SB-0134, As Passed Senate, February 19, 2009


























     A bill to amend 2000 PA 322, entitled


"Julian-Stille value-added act,"


by amending the title and sections 2, 2a, and 3 (MCL 285.302,


285.302a, and 285.303), the title and section 2 as amended by 2006


PA 423 and section 2a as added by 2006 PA 424.






     An act to create certain committees; to create certain funds


from certain sources and to provide for the disposition of money


from the funds; to provide for the creation of certain funds by


certain private entities; to create incentives and to locate and


maintain value-added agricultural processing, commercialization of


agriculture, and production ventures within this state; to provide


for grants , loans, and loan guarantees to certain private and


governmental entities for certain purposes; to provide for certain


powers and duties for certain private entities, state agencies,


commissions, and departments; to authorize loans, loan guarantees,


expenditures , and grants from the funds; and to finance the


development of certain programs.


     Sec. 2. (1) As used in this section and sections section 2a:


and 2b:


     (a) "Agricultural processing" means 1 or more of the


operations that transform, package, sort, or grade livestock or


livestock products, agricultural commodities, or plant or plant


products into goods that are used for the intermediate or final


consumption including goods for nonfood use.


     (b) "Commercialization" means the transition from research to


the actions necessary to achieve market entry and general market


competitiveness of new innovative technologies, processes, and


products and the services that support, assist, equip, finance, or


promote a person or an entity with that transition.


     (c) "Department" means the Michigan department of agriculture.


     (d) "Eligible grantee" means a person able to receive a grant


under this section and includes, but is not limited to,


individuals, farmer owned cooperatives, partnerships, limited


liability companies, private or public corporations, and local


units of government.


     (e) "Fund" means the agricultural development grant fund


created in section 2a.


     (f) "Joint evaluation committee" means a committee selected by


the commission of agriculture with appropriate expertise to conduct


an independent, unbiased, objective, and competitive evaluation of


grant proposals. The committee shall include at least 3 producers,


including 1 plant agricultural producer, 1 animal agricultural


producer, and another producer at large, an individual with a


scientific agriculture education, and an agricultural financial




     (g) "Qualified agricultural loan" means a loan for projects


designed to establish, retain, attract, or develop value-added


agricultural processing and related agricultural production


operations in this state.


     (h) "Specialty crops" means any agricultural commodity except


wheat, feed grains, oil seeds, cotton, rice, peanuts, and tobacco,


as well as products derived from these agricultural commodities.


     (g) (i) "Value-added" means the enhancement or improvement of


the overall value of an agricultural commodity or of an animal or


plant product into a product of higher value. The enhancement or


improvement includes, but is not limited to, marketing,


agricultural processing, transforming, or packaging.


     (2) The department shall establish and administer an


agricultural value-added grant program. The director of the


department, with the consent of the commission of agriculture,


shall award grants from the fund created in section 2a only for


projects designed to establish, retain, expand, attract, or develop


value-added agricultural processing and related agricultural


production operations in this state. In approving a grant under


this subsection, the director of the department shall provide


supporting documentation on the selection of approved applicants to


the commission of agriculture. shall state the specific objective


reasons supporting the selection of the applicant over competing


applicants. The joint evaluation committee shall assist and provide


recommendations to the commission of agriculture director of the


department in identifying high-quality projects for funding based


upon the selection criteria and scoring system approved by the


commission of agriculture. The recommendations shall include all


materials and decision documents used by the joint evaluation


committee in making the recommendations.


     (3) All scoring sheets, meetings, and other decisions made by


the joint evaluation committee shall be open to the public and


considered public documents. A record or portion of a record,


material, or other data received, prepared, used, or retained by


the department in connection with an application to or with a


project or product assisted by the department or with an award,


grant, loan, or investment relating to financial or proprietary


information submitted by the applicant that is considered by the


applicant and acknowledged by the department as confidential shall


not be subject to the disclosure requirements of the freedom of


information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.


     (4) Subject to subsection (2), the department shall do all of


the following:


     (a) Establish a competitive process to award grants. The


competitive process shall include, but is not limited to, the




     (i) A provision that the applications must be reviewed by the


joint evaluation committee. Scientific and technical merit,


commercial merit, and the ability to leverage additional funding


shall be given equal weight in the review and scoring process.


     (ii) A preference for proposals that demonstrate a high level


of innovation for value-added agricultural processing and related


agricultural production ventures to benefit producers in this




     (iii) A preference may be made for proposals that are attempting


to secure have secured a license for agricultural-related


intellectual property to be produced in Michigan.


     (iv) A provision that the program will utilize contracts with


measurable milestones, clear objectives, and provisions to revoke


awards for breach of contract.


     (v) Provide for a cash match of at least 10% of the grant by


the applicant.


     (vi) Limit overhead rates for recipients of grants to reflect


actual overhead but not greater than 15% of the grant.


     (vii) A preference for proposals whose business plan forecasts


revenues within 2 years or that have outside investments from


investors with experience and management teams with experience in


the area targeted by the proposal, or both.


     (b) Prepare a request for proposals on at least an annual


basis for grants for eligible grantees from the fund. Grants are


contingent upon the availability of funds.


     (5) Subject to subsection (4)(a)(i), an application for a grant


submitted under this section shall be evaluated and ranked


according to selection criteria and a scoring or point system


approved by the director of the department. The selection criteria


and the scoring or point system shall be reviewed and approved by


the commission of agriculture. In developing such a system, the


department shall seek the assistance of the Michigan economic


development corporation, any institution of higher education, the


United States department of agriculture—rural development agency,


the rural development council of Michigan, agricultural producers,


and other industry and professional organizations as determined by


the director of the department.


     (6) The commission of agriculture director of the department


shall ensure that a recipient of a grant under this section agrees


that, as a condition of receiving the grant, that recipient shall


not use the money for the development of a casino regulated under


the Michigan gaming control and revenue act, the Initiated Law of


1996 IL 1, MCL 432.201 to 432.226, a casino regulated under the


Indian gaming regulatory act, Public Law 100-497, 102 Stat. 2467,


or any other gaming enterprise.


     (7) The department, in cooperation with the department of


treasury and Michigan financial institutions, shall establish a


low-interest loan program in a manner similar to the qualified


agricultural loan program established in section 2a of 1855 PA 105,


MCL 21.142a, or a loan guarantee program to provide qualified


agricultural loans. The department of treasury shall give the


department any necessary assistance required to establish a low-


interest loan or loan guarantee program. The department shall work


with Michigan financial institutions to establish a certification


system to verify that loan applicants are requesting qualified


agricultural loans. As part of the low-interest loan program, the


department shall do the following:


     (a) Work with the department of treasury to establish


agreements with participating financial institutions.


     (b) Ensure that an investment or new investment utilizing the


21st century jobs fund in which a qualified agricultural loan is


attributed is not made pursuant to this section after June 1, 2008.


     (c) Ensure that the terms of a qualified agricultural loan


under this section are for a term of not more than 5 years and that


the first payment made by the recipient occurs not later than 24


months after the date of the loan.


     (d) Ensure that the interest rate charged by participating


financial institutions does not exceed 50% of prime in Michigan


plus 1%.


     (e) Ensure that participating financial institutions do not


refinance prior debt.


     (f) Require a participating financial institution to certify


compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley act of 2002, Public Law 107-204,


or prohibit an officer, director, or principal shareholder of a


participating financial institution, or his or her immediate family


members, from receiving an agricultural value-added low-interest


loan from the financial institution.


     (g) Require the recipient of a qualified agricultural loan


under this section to agree that, as a condition of receiving the


loan, that the recipient shall not use the money for the


development of a casino regulated under the Michigan gaming control


and revenue act, the Initiated Law of 1996, MCL 432.201 to 432.226,


a casino regulated under the Indian gaming regulatory act, Public


Law 100-497, 102 Stat. 2467, or any other gaming enterprise.


     (8) As part of a loan guarantee program, the department shall


do the following:


     (a) Work with the department of treasury to establish


agreements with participating financial institutions.


     (b) Ensure that participating financial institutions require


adequate collateral and fully liquidate all collateral before


calling on the loan guarantees.


     (c) Establish a loan guarantee of not more than 90% of the


financial institution's loss after all alternatives to collect have


been exhausted.


     (d) Ensure that participating financial institutions do not


refinance prior debt.


     (e) Require a participating financial institution to certify


compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley act of 2002, Public Law 107-204,


or prohibit an officer, director, or principal shareholder of a


participating financial institution, or his or her immediate family


members, from receiving an agricultural value-added loan guarantee


from the financial institution.


     (f) Require the recipient of a qualified agricultural loan


under this section to agree that, as a condition of receiving the


loan guarantee, that the recipient shall not use the money for the


development of a casino regulated under the Michigan gaming control


and revenue act, the Initiated Law of 1996, MCL 432.201 to 432.226,


a casino regulated under the Indian gaming regulatory act, Public


Law 100-497, 102 Stat. 2467, or any other gaming enterprise.


     (g) Maintain a list of financial institutions that will


participate in the loan guarantee program.


     (7) (9) The director of the department may impose fiduciary


obligations upon a recipient of a grant, including performance


bonding, and may impose conditions upon the receipt and expenditure


of the grant money.


     (8) (10) Notwithstanding section 3(1) of 1968 PA 317, MCL


15.323, members of the commission of agriculture and the joint


evaluation committee are subject to 1968 PA 317, MCL 15.321 to


15.330. As used in this subsection, "substantial conflict of


interest" means that the pecuniary interest is of such importance


as to either materially influence the judgment of the member in the


actual performance of his or her duty under the act or to


foreseeably and materially influence the judgment of a reasonable


person with similar knowledge and experience acting under similar


circumstances and in a like position as the member. For purposes of


this section, members of the commission of agriculture and the


joint evaluation committee shall do the following:


     (a) Discharge the duties of the position in a nonpartisan


manner, in good faith, in the best interests of this state, and


with the degree of diligence, care, and skill that a fiduciary


would exercise under similar circumstances in a like position. In


discharging duties of the office, the commission of agriculture


when acting in good faith may rely upon the report of the joint


evaluation committee or upon financial statements of the department


represented to the commission of agriculture by the officer having


charge of its books or accounts or stated in a written report by


the auditor general.


     (b) Not make or participate in making, or in any way attempt


to use his or her position to influence a matter before the


department regarding , a loan, loan guarantee, a grant , or other


expenditure under this act.


     (c) Not have any financial interest in a recipient of proceeds


under this act and shall not engage in any conduct that constitutes


a substantial conflict of interest.


     (d) Immediately advise the commission of agriculture in


writing of the details of any incident or circumstances that may


present the existence of a substantial conflict of interest with


respect to the performance of his or her duty under this act.


     (e) Disclose a substantial conflict of interest related to any


matter before the department or the commission of agriculture takes


any action with respect to the matter, which disclosure shall


become a part of the record of the official proceedings.


     (f) Refrain from doing all of the following with respect to


the matter that is a basis of a substantial conflict of interest:


     (i) Voting in the proceedings related to the matter.


     (ii) Participating in the discussion or deliberation of the




     (iii) Being present at the meeting when the discussion,


deliberation, and voting on the matter takes place.


     (iv) Discussing the matter with any other member of the


commission of agriculture or the joint evaluation committee.


     (9) (11) An application for a grant from the fund shall be


made on a form or format prescribed by the department. The


department may require the applicant to provide information


reasonably necessary to allow the department to make a


determination required under this section.


     (10) (12) The department shall promulgate rules under the


administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to


24.328, to implement this section.


     (13) The amendatory act that added subsection (5) shall not


affect any grants awarded under this act prior to the effective


date of the amendatory act that added subsection (5).


     Sec. 2a. (1) The agricultural development fund is created as a


revolving fund within the department of state treasury to be


administered by the department. The state treasurer shall direct


the investment of the fund. Money in the fund at the close of the


fiscal year shall remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the


general fund. The department is the administrator of the fund for


audit purposes. The department may utilize up to 4% of the fund for


administrative purposes. The state treasurer shall credit to the


fund money from the following sources:


     (a) Appropriations.


     (b) Money or other assets from any source for deposit into the


fund, including federal money, other state revenues, gifts,


bequests, or donations, as well as money from any other source


provided by law.


     (c) Any money representing loan repayments and interest on the




     (2) Of the money appropriated under 2006 PA 153 from the 21st


century jobs trust fund, not more than 10% shall be used for grants


and the remaining shall be used for loans and loan guarantees. The


the maximum grant from the fund shall not exceed $250,000.00. The


maximum low-interest loan supported by the fund shall not exceed




     (3) Upon request from the commission of agriculture, the state


treasurer shall invest the money in the agricultural development


fund in a manner similar to the qualified agricultural loan program


established in section 2a of 1855 PA 105, MCL 21.142a, as provided


in section 2.


     Sec. 3. (1) As used in this section:


     (a) "Department" means the department of environmental




     (b) "Fund" means the Michigan clean air fund created in this




     (2) The Michigan clean air fund is created within the


department of state treasury to be administered by the department.


Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall remain in


the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund. The state


treasurer shall credit to the fund the money from the


uncollectibles allowance recovery funds established in section 4 as


well as money from any other source provided by law. The department


is the administrator of the fund for audit purposes.


     (3) Money in the fund shall be used by the department to


provide grants and loans to individuals, private or public


corporations, and local units of government for programs or


projects established to reduce oxides of nitrogen and volatile


organic compounds and for the administration of the grant and loan




     (4) The director of the department shall have final approval


of grants and loans made under this section. Grants and loans made


under this section are contingent upon the availability of money in


the fund.


     (5) The director of the department may impose fiduciary


obligations upon a recipient of a grant, including performance


bonding, and may impose conditions upon the receipt and expenditure


of the grant money.


     (6) An application for a grant or loan from the fund shall be


made on a form or in a format prescribed by the department. The


department may require the applicant to provide any information


reasonably necessary to allow the department to make a


determination required under this section.


     (7) The department shall promulgate rules under the


administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to


24.328, to implement this section.