house resolution no.147

Reps. Coffia, Hill, Hope, Hood, McKinney, Mentzer, Stone, Brabec, Rheingans and Snyder offered the following resolution:

A resolution to declare October 2023 as Book Month in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, 2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the inaugural National Book Month, which the National Book Foundation first initiated in 2003; and

Whereas, The month-long celebration focuses on the importance of reading, writing, and literature, while also providing a time to honor the nation’s best books and authors, as the National Book Awards announces the year’s finalists every October; and

Whereas, The purpose of National Book Month is to encourage reading, an activity that has been proven to have many advantages. Reading can help anyone build excellent vocabulary, improve memory, increase knowledge, and decrease anxiety; and

Whereas, Studies have shown that there is a positive correlation between access to books and literacy proficiency, as well as academic outcomes; and

Whereas, Improving academic outcomes will bring Michigan closer to the state’s sixty by thirty goal of increasing the number of working-age adults with a skill certificate or college degree from 50.5% today to 60% by 2030; and

Whereas, Meeting this goal will promote better jobs, bigger paychecks, and make Michigan more competitive for inclusive economic growth; and

Whereas, Public and school libraries were created to offer equal access to information, and continue to serve as a critical source of books and other informational materials; and

Whereas, Librarians at public and school libraries work tirelessly to ensure that these materials are available, accessible, and open to all; and

Whereas, While reading books offers multi-faceted benefits to children and adults alike, equitable access remains a challenge for certain communities; and

Whereas, Rural and other underserved communities in particular struggle to achieve equal and equitable access to books; and

Whereas, Libraries in rural communities have faced closures over challenges to the types of books and information that they provide; and

Whereas, This has ultimately resulted in further barriers to information in already underserved communities; and

Whereas, These barriers further compound in the form of lower regional economic outcomes that can be felt across the entire state of Michigan; and

Whereas, Michigan’s economic success is consistently a top priority for Michiganders across the state; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare October 2023 as Book Month in the state of Michigan. We recognize the importance of accessibility to books in meeting Michigan’s goals related to literacy rates, academic outcomes, and economic prosperity.