Reps. Hildenbrand, Ball, Bolger, Daley, Denby, Haines, Kandrevas, Kowall, Lahti, Liss, Lori, Lund, Opsommer, Pearce, Proos, Rogers, Schuitmaker and Tyler offered the following resolution:

               House Resolution No. 212.    

               A resolution to declare February 25, 2010, as Conductive Education Day in the state of Michigan  

               Whereas, Conductive education (CE) was developed over sixty years ago in Hungary by Dr. András Peto; and

               Whereas, CE is a unique teaching system that maximizes the independence and mobility of children and adults with neuro-motor disabilities like stroke survivors, and those with cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, acquired brain injuries, Parkinson's disease and spina bifida; and

               Whereas, CE operates from a core belief in neuroplasticity, the lifelong ability of the brain to reorganize neural pathways based on new experiences; and on the premise that no matter how severe the disability, people can learn and improve when they are motivated; and

               Whereas, CE has the potential to make a significant, life-changing impact on the mobility and independence of close to nine million people in the United States and Canada; and

               Whereas, CE helps individuals learn their way to independence; now, therefore, be it

               Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body recognize February 25, 2010, as Conductive Education Day in the state of Michigan.  We encourage support for this important program that increases the independence of people with disabilities in our community.