March 24, 2015, Introduced by Senators KNEZEK, WARREN, HERTEL, BIEDA and ANANICH and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.




     A bill to amend 1897 PA 180, entitled


"An act to provide for the issuance of marriage licenses and

certificates without publicity in certain cases; and to provide

criminal and civil penalties for violation of this act,"


by amending section 1 (MCL 551.201), as amended by 1983 PA 199.




     Sec. 1. (1) When a person desires to keep the exact date of


his or her marriage to a person of the opposite sex a secret, the


judge of probate may issue, without publicity, a marriage license


to any person making application, under oath, if there is good


reason expressed in the application and determined to be sufficient


by the judge of probate.


     (2) The judge of probate may marry, without publicity, persons


under marriageable age, as provided in section 3 of Act No. 128 of


the Public Acts of 1887, being section 551.103 of the Michigan


Compiled Laws, 1887 PA 128, MCL 551.103, if the application for the


license is accompanied by 1 of the following:


     (a) A written request of all of the biological or adopting


living parents of both parties, and their guardian or guardians if


either or both of the parents are dead.


     (b) A written request of the parents or guardians of the party


under marriageable age if only 1 party to the marriage is under the


marriageable age.


     (3) If the noncustodial parent has been given notice of the


request for consent by personal service or registered mail at his


or her last known address and the noncustodial parent fails to


enter an objection within 5 days after receipt of notice, then the


consent shall be required only of a parent to whom custody of a


child has been awarded by a court. The consent shall not be


required of a parent confined under sentence in a state or federal


penal institution or confined in a mental hospital under


adjudication of legal incapacity by a court of competent


jurisdiction or upon the return of process by the sheriff of the


county in which the parent was last known to reside made not less


than 5 nor more than 14 days after issuance of the process


certifying that after diligent search the parent cannot be found


within the county.


     (4) The judge of probate may authorize an order nunc pro tunc


regarding the date to appear on the marriage license.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No. 227                                      


            of the 98th Legislature is enacted into law.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Joint Resolution I of the 98th Legislature becomes a


part of the state constitution of 1963 as provided in section 1 of


article XII of the state constitution of 1963.