house resolution no.79

Reps. Roth, Alexander, Arbit, BeGole, Bezotte, Bierlein, Breen, Glanville, Haadsma, Hope, Morse and Schuette offered the following resolution:

A resolution to declare April 2023 as Home Care Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, The people of Michigan values the rights of its citizens to live as free and independent as possible into their elder years; and

Whereas, Evidence suggests that programs that support aging at home may yield cost savings for families, government, and health systems; and

Whereas, Aging at home has been shown to have health and emotional benefits over institutional care; and

Whereas, The United States’ ongoing demographic shift toward an increasingly older population, along with the fact that 76 percent of Americans over age 50 wish to remain in their homes for as long as possible; and

Whereas, Professional caregivers who number nearly 4.6 million in the United States and family caregivers estimated at 44 million are lifelines to millions of Americans who need assistance with medical, personal, and end of life care; and

Whereas, Caregiving has been proclaimed the ultimate form of love and respect and as a country we should support and demonstrate our gratitude for caregivers and their role in fulfilling an individual’s desire to remain at home; and

Whereas, Promoting aging in place may also create systemic cost savings for the Medicare and Medicaid programs since these programs pay for the majority of long-term care today; and

Whereas, Michigan could reduce its existing long-term care costs considerably by promoting aging at home with the aid of in-home personal care service providers; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare April 2023 as Home Care Awareness Month in the state of Michigan. We urge Michigan citizens to learn more about how the Home Care Association of America can help them or family members choose a provider in order to remain at home and lower the cost of care for Michigan’s growing elderly population.