November 9, 2016, Introduced by Rep. Howrylak and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources.


     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


by amending sections 30301 and 30307 (MCL 324.30301 and 324.30307),


section 30301 as amended by 2012 PA 247 and section 30307 as


amended by 2006 PA 430.




     Sec. 30301. (1) As used in this part:


     (a) "Department" means the department of environmental




     (b) "Director" means the director of the department.


     (c) "Exceptional wetland" means wetland that provides physical


or biological functions essential to the natural resources of the


this state and that may be lost or degraded if not preserved

through an approved site protection and management plan for the


purposes of providing compensatory wetland mitigation.


     (d) "Fill material" means soil, rocks, sand, waste of any


kind, or any other material that displaces soil or water or reduces


water retention potential.


     (e) "Landscape level wetland assessment" means the use of


aerial photographs, maps, and other remotely sensed information to


predict and evaluate wetland characteristics and functions in the


context of all of the following:


     (i) The wetland's landscape position and hydrologic




     (ii) The surrounding landscape.


     (iii) The historic extent and condition of the wetland.


     (f) "Minor drainage" includes ditching and tiling for the


removal of excess soil moisture incidental to the planting,


cultivating, protecting, or harvesting of crops or improving the


productivity of land in established use for agriculture,


horticulture, silviculture, or lumbering.


     (g) "Nationwide permit" means a nationwide permit issued by


the United States army corps Army Corps of engineers Engineers


under 72 FR 11091 11092 to 11198 (March 12, 2007), including all


general conditions, regional conditions, and conditions imposed by


this state pursuant to a water quality certification under section


401 of title IV of the federal water pollution control act, 33 USC


1341, or a coastal zone management consistency determination under


section 307 of the coastal zone management act of 1972, 16 USC



     (h) "Ordinary high-water mark" means the ordinary high-water


mark as specified in section 32502.


     (i) "Person" means an individual, sole proprietorship,


partnership, corporation, association, municipality, this state, an


instrumentality or agency of this state, the federal government, an


instrumentality or agency of the federal government, or other legal




     (j) "Rapid wetland assessment" means a method for generally


assessing the functions, values, and condition of individual


wetlands based on existing data and field indicators.


     (k) "Rare and imperiled wetland" means any of the following:


     (i) Great Lakes marsh.


     (ii) Southern wet meadow.


     (iii) Inland salt marsh.


     (iv) Intermittent wetland or boggy seepage wetland.


     (v) Coastal plain marsh.


     (vi) Interdunal wetland.


     (vii) Lakeplain wet prairie.


     (viii) Lakeplain wet-mesic prairie.


     (ix) Northern wet-mesic prairie.


     (x) Wet-mesic prairie.


     (xi) Wet prairie.


     (xii) Prairie fen.


     (xiii) Northern fen.


     (xiv) Patterned fen.


     (xv) Poor fen.


     (xvi) Muskeg.

     (xvii) Rich conifer swamp.


     (xviii) Relict conifer swamp.


     (xix) Hardwood-conifer swamp.


     (xx) Northern swamp.


     (xxi) Southern swamp.


     (xxii) Southern floodplain forest.


     (xxiii) Inundated shrub swamp.


     (l) "Water dependent" means requiring access or proximity to


or siting within an aquatic site to fulfill its basic purpose.


     (m) "Wetland" means land characterized by the presence of


water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that


under normal circumstances does support, wetland vegetation or


aquatic life, and is commonly referred to as a bog, swamp, or


marsh, and which is any of the following:


     (i) Contiguous to the Great Lakes or Lake St. Clair, an inland


lake or pond, or a river or stream.


     (ii) Not contiguous to the Great Lakes, an inland lake or


pond, or a river or stream; and more More than 5 4 acres in size.


     (iii) Not contiguous to the Great Lakes, an inland lake or


pond, or a river or stream; and 5 acres or less in size if


Determined by the department determines that protection of the to


be an area the protection of which is essential to the preservation


of the natural resources of the this state from pollution,


impairment, or destruction and the department has so notified the




     (2) The department and local units of government shall apply


the technical wetland delineation standards set forth in the United

States army corps of engineers Army Corps of Engineers January 1987


wetland delineation manual, technical report Y-87-1, and


appropriate regional United States army corps of engineers Army


Corps of Engineers supplements, in identifying wetland boundaries


under this part, including, but not limited to, section 30307.


     Sec. 30307. (1) Within 60 days after receipt of the completed


application and fee under section 30306, the department may hold a


hearing. If a hearing is held, it shall be held in the county where


the wetland to which the permit is to apply is located. Notice of


the hearing shall be made in the same manner as for the


promulgation of rules under the administrative procedures act of


1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328. The department may approve


or disapprove a permit application without a public hearing unless


a person requests a hearing in writing within 20 days after the


mailing of notification of the permit application as required by


subsection (3) or unless the department determines that the permit


application is of significant impact so as to warrant a public




     (2) The action taken by the department on a permit application


under this part and part 13 may be appealed pursuant to the


administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to


24.328. A property owner may, after exhaustion of administrative


remedies, bring appropriate legal action in a court of competent




     (3) A person who desires notification of pending permit


applications may make a written request to the department


accompanied by an annual fee of $25.00, which shall be credited to

the general fund of the state. The department shall prepare a


biweekly list of the applications made during the previous 2 weeks


and shall promptly mail copies of the list for the remainder of the


calendar year to the persons who requested notice. The biweekly


list shall state the name and address of each applicant, the


location of the wetland in the proposed use or development,


including the size of both the proposed use or development and of


the wetland affected, and a summary statement of the purpose of the


use or development.


     (4) A local unit of government may regulate wetland within its


boundaries, by ordinance, only as provided under this part. This


subsection is supplemental to the existing authority of a local


unit of government. An ordinance adopted by a local unit of


government pursuant to this subsection shall comply with all of the




     (a) The ordinance shall not provide a different definition of


wetland than is provided in this part, except that a wetland


ordinance may regulate wetland of less than 5 4 acres in size.


     (b) If the ordinance regulates wetland that is smaller than 2


acres in size, the ordinance shall comply with section 30309.


     (c) The ordinance shall comply with sections 30308 and 30310.


     (d) The ordinance shall not require a permit for uses that are


authorized without a permit under section 30305, and shall


otherwise comply with this part.


     (5) Each local unit of government that adopts an ordinance


regulating wetlands under subsection (4) shall notify the



     (6) A local unit of government that adopts an ordinance


regulating wetlands shall use an application form supplied by the


department, and each person applying for a permit shall make


application directly to the local unit of government. Upon receipt,


the local unit of government shall forward a copy of each


application along with any state fees that may have been submitted


under section 30306 to the department. The department shall begin


reviewing the application as provided in this part. The local unit


of government shall review the application pursuant to its


ordinance and shall modify, approve, approve with modifications, or


deny the application within 90 days after receipt. If a local unit


of government does not approve or disapprove deny the permit


application within the time period provided by this subsection, the


permit application shall be is considered to be approved, and the


local unit of government shall be is considered to have made the


determinations as listed in section 30311. The denial of a permit


shall be accompanied by a written statement of all reasons for


denial. The failure to supply complete information with a permit


application may be reason for denial of a permit. If requested, the


department shall inform a person whether or not a local unit of


government has an ordinance regulating wetlands. If the department


receives an application with respect to a wetland located in a


local unit of government that has an ordinance regulating wetlands,


the department immediately shall forward the application to the


local unit of government, which shall modify, deny, or approve,


approve with modifications, or deny the application under this


subsection. The local unit of government shall notify the

department of its decision. The department shall proceed as


provided in this part.


     (7) If a local unit of government does not have an ordinance


regulating wetlands, the department shall promptly send a copy of


the permit application to the local unit of government where the


wetland is located. The local unit of government may review the


application; may hold a hearing on the application; may recommend


approval, approval with modification, or denial of the application


to the department or may notify the department that the local unit


of government declines to make a recommendation. The recommendation


of the local unit of government, if any, shall be made and returned


to the department at any time within 45 days after the local unit


of government's receipt of the permit application.


     (8) In addition to the requirements of subsection (7), the


department shall notify the local unit of government that the


department has issued a permit under this part for an activity


within the jurisdiction of that local unit of government within 15


days of issuance of the permit. The department shall enclose a copy


of the permit with the notice.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 90 days


after the date it is enacted into law.