Act No. 91

Public Acts of 2023

Approved by the Governor

July 18, 2023

Filed with the Secretary of State

July 19, 2023

EFFECTIVE DATE:  July 19, 2023


state of michigan

102nd Legislature

Regular session of 2023

Introduced by Senators McDonald Rivet, Singh, Chang, Geiss, Klinefelt, Shink and Brinks


AN ACT to amend 1893 PA 206, entitled “An act to provide for the assessment of rights and interests, including leasehold interests, in property and the levy and collection of taxes on property, and for the collection of taxes levied; making those taxes a lien on the property taxed, establishing and continuing the lien, providing for the sale or forfeiture and conveyance of property delinquent for taxes, and for the inspection and disposition of lands bid off to the state and not redeemed or purchased; to provide for the establishment of a delinquent tax revolving fund and the borrowing of money by counties and the issuance of notes; to define and limit the jurisdiction of the courts in proceedings in connection with property delinquent for taxes; to limit the time within which actions may be brought; to prescribe certain limitations with respect to rates of taxation; to prescribe certain powers and duties of certain officers, departments, agencies, and political subdivisions of this state; to provide for certain reimbursements of certain expenses incurred by units of local government; to provide penalties for the violation of this act; and to repeal acts and parts of acts,” by amending section 7gg (MCL 211.7gg), as added by 2003 PA 261.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

Sec. 7gg. (1) Property, the title to which is held by a land bank fast track authority under the land bank fast track act, is exempt from the collection of taxes under this act.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3), real property sold or otherwise conveyed by a land bank fast track authority under the land bank fast track act is exempt from the collection of taxes under this act beginning on December 31 in the year in which the property is sold or otherwise conveyed by the land bank fast track authority until December 31 in the year 5 years after the December 31 on which the exemption was initially granted under this subsection.

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to property included in a brownfield plan under the brownfield redevelopment financing act, 1996 PA 381, MCL 125.2651 to 125.2670, if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

(a) The brownfield plan for the property includes assistance provided to a land bank fast track authority authorized by section 2(o)(iv)(B) of the brownfield redevelopment financing act, 1996 PA 381, MCL 125.2652.

(b) If the land bank fast track authority has issued bonds or notes, or has entered into a reimbursement agreement, pledging or dedicating the specific tax levied under the tax reverted clean title act before the sale of the property to which the exemption under subsection (2) applies, the land bank fast track authority approves the release of the exemption provided under subsection (2).

(4) Property exempt from the collection of taxes under subsection (2) is subject to the specific tax levied under the tax reverted clean title act.

(5) As used in this section:

(a) “Land bank fast track act” means the land bank fast track act, 2003 PA 258, MCL 124.751 to 124.774.

(b) “Land bank fast track authority” means a land bank fast track authority created under the land bank fast track act.

(c) “Tax reverted clean title act” means the tax reverted clean title act, 2003 PA 260, MCL 211.1021 to 211.1025a.


Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect unless Senate Bill No. 129 of the 102nd  Legislature is enacted into law.

A close-up of a signature

Description automatically generated with low confidenceThis act is ordered to take immediate effect.


Secretary of the Senate


Clerk of the House of Representatives


