house resolution no.164

Reps. Grant, Hood, Edwards, Stone, Jaime Greene, Outman, Glanville, MacDonell, Breen, Haadsma, Paiz, Rheingans, Rogers and Witwer offered the following resolution:

A resolution to declare November 2023 as Adoption Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, Children thrive in loving families where they are nurtured, comforted, and protected; and

Whereas, It is important to recognize the valuable contributions of individuals who travel the rewarding journey of adoption by providing love, guidance, and hope for children whose  lives have been filled with change and uncertainty. It is also important to recognize the choice of adoption for women as a loving option; and

Whereas, We are committed to working as a partner with social  service agencies, organizations in communities, and child advocates  to help recruit and support adoptive families who make a difference in developing positive outcomes for our children; and

Whereas, Finding nurturing permanent homes for waiting children is a worthy objective to work toward throughout the year. During November, special efforts are made to instill a greater perception of the need for adoptive families; and

Whereas, Communities across the nation observe National Adoption Month to raise awareness and encourage citizens to become involved in the lives of these youth as adoptive parents, volunteers, or mentors. We understand the importance of adoption and honor those who choose an adoption plan and those who provide children with a loving home; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare November 2023 as Adoption Awareness Month in the state of Michigan. We call upon all citizens to observe this occasion, and be it further

Resolved, That we encourage Michiganders to consider adoption during the month of November and throughout the year.