house resolution no.40

Reps. Conlin, Alexander and BeGole offered the following resolution:

A resolution to declare February 15, 2023, as Less Cancer Day in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, Less Cancer is a national organization dedicated to cancer prevention and early detection; and

Whereas, Less Cancer conducts an annual cancer workshop and provides continuing educational opportunities to its members and those interested; and

Whereas, The organization promotes access to the institutions, services, and medical interventions needed to prevent and treat various cancers; and

Whereas, Early detection of colon, cervical, prostate, and breast cancers dramatically increases the likelihood of survival; and

Whereas, Roughly 42% of cancers can be prevented by changing lifestyle patterns; and 

Whereas, Less Cancer is celebrating their 20th anniversary this year; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare February 15, 2023, as Less Cancer Day in the state of Michigan. We recognize the contributions of Less Cancer in our communities.