February 2, 2016, Introduced by Reps. Cole, Aaron Miller, Hooker, Johnson, Glenn and Kelly and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


      A bill to amend 1927 PA 175, entitled


"The code of criminal procedure,"


by amending section 12 of chapter II and section 16m of chapter


XVII (MCL 762.12 and 777.16m), section 12 of chapter II as


amended by 2015 PA 32 and section 16m of chapter XVII as amended


by 2014 PA 192.




 1                            CHAPTER II


 2        Sec. 12. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the court of record


 3  having jurisdiction over the criminal offense referred to in


 4  section 11 of this chapter may, at any time, terminate its


 5  consideration of the individual as a youthful trainee or, once


 6  having assigned the individual to the status of a youthful


 7  trainee, may at its discretion revoke that status any time before


 8  the individual's final release.


 1        (2) If the court assigns an individual to youthful trainee


 2  status, the court shall revoke that status if the individual


 3  pleads guilty to or is convicted of any of the following during


 4  the period of assignment:


 5        (a) A felony for which the maximum penalty is imprisonment


 6  for life.


 7        (b) A major controlled substance offense.


 8        (c) A violation, attempted violation, or conspiracy to


 9  violate section 82, 84, 88, 110a, 224f, 226, 227, 227a, 227b,


10  520b, 520c, 520d, 520e, 529a, or 530 of the Michigan penal code,


11  1931 PA 328, MCL 750.82, 750.84, 750.88, 750.110a, 750.224f,


12  750.226, 750.227, 750.227a, 750.227b, 750.520b, 750.520c,


13  750.520d, 750.520e, 750.529a, and 750.530, other than section


14  520d(1)(a) or 520e(1)(a) of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328,


15  MCL 750.520d and 750.520e.


16        (d) A violation, attempted violation, or conspiracy to


17  violate section 520g of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL


18  750.520g, with the intent to commit a violation of section 520b,


19  520c, 520d, or 520e of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL


20  750.520b, 750.520c, 750.520d, and 750.520e, other than section


21  520d(1)(a) or 520e(1)(a) of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328,


22  MCL 750.520d and 750.520e.


23        (e) A firearm offense. As used in this subdivision, "firearm


24  offense" means a crime involving a firearm as that term is


25  defined in section 1 of 1927 PA 372, MCL 28.421, whether or not


26  the possession, use, transportation, or concealment of a firearm


27  is an element of the crime.


 1        (3) If an individual who is required to be registered under


 2  the sex offenders registration act, 1994 PA 295, MCL 28.721 to


 3  28.736, willfully violates that act, the court shall revoke the


 4  individual's status as a youthful trainee. Upon termination of


 5  consideration or revocation of status as a youthful trainee, the


 6  court may enter an adjudication of guilt and proceed as provided


 7  by law. If the status of youthful trainee is revoked, an


 8  adjudication of guilt is entered, and a sentence is imposed, the


 9  court in imposing sentence shall specifically grant credit


10  against the sentence for time served as a youthful trainee in an


11  institutional facility of the department of corrections or in a


12  county jail.


13                          CHAPTER XVII


14        Sec. 16m. This chapter applies to the following felonies


15  enumerated in chapter 750 of the Michigan Compiled Laws:



16 M.C.L.             Category  Class  Description             Stat Max

17 750.223(2)         Pub saf   F      Sale of firearm to minor — subsequent offense               4

18 750.223(3)         Pub ord   D      Sale of firearm to person prohibited from possessing            10

19 750.224            Pub saf   E      Manufacture or sale of silencer, bomb, blackjack, automatic weapon, gas spray, etc.                   5

20 750.224a(4)        Pub saf   F      Possession or sale of electrical current weapons               4

21 750.224a(6)        Pub saf   G      Improper use of electro-muscular disruption device                2

750.224b           Pub saf   E      Possession of short barreled shotgun or rifle                 5

750.224c           Pub saf   F      Armor piercing ammunition   4

750.224d(2)        Person    G      Using self-defense spray device       2

750.224e           Pub saf   F      Manufacture/sale/possession of devices to convert semiautomatic weapons   4

750.224f(5)        Pub saf   E      Possession or sale of firearm by felon   5

750.224f(6)        Pub saf   E      Possession or sale of ammunition by felon   5

750.226            Pub saf   E      Carrying firearm or dangerous weapon with unlawful intent       5

750.227            Pub saf   E      Carrying a concealed weapon 5

750.227a           Pub saf   F      Unlawful possession of pistol         4

10 750.227c           Pub saf   G      Possessing a loaded firearm in or upon a vehicle               2

11 750.227f           Pub saf   F      Wearing body armor during commission of certain crimes        4

12 750.227g(1)        Pub saf   F      Felon purchasing, owning, possessing, or using body armor      4

13 750.230            Pub saf   G      Altering ID mark on firearm 2

14 750.232a(3)        Pub saf   G      False statement in a pistol application   4

15 750.234a(1)(a)     Pub saf   D      Discharging firearm from vehicle      10

16 750.234a(1)(b)     Person    C      Discharging firearm from vehicle causing physical injury       15

17 750.234a(1)(c)     Person    B      Discharging firearm from vehicle causing serious impairment    20

750.234a(1)(d)     Person    A      Discharging firearm from vehicle causing death                 Life

750.234b(1)        Pub saf   D      Discharging firearm at a dwelling or potentially occupied structure  10

750.234b(2)        Pub saf   D      Discharging firearm in a dwelling or potentially occupied structure  10

750.234b(3)        Pub saf   C      Discharging firearm in or at a dwelling or potentially occupied structure causing physical injury         15

750.234b(4)        Person    B      Discharging firearm in or at a dwelling or potentially occupied structure causing serious impairment      20

750.234b(5)        Person    A      Discharging firearm in or at a dwelling or potentially occupied structure causing death                   Life

750.234c           Pub saf   F      Discharging firearm at emergency/police vehicle               4

750.236            Person    C      Setting spring gun — death resulting  15

750.237(3)         Person    E      Using firearm while under the influence or impaired causing serious impairment    5

10 750.237(4)         Person    C      Using firearm while under the influence or impaired causing death          15



11        Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


12  unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 5301 (request no.


 1  04120'15 *) of the 98th Legislature is enacted into law.