January 29, 2009, Introduced by Senators McMANUS, BARCIA, HARDIMAN and BROWN and referred to the Committee on Campaign and Election Oversight.




      A bill to amend 1976 PA 388, entitled


"Michigan campaign finance act,"


by amending section 47 (MCL 169.247), as amended by 2001 PA 250.




 1        Sec. 47. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection


 2  and subject to subsections (3) and (4), Except for printed matter


 3  not subject to this act, a billboard, placard, poster, pamphlet,


 4  or other printed matter having reference to an election, a


 5  candidate, or a ballot question, that is an expenditure or


 6  contribution under this act shall bear upon it the name and


 7  address of the person paying for the matter and shall, except for


 8  a candidate committee's printed matter, indicate that the printed


 1  matter is paid for "with regulated funds". Except as otherwise


 2  provided in this subsection and subject to subsections (3) and


 3  (4), if If the printed matter relating to a candidate is an


 4  independent expenditure that is not authorized in writing by the


 5  candidate committee of that candidate, the printed matter shall


 6  contain the following disclaimer: "Not authorized by any


 7  candidate committee". An individual other than a candidate is not


 8  subject to this subsection if the individual is acting


 9  independently and not acting as an agent for a candidate or any


10  committee.


11        (2) A Except for advertisements not subject to this act, a


12  radio, including satellite radio, or television paid


13  advertisement having reference to an election, a candidate, or a


14  ballot question that is an expenditure or contribution under this


15  act shall identify the sponsoring person as required by the


16  federal communications commission, shall bear the name of the


17  person paying for the advertisement, and shall be in compliance


18  comply with subsection (3) (5), and, with the following: except


19  for a candidate committee's advertisements, indicate that the


20  advertisement is paid for "with regulated funds".


21        (a) If the radio, including satellite radio, or television


22  paid advertisement relates to a candidate and is an independent


23  expenditure, the advertisement shall contain the following


24  disclaimer: "Not authorized by any candidate".


25        (b) If the radio, including satellite radio, or television


26  paid advertisement relates to a candidate and is not an


27  independent expenditure but is paid for by a person other than


 1  the candidate to which it is related, the advertisement shall


 2  contain the following disclaimer:




"Authorized by ..............................................".


              (name of candidate or name of candidate committee)



 5  An individual other than a candidate is not subject to this


 6  subsection if the individual is acting independently and not


 7  acting as an agent for a candidate or any committee.


 8        (3) Except for website advertisements not subject to this


 9  act, a paid advertisement on a website having reference to a


10  candidate and that is an expenditure or contribution under this


11  act shall identify by name the person paying for the


12  advertisement or, if the person making the advertisement


13  maintains the website, paying for the website and shall, except


14  for a candidate committee's website advertisement, indicate that


15  the advertisement is paid for "with regulated funds". If the


16  payment is an independent expenditure, the advertisement shall


17  contain the following disclaimer: "Not authorized by any


18  candidate.". If the payment is not an independent expenditure and


19  is made by a person other than a candidate committee, the


20  advertisement shall contain the following disclaimer:




"Authorized by...................................................".


               (name of candidate or name of candidate committee)



23  An individual other than a candidate is not subject to this


24  subsection if the individual is acting independently and not


25  acting as an agent for a candidate or any committee.


 1        (4) Except for website advertisements not subject to this


 2  act, a paid advertisement on a website having reference to a


 3  ballot question and that is an expenditure or contribution under


 4  this act shall identify by name the person paying for the


 5  advertisement or, if the person making the advertisement


 6  maintains the website, paying for the website and shall, except


 7  for a ballot committee's website advertisement, indicate that the


 8  advertisement is paid for "with regulated funds". If the payment


 9  is an independent expenditure, the advertisement shall contain


10  the following disclaimer: "Not authorized by any ballot


11  committee". If the payment is not an independent expenditure and


12  is made by a person other than a ballot committee, the


13  advertisement shall contain the following disclaimer:




"Authorized by...................................................".


                                   (name of the ballot committee)



16  An individual is not subject to this subsection if the individual


17  is acting independently and not acting as an agent for a ballot


18  committee or any committee.


19        (5) (3) The size and placement of an identification or


20  disclaimer required by this section shall be determined by rules


21  promulgated by the secretary of state. The rules may exempt


22  printed matter and certain other items such as campaign buttons


23  or balloons, the size of which makes it unreasonable to add an


24  identification or disclaimer, from the identification or


25  disclaimer required by this section.


26        (4) Except for a candidate committee's printed matter or


 1  radio or television paid advertisements, each identification or


 2  disclaimer required by this section shall also indicate that the


 3  printed matter or radio or television paid advertisement is paid


 4  for "with regulated funds". Printed matter or a radio or


 5  television paid advertisement that is not subject to this act


 6  shall not bear the statement required by this subsection.


 7        (6) Only printed matter or advertisements that are subject


 8  to this act shall bear the "with regulated funds" statement


 9  required by this section. Any person who uses the "with regulated


10  funds" statement required by this section with respect to printed


11  matter or advertisements that are not subject to this act


12  violates this act.


13        (7) (5) A person responsible for the content of the printed


14  matter, radio, including satellite radio, or television paid


15  advertisement who knowingly violates this section is guilty of a


16  misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or


17  imprisonment for not more than 93 days, or both.