April 24, 2012, Introduced by Reps. Rogers, Denby, Pscholka, Ouimet and Hughes and referred to the Committee on Local, Intergovernmental, and Regional Affairs.


     A bill to amend 1985 PA 227, entitled


"Shared credit rating act,"


by amending sections 3, 7, 8, and 13 (MCL 141.1053, 141.1057,


141.1058, and 141.1063), sections 3, 7, and 8 as amended by 2005 PA


93 and section 13 as amended by 1997 PA 27.




     Sec. 3. As used in this act:


     (a) "Authority" means the Michigan municipal bond finance


authority created in section Executive Reorganization Order


No. 2010-2, MCL 12.194.


     (b) "Board" means the board of trustees directors of the


authority. established in section 5.


     (c) "Bonds" means bonds of the authority issued under this act


with a maturity greater than 3 years.


     (d) "Capitalization grant" means the federal grant made to


this state by the United States environmental protection agency for


either of the following purposes:


     (i) For the purpose of establishing a state water pollution


control revolving fund, as provided in title VI of the federal


water pollution control act, 33 USC 1381 to 1387.


     (ii) For the purpose of establishing a state drinking water


revolving fund, as provided in section 1452 of the public health


service act, 42 USC 300j-12.


     (e) "Community water supply" means a community water supply as


defined in part 54 of the natural resources and environmental


protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.5401 to 324.5418.


     (f) "Emergency loan board loan" means a loan made by the state


of Michigan to a governmental unit pursuant to the emergency


municipal loan act, 1980 PA 243, MCL 141.931 to 141.942.


     (g) (f) "Federal safe drinking water act" means title XIV of


the public health service act, chapter 373, 88 Stat. 1660.


     (h) (g) "Federal water pollution control act" means 33 USC


1251 to 1387.


     (i) (h) "Fully marketable form" means a municipal obligation


duly executed and accompanied by all of the following:


     (i) An approving legal opinion of a bond counsel approved by


the authority and of nationally recognized standing in the field of


municipal law.


     (ii) Closing documents in a form and substance satisfactory to


the authority. The executed municipal obligation need not be


printed or lithographed nor be in more than 1 denomination.


     (iii) Evidence that the pledge for payment of the municipal


obligation will be sufficient to pay the principal of and interest


on the municipal obligation when due.


     (iv) For purposes of a project funded under section 16a, an


order of approval issued by the department of environmental quality


under part 53 of the natural resources and environmental protection


act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.5301 to 324.5316 324.5317. The order


shall state that the project proposed by the governmental unit has


been approved for assistance by the department of environmental




     (v) For purposes of a community water supply or a noncommunity


water supply funded under section 16b, an order of approval issued


by the department of environmental quality under part 54 of the


natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451,


MCL 324.5401 to 324.5418. The order shall state that the community


water supply or the noncommunity water supply proposed by the


governmental unit has been approved for assistance by the


department of environmental quality.


     (j) (i) "Governmental unit" means this state, a county, city,


township, village, school district, intermediate school district,


community college, public university, authority, district, any


other body corporate and politic or other political subdivision,


any agency or instrumentality of the foregoing, or any group self-


insurance pool formed pursuant to 1951 PA 35, MCL 124.1 to 124.13.


For purposes of a project funded under section 16a, governmental


unit includes an Indian tribe that has jurisdiction over


construction and operation of a project qualifying under 33 USC


1329. For purposes of a community water supply or a noncommunity


water supply funded under section 16b, governmental unit includes a


community water supplier. A governmental unit does not include a


self-insurance pool unless the self-insurance pool has filed a


certification by an independent actuary that the reserves set aside


under section 7a of 1951 PA 35, MCL 124.7a, are adequate for the


payment of claims. A school district shall include a public school


academy established under the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL


380.1 to 380.1852. Funds loaned to a public school academy or a


school district may not be used to finance the purchase,


construction, lease, or renovation of property owned, directly or


indirectly, by any officer, board member, or employee of that


public school.


     (k) (j) "Municipal obligation" means a bond or note or


evidence of debt issued by a governmental unit for a purpose


authorized by law. A municipal obligation includes loan repayment


obligations from a school district to this state with respect to a


qualified loan made under a school loan act that is assigned or


otherwise transferred by this state to the authority. A municipal


obligation includes an emergency loan board loan that is assigned


or otherwise transferred by this state to the authority.


     (l) (k) "Noncommunity water supply" means a noncommunity water


supply as defined in part 54 of the natural resources and


environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.5401 to




     (m) (l) "Notes" means an obligation of the authority issued as


provided in this act, including commercial paper, with a maturity


of 3 years or less.


     (n) (m) "Project" means a sewage treatment works project or a


nonpoint source project, or both, as defined in part 53 of the


natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451,


MCL 324.5301 to 324.5316.324.5317.


     (o) (n) "Reserve fund" means a bond reserve fund or note


reserve fund created and established under section 16.


     (p) (o) "Revenues" means all fees, charges, money, profits,


payments of principal of or interest on municipal obligations and


other investments, gifts, grants, contributions, and all other


income derived or to be derived by the authority under this act.


     (q) (p) "School loan act" means an act to implement section 16


of article IX of the state constitution of 1963, including, but not


limited to, former 1961 PA 108, MCL 388.951 to 388.963, 1961 PA


112, MCL 388.981 to 388.985, and the school bond qualification,


approval, and loan act, 2005 PA 92, MCL 388.1921 to 388.1939. For a


qualified bond, as defined in former 1961 PA 108, MCL 388.951 to


388.963, with a certificate of qualification from the state


treasurer issued prior to the effective date of the amendatory act


that added this subdivision July 20, 2005, "school loan act" means


former 1961 PA 108. , MCL 388.951 to 388.963. For a qualified bond


as defined in the school bond qualification, approval, and loan


act, 2005 PA 92, MCL 388.1921 to 388.1939, with a certificate of


qualification or approval issued by the state treasurer on or after


the effective date of the school bond qualification, approval, and


loan act July 20, 2005, school loan act means the school bond


qualification, approval, and loan act, 2005 PA 92, MCL 388.1921 to




     (r) (q) "Water supplier" means a water supplier as defined in


part 54 of the natural resources and environmental protection act,


1994 PA 451, MCL 324.5401 to 324.5418.


     Sec. 7. The board has all of the following powers:


     (a) To adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs.


     (b) To adopt an official seal.


     (c) To maintain a principal office at a place within this




     (d) To sue and be sued in its own name and to plead and be




     (e) To loan money to a governmental unit, or to a nonprofit


corporation, trust, or similar entity for the benefit of a public


school academy, at a rate or rates as the authority determines and


to purchase and sell, and to commit to purchase and sell, municipal


obligations pursuant to this act.


     (f) To borrow money and issue negotiable revenue bonds and


notes pursuant to this act.


     (g) To make and enter into contracts and other instruments


necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the


exercise of its powers. By rotating the services of legal counsel,


the authority shall seek to increase the pool of nationally


recognized bond counsel.


     (h) To receive and accept from any source grants or


contributions of money, property, or other things of value,


excluding appropriations from the general fund of this state except


for appropriations to be used for the benefit of public schools,


except for appropriations to a reserve fund established under


section 16, except for appropriations to the state water pollution


control revolving fund established under section 16a and except for


appropriations to the state drinking water revolving fund


established under section 16b, and except for appropriations to the


school loan revolving fund established under section 16c, to be


used, held, and applied only for the purposes for which the grants


and contributions were made.


     (i) To do all acts necessary or convenient to carry out the


powers expressly granted.


     (j) To require that final actions of the board are entered in


the journal for the board and that all writings prepared, owned,


used, in the possession of, or retained by the board in the


performance of an official function be made available to the public


in compliance with the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL


15.231 to 15.246.


     (k) To engage the services of private consultants on a


contract basis for rendering professional and technical assistance


and advice.


     (l) To investigate and assess the infrastructure needs of this


state, current methods of financing infrastructure rehabilitation


and improvements, and resources and financing options currently


available and potentially useful to improve this state's


infrastructure and lower the costs of those improvements.


     (m) To indemnify and procure insurance indemnifying members of


the board from personal loss or accountability from liability


asserted by a person on bonds or notes of the authority or from any


personal liability or accountability by reason of the issuance of


the bonds or notes, or by reason of any other action taken or the


failure to act by the authority.


     (n) To investigate and assess short-term and long-term


borrowing requirements for operating, capital improvements, and


delinquent taxes.


     (o) To provide assistance, as that term is defined in section


5301 of the natural resources and environmental protection act,


1994 PA 451, MCL 324.5301, to any municipality for a revolving fund


project and to perform all functions necessary or incident to


providing that assistance and to the operation of the state water


pollution control revolving fund established under section 16a.


     (p) To enter into agreements with the federal government to


implement the establishment and operation of the state water


pollution control revolving fund established under section 16a


pursuant to the provisions of the federal water pollution control


act and the rules and regulations promulgated under that act.


     (q) To provide assistance, as that term is defined in part 54


of the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA


451, MCL 324.5401 to 324.5418, to any governmental unit for a


revolving fund community water supply or noncommunity water supply


and to perform all functions necessary or incident to providing


that assistance and to the operation of the state drinking water


revolving fund established under section 16b, including, but not


limited to, using funding allocated in the federal safe drinking


water act for any of the purposes authorized in section 5417(c) of


the natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA


451, MCL 324.5417.


     (r) To enter into agreements with the federal government to


establish and operate the state drinking water revolving fund under


section 16b pursuant to the provisions of the federal safe drinking


water act and the rules and regulations promulgated under that act.


     (s) To enter into agreements with the state treasurer to act


as this state's agent to implement the establishment and operation


of the school loan revolving fund established under section 16c,


including provisions relating to the return to this state of


contributions made by this state for deposit in the school loan


revolving fund that are no longer needed for school loan revolving


fund purposes.


     (t) To enter into agreements with the state treasurer for the


purchase, assignment, or transfer of emergency loan board loans and


the repurchase, reassignment, or transfer of those loans.


     Sec. 8. (1) The authority may lend money to a governmental


unit through the purchase by the authority of municipal obligations


of the governmental unit in fully marketable form. The authority


may authorize and issue its bonds or notes payable solely from the


revenues or funds available to the authority, and to otherwise


assist governmental units.


     (2) Bonds and notes of the authority shall not be in any way a


debt or liability of this state and shall not create or constitute


any indebtedness, liability, or obligations of this state or be or


constitute a pledge of the faith and credit of this state but all


authority bonds and notes, unless funded or refunded by bonds or


notes of the authority, shall be payable solely from revenues or


funds pledged or available for their payment as authorized in this


act. Each bond and note shall contain on its face a statement to


the effect that the authority is obligated to pay the principal of


and the interest on the bond or note only from revenues or funds of


the authority and that this state is not obligated to pay the


principal or interest and that neither the faith and credit nor the


taxing power of this state is pledged to the payment of the


principal of or the interest on the bond or note.


     (3) All expenses incurred in carrying out this act shall be


payable solely from revenues or funds provided or to be provided


under the provisions of this act, and nothing in this act shall be


construed to authorize the authority to incur any indebtedness or


liability on behalf of or payable by this state.


     (4) Unless approved by a concurrent resolution of the


legislature and except as permitted by section 16a, 16b, or 16c,


the authority shall not provide preferential treatment in the rate


of interest for a particular municipal obligation purchased by the


authority that is based upon other than financial and credit


considerations and shall not forgive or relinquish all or part of


the interest or principal of a particular municipal obligation or


of municipal obligations of a particular purpose.


     (5) The authority may purchase bonds issued by school


districts that are qualified bonds under a school loan act. Except


as provided in subsection (6), the principal amount of the


qualified bonds purchased by the authority in any calendar year


shall not exceed 7.5% of the principal amount of qualified bonds


issued by school districts in the immediately preceding calendar


year. The authority may also purchase or accept by assignment from


this state municipal obligations that are loan repayment


obligations from a school district on a qualified loan made by this


state under a school loan act from the state or the state


treasurer. The authority may also purchase or accept by assignment


or transfer municipal obligations that are emergency loan board


loans. Municipal obligations acquired by the authority under this


subsection are not required to be in fully marketable form.


     (6) In addition to qualified bonds purchased under subsection


(5), the authority may purchase qualified bonds issued by school


districts not later than September 30, 2004 to obtain funds to


repay all or a portion of the outstanding balance of a loan under


former 1961 PA 108 , MCL 388.951 to 388.963, on the terms and


conditions and subject to the requirements provided by or pursuant


to a resolution of the authority. Bonds issued by the authority to


purchase school district qualified bonds under this subsection


shall be issued in an amount sufficient to provide and pay the


reasonable costs of issuance incurred by the school districts as


determined by or pursuant to a resolution of the authority.


     Sec. 13. Within limitations that are stated in the issuance or


authorization resolution of the authority, the authority may


authorize a member of the board, or the executive director of the


authority, or other personnel within the department of treasury


staffing and assisting the authority and designated by the board to


do 1 or more of the following:


     (a) Sell and deliver, and receive payment for, notes or bonds.


     (b) Refund notes or bonds by the delivery of new notes or


bonds whether or not the notes or bonds to be refunded have matured


or are subject to redemption.


     (c) Deliver notes or bonds, partly to refund notes or bonds


and partly for any other authorized purpose.


     (d) Buy notes or bonds so issued and resell those notes or




     (e) Approve interest rates or methods for fixing interest


rates, prices, discounts, maturities, principal amounts,


denominations, dates of issuance, interest payment dates,


redemption rights at the option of the authority or the holder, the


place of delivery and payment, and other matters and procedures


necessary to complete the transactions authorized.


     (f) Direct the investment of money of the authority that the


authority has the power to invest.


     (g) Create and manage investments on behalf of governmental


units and the state water pollution control revolving fund


established under section 16a and the state drinking water


revolving fund established under section 16b.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless all of the following bills of the 96th Legislature are


enacted into law:


     (a) Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 5567(request no.


05368'12 *).


     (b) Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 5568(request no.


05369'12 *).


     (c) Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 5569(request no.


05370'12 *).


     (d) Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 5566(request no.


04142'11 *).