Reps. Kahle, Allor, Calley, Canfield, Chirkun, Clemente, Cochran, Cox, Crawford, Elder, Ellison, Faris, Gay-Dagnogo, Geiss, Green, Greig, Hoadley, Howrylak, Hughes, Kelly, Lauwers, Liberati, Love, Marino, Maturen, Moss, Pagan, Rabhi, Rendon, Sabo, Sneller, Sowerby, Webber, Whiteford, Wittenberg and Yaroch offered the following resolution:
House Resolution No. 193.
A resolution to declare November 2017 as Family Caregivers Month in the state of Michigan.
Whereas, More than one million residents throughout the state of Michigan and over 90 million Americans today are family caregivers for their loved ones. A large number of them are finding themselves providing care 24-hours a day/7-days a week; and
Whereas, Although caregiving can be a rewarding experience, it is not without its consequences, such as stress, poor health, and caregiver burnout; and
Whereas, Six out of 10 family caregivers juggle everyday life tasks such as preparing the children for school, managing household responsibilities, and working full- or part-time. In addition, they have the added responsibility of managing medications for their loved one. Whether it be for a senior with Alzheimer’s or a child with special needs, the required attention can be non-stop; and
Whereas, Caregiving affects the whole family and family time and mealtime are extremely important in the caregiving setting. Ensuring that the caregiver and family members get the proper nutrition is important for maintaining strength, energy, stamina, and a positive attitude; and
Whereas, Making time for oneself and the family protects a family caregiver’s own health, strengthens family relationships, prevents burnout, and can enable a care recipient to stay at home up to three times longer. Taking a breather and re-energizing is vital in order for them to be as good a caregiver tomorrow as they were today; and
Whereas, With the responsibility of family caregivers in our country growing every year, it is even more essential to encourage these heroes to take some time for respite so they may continue their mission of providing that loving care that only they can provide; and
Whereas, Since 1997, Family Caregiver Month has been recognized during the month of November to honor caregivers nationwide. During this month, we support and thank these dedicated residents who give so much of themselves to ensure the health and well-being of a beloved family member; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare November 2017 as Family Caregivers Month in the state of Michigan.