house resolution no.179

Reps. Kennedy, Bolden, Camilleri, Pagan, Koleszar, Hood, Stone, Tyrone Carter, Hammoud, Manoogian, Garza, Chirkun, Ellison, Brixie, Byrd, Wittenberg, Kuppa, Brenda Carter, Cynthia Johnson, Hoadley, Garrett, Lasinski, Sabo, Love, Cherry and Sowerby offered the following resolution:

A resolution to declare October 10, 2019, as Children’s Environmental Health Day in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, Children are especially vulnerable to environmental health issues, more so than adults. Children are very different from adults, because they are not fully developed. Children’s respiratory, reproductive, and immune systems are not fully developed, and absorb more air pollution than adults; and

Whereas, The health of the environment is essential for all. A healthy environment allows the people of this state to lead happy, healthy and successful lives. Children deserve an environment where they can play outside, drink clean water, and be free of worry from the harm of environmental pollution; and

Whereas, The effects of environmental pollution stay with children their whole life; and

Whereas, It is well accepted that children living in poverty and children in disadvantaged communities are at much greater risk of exposure to environmental hazards. In 2018, Michigan ranked 33rd in well-being of children and 25th in overall children’s health according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation; and

Whereas, Every child deserves a chance to learn, grow, and succeed. Our children are the future of this state. Their success is our success and it is important to ensure clean air and water for our children; and

Whereas, The goal of Children’s Environmental Health Day is to raise awareness about clean air and water, safe food and consumer practices, and healthy environments for children’s health and development; and

Whereas, Children’s Environmental Health Day is generally observed on the second Thursday in October. This day celebrates the progress of the children’s environmental health movement and aims to showcase a strong network of child health advocates; and

Whereas, Children’s Environmental Health Day is a national effort supported by individuals, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies to encourage everyone to raise awareness and understanding of children’s environmental health issues, seek improved protections for children, and perform acts of sustainability for the environment; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare October 10, 2019, as Children’s Environmental Health Day in the state of Michigan.