HB-5834, As Passed House, June 16, 2010














February 17, 2010, Introduced by Rep. Durhal and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.


     A bill to amend 1980 PA 299, entitled


"Occupational code,"


by amending sections 2404, 2409, and 2411 (MCL 339.2404, 339.2409,


and 339.2411), sections 2404 and 2411 as amended by 2007 PA 157 and


section 2409 as amended by 1988 PA 463.




     Sec. 2404. (1) The department may require an applicant,


licensee, or each partner, trustee, director, officer, member, or


shareholder to submit evidence of good moral character, and


financial stability. Before the issuance of a license, an applicant


shall submit the following:


     (a) Any amount required to be paid under the construction lien


act, 1980 PA 497, MCL 570.1101 to 570.1305.


     (b) A a copy of an operator's license or state personal


identification card, to be used by the department only for proof of


identity of the applicant.


     (2) The department shall require an applicant for a license to


pass an examination establishing that the applicant has a fair


knowledge of the obligations of a residential builder or


residential maintenance and alteration contractor to the public and


the applicant's principal, and the statutes relating to the


applicant's licensure.


     (3) The department, upon application, may issue a residential


maintenance and alteration contractor's license to an applicant


who, upon examination, qualifies for a license, which shall


authorize authorizes the licensee according to the applicant's


qualifications, crafts, and trades to engage in the activities of a


residential maintenance and alteration contractor. A license shall


include includes the following crafts and trades: carpentry;


concrete; swimming pool installation; waterproofing a basement;


excavation; insulation work; masonry work; painting and decorating;


roofing; siding and gutters; screen or storm sash installation;


tile and marble work; and house wrecking. The license shall specify


the particular craft or trade for which the licensee has qualified.


This subsection shall does not prohibit a specialty contractor from


taking and executing a contract involving the use of 2 or more


crafts or trades if the performance of the work in the craft or


trade , other than in the craft for which the person is licensed ,


is incidental and supplemental to the performance of work in the


craft for which the specialty contractor is licensed.


     (4) A residential builder or residential maintenance and


alteration contractor shall maintain a place of business in this


state. If a residential builder or residential maintenance and


alteration contractor maintains more than 1 place of business


within this state, a branch office license shall be issued to the


builder or contractor for each place of business so maintained.


     (5) Beginning the license cycle after the effective date of


the amendatory act that added this subsection December 21, 2007,


the department shall issue the license of a residential builder and


residential maintenance and alteration contractor for a period of 3


years in duration. Beginning the effective date of the amendatory


act that added this subsection December 21, 2007, an applicant for


renewal of a residential builder or maintenance and alteration


contractor license shall state that he or she has a current copy of


the Michigan residential code and has fulfilled the appropriate


requirements regarding continuing competency.


     (6) Beginning the effective date of the amendatory act that


added this subsection December 21, 2007, a licensee shall maintain


documentation, for at least 5 years, of activities meeting the


continuing competency requirements as prescribed under this




     Sec. 2409. (1) Failure of a residential builder or residential


maintenance and alteration contractor to pay within 90 days of


notice of the required assessment under section 201(2) of the


construction lien act, Act No. 497 of the Public Acts of 1980,


being section 570.1201 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, shall result


in the automatic suspension of all licenses issued under this




     (2) A licensee shall report to the department a change of name


or address or a change of members or addresses of the partnership,


association, or corporation holding a license under this article


within 30 days after the change occurs.


     Sec. 2411. (1) A complaint filed under this section or article


5, or both, shall be made within 18 months after the latest of the


following regarding a residential structure or a combination of


residential and commercial structure as follows:


     (a) In the case of a maintenance and alteration contract:


     (i) Completion.


     (ii) Occupancy.


     (iii) Purchase.


     (b) In the case of a project requiring an occupancy permit:


     (i) Issuance of the certificate of occupancy or temporary


certificate of occupancy.


     (ii) Closing.


     (2) A licensee or applicant who commits 1 or more of the


following shall be is subject to the penalties set forth in article




     (a) Abandonment without legal excuse of a contract,


construction project, or operation engaged in or undertaken by the




     (b) Diversion of funds or property received for prosecution or


completion of a specific construction project or operation, or for


a specified purpose in the prosecution or completion of a


construction project or operation, and the funds or property


application or use for any other construction project or operation,


obligation, or purposes.


     (c) Failure to account for or remit money coming into the


person's possession which that belongs to others.


     (d) A willful departure from or disregard of plans or


specifications in a material respect and prejudicial to another,


without consent of the owner or an authorized representative and


without the consent of the person entitled to have the particular


construction project or operation completed in accordance with the


plans and specifications.


     (e) A willful violation of the building laws of the this state


or of a political subdivision of the this state.


     (f) In a residential maintenance and alteration contract,


failure to furnish to a lender the purchaser's signed completion


certificate executed upon completion of the work to be performed


under the contract.


     (g) If a licensed residential builder or licensed residential


maintenance and alteration contractor, failure to notify the


department within 10 days of a change in the control or direction


of the business of the licensee resulting from a change in the


licensee's partners, directors, officers, or trustees, or a change


in the control or direction of the business of the licensee


resulting from any other occurrence or event.


     (h) Failure to deliver to the purchaser the entire agreement


of the parties including any finance and any or other charge


arising out of or incidental to the agreement when if the agreement


involves repair, alteration, or addition to, subtraction from,


improvement of, wrecking of, or demolition of a residential


structure or combination of residential and commercial structure,


or building of a garage, or laying of concrete on residential


property, or manufacture, assembly, construction, sale, or


distribution of a residential or combination residential and


commercial structure which that is prefabricated, preassembled,


precut, packaged, or shell housing.


     (i) If a salesperson, failure to pay over immediately upon


receipt money received by the salesperson, in connection with a


transaction governed by this article to the residential builder or


residential maintenance and alteration contractor under whom the


salesperson is licensed.


     (j) Aiding or abetting an unlicensed person to evade this


article, or knowingly combining or conspiring with, or acting as


agent, partner, or associate for an unlicensed person, or allowing


one's license to be used by an unlicensed person, or acting as or


being an ostensible licensed residential builder or licensed


residential maintenance and alteration contractor for an


undisclosed person who does or shall control or direct, or who may


have the right to control or direct, directly or indirectly, the


operations of a licensee.


     (k) Acceptance of a commission, bonus, or other valuable


consideration by a salesperson for the sale of goods or the


performance of service specified in the article from a person other


than the residential builder or residential maintenance and


alteration contractor under whom the person is licensed.


     (l) Becoming insolvent, filing a bankruptcy action, becoming


subject to a receivership, assigning for the benefit of creditors,


failing to satisfy judgments or liens, or failing to pay an


obligation as it becomes due in the ordinary course of business.


     (m) Workmanship not meeting the standards of the Michigan


residential code as promulgated under the Stille-DeRossett-Hale


single state construction code act, 1972 PA 230, MCL 125.1501 to




     (3) The department shall suspend or revoke the license of a


person licensed under this article whose failure to pay a lien


claimant results in a payment being made from the homeowner


construction lien recovery fund pursuant to the construction lien


act, 1980 PA 497, MCL 570.1101 to 570.1305, regardless of whether


the person was performing services as a licensee under this


article; under the electrical administrative act, 1956 PA 217, MCL


338.881 to 338.892; or under the state plumbing act, 2002 PA 733,


MCL 338.3511 to 338.3569. The department shall not renew a license


or issue a new license until the licensee has repaid in full to the


fund the amount paid out plus the costs of litigation and interest


at the rate set by section 6013 of the revised judicature act of


1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.6013.


     (3) (4) The department shall conduct a review upon notice that


the licensee has violated the asbestos abatement contractors


licensing act, 1986 PA 135, MCL 338.3101 to 338.3319. The


department may suspend or revoke that person's license for a


knowing violation of the asbestos abatement contractors licensing


act, 1986 PA 135, MCL 338.3101 to 338.3319.


     (4) (5) Notwithstanding article 5, the following apply to


administrative proceedings regarding workmanship under subsection




     (a) A complaint submitted by an owner shall describe in


writing to the department the factual basis for the allegation. The


homeowner shall send a copy of the initial complaint to the


licensee concurrent with the submission of the complaint to the




     (b) The department shall presume the innocence of the licensee


throughout the proceeding until the administrative law hearing


examiner finds otherwise in a determination of findings of fact and


conclusions of law under article 5. The licensee has the burden of


refuting evidence submitted by a person during the administrative


hearing. The licensee also has the burden of proof regarding the


reason deficiencies were not corrected.


     (c) Upon receipt of a building inspection report issued to the


department by a state or local building enforcement official


authorized to do so under the Stille-DeRossett-Hale single state


construction code act, 1972 PA 230, MCL 125.1501 to 125.1531, which


report verifies or confirms the substance of the complaint, the


department shall send by certified mail a copy of the verified


complaint to the licensee. Failure of If the department to does not


send a copy of the verified complaint within 30 days of after


receipt of the building inspection report, prevents the department


from assessing shall not assess a fine against the licensee under


article 6, but does not prevent the department from pursuing may


pursue restitution, license suspension, or other remedies provided


under this act.


     (d) A licensee may contractually provide for an alternative


dispute resolution procedure to resolve complaints filed with the


department. The procedure shall be conducted by a neutral third


party for determining the rights and responsibilities of the


parties and shall be initiated by the licensee, who shall provide


notice of the initiation of the procedure to the complainant by


certified mail not less than 30 days before the commencement of


that procedure. The procedure shall be conducted at a location


mutually agreed to by the parties.


     (e) The department shall not initiate a proceeding against a


licensee under this subsection in the case of a if the licensee who


has contractually provides provided for an alternative dispute


resolution procedure that has not been utilized and completed


unless it is determined that the licensee has not complied with a


decision or order issued as a result of that alternative dispute


resolution procedure, that alternative dispute resolution procedure


was not fully completed within 90 days after the filing of the


complaint with the department, or an alternative dispute resolution


procedure meeting the requirements of subdivision (d) is not


available to the complainant.


     (f) The complainant shall demonstrate that notice has been


provided to the licensee describing reasonable times and dates that


the residential structure was accessible for any needed repairs and


proof acceptable to the department that the repairs were not made


within 60 days after the sending of the notice. This subdivision


does not apply where if the department determines a necessity to


safeguard the structure or to protect the occupant's health and


safety and, in such case, the department may utilize any remedy


available under section 504(3)(a) through (d) 504(3).


     (g) In the case where If the owner and licensee have agreed


contractually on mutually acceptable performance guidelines


relating to workmanship, the department shall consider those


guidelines in its evaluation of a complaint. The guidelines shall


be consistent with the Stille-DeRossett-Hale single state


construction code act, 1972 PA 230, MCL 125.1501 to 125.1531.


     (5) (6) In any case where If the licensee or respondent fails


to appear , or participate , in or defend any action, the board


shall issue an order granting by default the relief requested,


based upon proofs submitted to and findings made , by the hearing


examiner after a contested case.


     (6) (7) As used in this section, "verified complaint" means a


complaint in which all or a portion of the allegations have been


confirmed by an affidavit of the state or local building official.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 5830(request no.


04360'09 *) of the 95th Legislature is enacted into law.