house resolution no.287
Reps. Xiong, Brabec, Breen, Byrnes, Glanville, Hill, MacDonell, Paiz, Rheingans and Skaggs offered the following resolution:
A resolution to declare June 20, 2024, as World Refugee Day in the state of Michigan.
Whereas, Around the world, over 100 million people have been forced to flee their homes due to violence and persecution, resulting in the worst refugee crisis in history; and
Whereas, Michigan is recognized as a welcoming state and has offered hope and safety to tens of thousands of refugees since World War II; and
Whereas, Michigan is home to many resettlement agencies and organizations, serving refugees along with numerous businesses, educational institutions, faith communities, and civic organizations; and
Whereas, Refugees have made numerous social, cultural, religious, and economic contributions to communities throughout Michigan; and
Whereas, We encourage Michiganders to recognize the strength, perseverance, and accomplishments of their new American neighbors, and reflect on the severity of the global refugee crisis; and
Whereas, We recognize this moment of great global need, and Michigan’s ability and desire to welcome more refugees, while calling for a more robust national response; now, therefore be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare June 20, 2024, as World Refugee Day in the state of Michigan.