council may appoint a technical advisory panel whose


members shall be representatives from the transportation


construction associations and related transportation road


interests. The asset management council shall select members to the


technical advisory panel from names submitted by the transportation


construction associations and related transportation road


interests. The technical advisory panel members shall be appointed


for 3 years. The asset management council shall determine the


research issues and assign projects to the technical advisory panel


to assist in the development of statewide policies. The technical


advisory panel's recommendations shall be advisory only and not


binding on the asset management council.


     (7) The department, each county road commission, and each city


and village of this state shall annually submit a report to the


transportation asset management council. This report shall include


a multiyear program developed through the asset management process


described in this section. Projects contained in the department's


annual multiyear program shall be consistent with the department's


asset management process and shall be reported consistent with


categories established by the transportation asset management


council. Projects contained in the annual multiyear program of each


local road agency shall be consistent with the asset management


process of each local road agency and shall be reported consistent


with categories established by the transportation asset management




     (8) Funding necessary to support the activities described in


this section shall be provided by an annual appropriation from the


Michigan transportation fund to the state transportation




     (9) The department and each local road agency shall keep


accurate and uniform records on all road and bridge work performed


and funds expended for the purposes of this section, according to


the procedures developed by the council. Each local road agency and


the department shall annually report to the council the mileage and


condition of the road and bridge system under their jurisdiction


and the receipts and disbursements of road and street funds in the


manner prescribed by the council, which shall be consistent with


any current accounting procedures. An annual report shall be


prepared by the staff assigned to the council regarding the results


of activities conducted during the preceding year and the


expenditure of funds related to the processes and activities


identified by the council. The report shall also include an


overview of the activities identified for the succeeding year. The


council shall submit this report to the state transportation


commission, the legislature, and the transportation committees of


the house and senate by May 2 of each year.


     (10) A transit asset management committee shall be established


in the state transportation commission. The committee shall receive


guidance and technical assistance from the council, yet shall


operate independently of the council. The committee shall consist


of 12 voting members appointed by the state transportation


commission. The committee shall include 3 members from the Michigan


public transit association. Of the members from the Michigan public


transit association, 1 shall be from a large transit agency that


serves a population of over 200,000, 1 shall be from a small urban


transit agency that serves a population of over 50,000 and under


200,000, and 1 shall be from a nonurban transit agency that serves


a population of under 50,000. Two members shall be from the


Michigan association of transportation systems. Of the members from


the Michigan association of transportation systems, 1 shall be from


a small urban transit agency and 1 shall be from a nonurban transit


agency. Two members shall be from the department. Two members shall


be from the state planning and development regions, and 1 member


from each of the following: Michigan municipal league, Michigan


association of counties, and Michigan township association. Each


agency shall submit a list of nominees equal to twice the number of


membership positions to the state transportation commission from


which the appointments shall be made. Names shall be submitted


within 90 days after the effective date of the amendatory act that


added this subsection. The state transportation commission shall


make the appointments within 90 days after receipt of the lists.


The transit asset management program shall provide a framework for


an individual transit agency to attempt to ensure that a


disproportionate fraction of its assets do not become due for


replacement or major repair at the same time and that no single


asset deteriorates into disrepair. The transit asset management


program shall strive to collect, tabulate, and analyze data in


sufficient detail to enable each transit agency or authority to


know the true state of repair of the assets under its control and


the department to know the condition of transit assets statewide.


Data shall be collected at intervals or from samples determined to


be the most cost-effective. The council shall provide the committee


with the technical guidance and training needed to conduct asset


management in accordance with this section.


     (11) The Michigan public transit association and Michigan


association of transit systems members shall be either a transit


CEO or transit board member. The members from the Michigan


association of counties, Michigan municipal league, and Michigan


townships association shall be initially appointed for 3 years. Of


the members first appointed from the Michigan public transit


association, the Michigan association of transit systems, and the


state planning and development regions, 50% of the members of each


group shall be appointed for 2 years and 50% shall be appointed for


3 years. At the end of the initial appointment, all terms shall be


for 3 years. The chairperson shall be selected from among the


voting members of the committee. The positions for the department


shall be permanent. The department shall serve as the central data


storage agency and shall have a nonvoting member, in addition to


the 2 voting members.


     (12) The department shall provide qualified administrative


staff and state planning and development regions shall provide


qualified technical assistance to the committee. The committee


shall develop and oversee an asset management program for the


Michigan transit system.


     (13) The committee, with assistance from the council, shall


develop and submit all of the following items to the state


transportation commission for review and approval:


     (a) A framework for a transit agency asset management plan. To


the maximum degree possible, data needed for the plan should take


advantage of existing federal transit administration and department


reporting requirements and existing government accounting




     (b) A draft plan for training, data storage and collection,


reporting, budgeting, and funding.


     (c) A framework for measuring the condition of transit assets.


To the maximum degree possible, data needed for condition


measurement should take advantage of existing federal transit


administration and department reporting requirements and existing


government accounting standards.


     (14) The committee shall establish a deadline by which each


transit agency shall submit an asset management plan to the


committee and the department. The dates established by the


committee shall be reviewed and approved by the state


transportation commission. For each plan submitted, the department


shall review the plan and provide its comments to the committee.


The committee may conduct meetings to review plans with each


submitting agency and may request revisions to the plan. When the


committee is satisfied with each plan, it shall certify the plan.


On an annual basis, the committee shall report progress to the


state transportation commission on the status of plan review and




     (15) Each transit agency shall keep accurate and uniform


records on implementation of its plan, including all capital and


preventative maintenance investments. By a date established by the


committee, each agency shall submit an annual report that includes


an inventory of its assets and an accounting of the capital and


preventative maintenance investments made in the preceding year.


The committee shall also establish a date by which the annual


report shall also include the condition of each asset under the


transit agency's control using the framework established by the


committee in subsection (13). The dates established by the


committee shall be reviewed and approved by the state


transportation commission.


     (16) The committee shall establish a date by which the


department shall begin submitting an annual report that provides a


statewide summary of the condition of transit assets. The date


established by the committee shall be reviewed and approved by the


state transportation commission. Each annual report shall be


approved by the committee and submitted to the state transportation




     (17) Compliance with the requirements of this section is an


eligible expense under section 10e(4)(a) of this act.


     (18) The department may withhold comprehensive transportation


fund payments provided for under section 10e(4)(a) for a transit


agency's failure to comply with this section including reporting


requirements established by the committee.