HB-5602, As Passed House, December 5, 2018




























     A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled


"The revised school code,"


by amending section 1526 (MCL 380.1526), as amended by 1995 PA 289,


and by adding section 1526b.




     Sec. 1526. (1) For the first 3 years of his or her employment


in classroom teaching, a teacher shall be assigned by the school in


which he or she teaches to 1 or more active or retired master


teachers , or college professors, or retired master teachers, who


shall act as a mentor or mentors to the teacher. During the 3-year


period, the teacher shall also receive intensive professional


development induction into teaching, based on a professional


development plan that is consistent with the requirements of


section 3a of article II of Act No. 4 of the Public Acts of the

Extra Session of 1937, being section 38.83a of the Michigan


Compiled Laws, 1937 (Ex Sess) PA 4, MCL 38.83a, including classroom


management and instructional delivery. During the 3-year period,


the intensive professional development induction into teaching


shall must consist of at least 15 days of professional development,


the experiencing of effective practices in university-linked


professional development schools, and regional seminars conducted


by master teachers and other mentors.


     (2) As used in this section, "master teacher" means a member


of the innovative educator corps under section 1526b.


     Sec. 1526b. (1) The department shall develop and implement an


innovative educator corps program that meets all of the following:


     (a) Allows an innovative educator to provide professional


development to other educators.


     (b) Requires the department to collaborate with innovative


educators regarding new pilot programs.


     (c) Creates an innovative educator roundtable to discuss


education issues that includes innovative educators, policy makers,


legislators, and business leaders.


     (d) Provides business cards or other identification for


innovative educators that identify the innovative educator as a


member of an elite corps of educators in this state.


     (e) Provides innovative educators a yearly stipend in an


amount between $5,000.00 and $10,000.00.


     (f) Selects innovative educators using the selection process


under subsection (2).


     (g) Examines the use of innovative educators to support low-

performing schools, including, but not limited to, schools that are


subject to a partnership agreement.


     (2) The department shall conduct an annual process for


selecting innovative educators for the innovative educator corps


developed and implemented under subsection (1). The selection


process must meet all of the following:


     (a) The governing body of each school district and public


school academy may nominate 1 educator for every 2,000 pupils


enrolled in the school district or public school academy to the


intermediate school district in which the school district or public


school academy is located for appointment to the innovative


educator corps. A school district or public school academy shall


only nominate an educator who meets all of the following:


     (i) Was rated as effective or highly effective under section


1249 for each of the immediately preceding 3 school years.


     (ii) Demonstrates efficacy, as measured by pupil achievement


or interest.


     (iii) Is recommended by, at least, his or her students, peers,


administrators, and community members, as determined by the school


district or public school academy.


     (iv) Is a model for educators across this state and


demonstrates spirit, determination, and passion for the teaching




     (v) Successfully implemented an innovative instructional


model, including, but not limited to, a flipped classroom, project-


based learning, intensive intervention for low-performing students,


or competency-based learning.

     (b) Each intermediate school district shall nominate an


educator or educators from among the nominations received from


school districts and public school academies under subdivision (a),


if any, to the department for appointment to the innovative


educator corps. The nominations submitted to the department under


this subdivision must meet both of the following:


     (i) The intermediate school district shall nominate 1 educator


for every 5,000 pupils enrolled in the public schools located in


the intermediate school district. An intermediate school district


with fewer than 10,000 pupils enrolled shall nominate 2 educators.


     (ii) The nominations must be based on at least all of the




     (A) The educator's ability to positively influence other


educators in the intermediate school district in which he or she




     (B) The educator's positive impact on the community.


     (C) The educator's proven experience and success in a skill or


instructional model that is in demand in the intermediate school


district in which he or she teaches.


     (c) An intermediate school district may nominate an educator


or educators employed by the intermediate school district to the


department for appointment to the innovative educator corps.


     (d) Subject to subsection (3), the department shall review the


nominations submitted under subdivisions (b) and (c) and select up


to 100 educators from the submitted nominations for appointment to


the innovative educator corps for an initial term of 3 years. The


department shall select innovative educator based on at least all

of the following factors:


     (i) The level of achievement for pupils of the nominated


educator, particularly among pupils representing disadvantaged




     (ii) Geographic diversity of innovative educators.


     (iii) Diversity of subject areas in which innovative educators




     (iv) Diversity of grade levels in which innovative educators




     (v) The ability of an educator to bring prestige, esteem, and


professionalism to the innovative educator corps.


     (vi) An educator's diversity of experience and success in


unique skills and innovative instructional models, as determined by


the department.


     (3) The department shall ensure, as practicable, that at least


1 educator from each of the following groups is selected for


appointment to the innovative educator corps under subsection




     (a) Educators with experience and success in competency-based




     (b) Educators with experience and success in project-based




     (c) Educators with experience and success in balanced calendar




     (d) Educators with experience and success in the turnaround of


a low-performing school.


     (4) After the initial 3-year term under subsection (2), an

educator may serve additional 3-year terms in the innovative


educator corps if he or she is renominated at the end of each 3-


year term by the school district or public school academy that


employs the educator.


     (5) The department shall consult with a workgroup, including,


but not limited to, the governor or his or her designee, current


members of the innovative educator corps, and other interested


parties as determined by the superintendent of public instruction


to assist with the selection of innovative educators under


subsection (2)(d).


     (6) The department shall ensure, to the extent practicable,


that each individual engaging in student teaching as part of a


teacher preparation program is assigned to work with a member of


the innovative educator corps.


     (7) An educator selected as an innovative educator under this


section shall assist in the identification of other educators who


are capable of mentoring student teachers.


     (8) The department shall promulgate rules that do all of the




     (a) Allow professional development provided by an innovative


educator under this section to count toward the innovative


educator's annual professional development requirement.


     (b) Establish a schedule for the implementation of this




     (c) Establish a process to grant money directly to innovative




     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days

after the date it is enacted into law.