SB-0247, As Passed Senate, April 1, 2009




























     A bill to make appropriations for the department of history,


arts, and libraries for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2010;


to provide for the expenditure of those appropriations; to provide


for the disposition of fees and other income received by the state


agencies; to create funds; to provide for the disbursement of


certain grants; to provide for reports; and to prescribe powers and


duties of certain state departments and certain state and local


agencies and officers.








     Sec. 101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this act, the


amounts listed in this part are appropriated for the department of


history, arts, and libraries for the fiscal year ending September


30, 2010, from the funds indicated in this part. The following is a


summary of the appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated classified positions.......... 215.0


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     40,891,500


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental


   transfers............................................            87,700


ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $     40,803,800


   Federal revenues:


Total federal revenues.................................         7,780,400


   Special revenue funds:


Total local revenues...................................           200,000


Total private revenues.................................           312,600


Total other state restricted revenues..................         4,402,500


State general fund/general purpose..................... $     28,108,300




   Full-time equated classified positions............ 2.0


Building occupancy charges and rent.................... $      3,355,400


Federal, local, and private grants.....................           600,000


Cultural economic development--2.0 FTE positions.......           338,300


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $      4,293,700


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


Federal funds..........................................           200,000


   Special revenue funds:


Private revenues.......................................           200,000


Local revenues.........................................           200,000


History, arts, and libraries fund......................            51,600


State general fund/general purpose..................... $      3,642,100




Information technology services and projects........... $       1,134,100


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $      1,134,100


    Appropriated from:


   Special revenue funds:


Mackinac Island state park fund........................            48,700


State general fund/general purpose..................... $      1,085,400




   Full-time equated classified positions............ 5.0


Administration--5.0 FTE positions...................... $        499,500


Arts and cultural grants...............................         3,575,700


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $      4,075,200


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


NFAH-NEA, promotion of the arts, partnership


   agreements...........................................           850,000


   Special revenue funds:


History, arts, and libraries fund......................           152,400


State general fund/general purpose..................... $      3,072,800




   Full-time equated classified positions........... 39.0


Mackinac Island park operation--24.0 FTE positions..... $      1,690,600


Historical facilities system--15.0 FTE positions.......         2,091,000


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $      3,781,600


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


Federal funds..........................................           200,000


   Special revenue funds:


Mackinac Island state park operation fund..............           167,000


Mackinac Island state park fund........................         1,600,500


History, arts, and libraries fund......................           204,400


State general fund/general purpose..................... $      1,609,700




   Full-time equated classified positions........... 95.0


Historical administration and services--74.0 FTE


   positions............................................ $      5,407,400


State historic preservation programs--13.0 FTE


   positions............................................         1,130,400


Heritage publications--1.0 FTE positions...............           701,100


Special programs--1.0 FTE positions....................           112,600


Thunder Bay national marine sanctuary and underwater


   preserve--1.0 FTE positions..........................           180,400


Grant to historical society of Michigan - Michigan


   history day..........................................            22,400


Museum stores--4.0 FTE positions.......................           513,400


Lighthouse preservation program--1.0 FTE positions.....           251,000


Grant to historical society of Michigan - historical


   marker program stipend...............................            41,700


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $      8,360,400


    Appropriated from:


   Interdepartmental grant revenues:


IDG-MDOT, comprehensive transportation fund............             2,700


IDG-MDOT, state aeronautics fund.......................             1,900


IDG-MDOT, state trunkline fund.........................            83,100


   Federal revenues:


DOI-NPS, historic preservation grants-in-aid...........           969,400


   Special revenue funds:


Private grants.........................................            10,000


Private - Mann house trust fund........................           102,600


Game and fish protection fund..........................             5,900


Michigan heritage publications fund....................           701,100


History, arts, and libraries fund......................           176,300


Historical marker fund.................................            41,700


Marine safety fund.....................................               600


Michigan lighthouse preservation fund..................           251,000


Museum operations fund.................................           513,400


Special revenue, internal service and pension trust....           243,600


State lottery fund.....................................            18,100


State services fee fund................................            16,400


Waterways fund.........................................             1,300


State general fund/general purpose..................... $      5,221,300




   Full-time equated classified positions........... 74.0


Book distribution centers.............................. $            100


Library of Michigan operations--72.0 FTE positions.....         5,696,400


Library services and technology program--2.0 FTE


   positions............................................         5,561,000


State aid to libraries.................................         7,537,200


Subregional state aid..................................           451,800


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     19,246,500


    Appropriated from:


   Federal revenues:


IMLS: library services and technology act..............         5,561,000


   Special revenue funds:


History, arts, and libraries fund......................           208,500


State general fund/general purpose..................... $     13,477,000












     Sec. 201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state


constitution of 1963, total state spending from state resources


under part 1 for fiscal year 2009-2010 is $32,510,800.00 and state


spending from state resources to be paid to local units of


government for fiscal year 2009-2010 is $8,310,800.00. The itemized


statement below identifies appropriations from which spending to


local units of government will occur:




Arts and cultural grants............................... $        321,800


State aid to libraries.................................         7,537,200


Subregional state aid..................................           451,800


Total department of history, arts, and libraries....... $      8,310,800


     Sec. 202. The appropriations authorized under this act are


subject to the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101


to 18.1594.


     Sec. 203. As used in this appropriation act:


     (a) "Department" means the department of history, arts, and




     (b) "Director" means the director of the department of


history, arts, and libraries.


     (c) "DOI-NPS" means the United States department of interior,


national park service.


     (d) "Fiscal agencies" means the house fiscal agency and the


senate fiscal agency.


     (e) "FTE" means full-time equated.


     (f) "IDG" means interdepartmental grant.


     (g) "IMLS" means institute of museum and library services.


     (h) "MCACA" means the Michigan council for arts and cultural




     (i) "MDOT" means the Michigan department of transportation.


     (j) "NEA" means the national endowment for the arts.


     (k) "NFAH" means the national foundation of the arts and the




     (l) "Subcommittees" means all members of the appropriate


subcommittees of the senate and house of representatives


appropriations committees.


     Sec. 204. The civil service commission shall bill departments


and agencies at the end of the first fiscal quarter for the 1%


charge authorized by section 5 of article XI of the state


constitution of 1963. Payments shall be made for the total amount


of the billing by the end of the second fiscal quarter.


     Sec. 205. (1) A hiring freeze is imposed on the state


classified civil service. State departments and agencies are


prohibited from hiring any new full-time state classified civil


service employees and prohibited from filling any vacant state


classified civil service positions. This hiring freeze does not


apply to internal transfers of classified employees from 1 position


to another within a department.


     (2) The state budget director may grant exceptions to this


hiring freeze when the state budget director believes that the


hiring freeze will result in rendering a state department or agency


unable to deliver basic services, cause loss of revenue to the


state, result in the inability of the state to receive federal


funds, or necessitate additional expenditures that exceed any


savings from maintaining a vacancy. The state budget director shall


report quarterly to the chairpersons of the senate and house of


representatives standing committees on appropriations the number of


exceptions to the hiring freeze approved during the previous


quarter and the reasons to justify the exception.


     Sec. 208. The department shall use the Internet to fulfill the


reporting requirements of this act. This requirement may include


transmission of reports via electronic mail to the recipients


identified for each reporting requirement, or it may include


placement of reports on an Internet or Intranet site.


     Sec. 209. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used for


the purchase of foreign goods or services, or both, if


competitively priced and of comparable quality American goods or


services, or both, are available. Preference should be given to


goods or services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan


businesses, if they are competitively priced and of comparable


quality. In addition, preference should be given to goods or


services, or both, that are manufactured or provided by Michigan


businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are


competitively priced and of comparable quality.


     Sec. 210. (1) The department shall report no later than April


1, 2010 on each specific policy change made to implement a public


act affecting the department that took effect during the prior


calendar year to the senate and house appropriations subcommittees


on the budget for the department, the joint committee on


administrative rules, and the senate and house fiscal agencies.


     (2) Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used by the


department to adopt a rule that will apply to a small business and


that will have a disproportionate economic impact on small


businesses because of the size of those businesses if the


department fails to reduce the disproportionate economic impact of


the rule on small businesses as provided under section 40 of the


administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.240.


     (3) As used in this section:


     (a) "Rule" means that term as defined under section 7 of the


administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.207.


     (b) "Small business" means that term as defined under section


7a of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL




     Sec. 211. The department shall establish and maintain


affirmative action programs based on guidelines developed by the


state equal opportunity and diversity council which was created by


Executive Order No. 2008-22 in order to receive general


fund/general purpose dollars in compliance with section 26 of


article I of the state constitution of 1963.


     Sec. 213. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for


information technology, departments and agencies shall pay user


fees to the department of information technology for technology-


related services and projects. The user fees are subject to


provisions of an interagency agreement between the department and


the department of information technology.


     Sec. 214. Amounts appropriated in part 1 for information


technology may be designated as work projects and carried forward


to support technology projects under the direction of the


department of information technology. Funds designated in this


manner are not available for expenditure until approved as work


projects under section 451a of the management and budget act, 1984


PA 431, MCL 18.1451a.


     Sec. 215. (1) The department may provide and enter into


agreements to provide general services, training, meetings,


information, special equipment, software and facility use, and


technical consulting services to other principal executive


departments, state agencies, local units of government, the


judicial branch of government, other organizations, and patrons of


department facilities. Fees for services shall be reasonably


related to the cost of providing the services and shall be used to


offset the costs of the services. The department may receive and


expend funds in addition to those authorized in part 1 which may


include, but are not limited to, the following:


     (a) Supplying census-related information and technical


services, publications, statistical studies, population projections


and estimates, and other demographic products.


     (b) Document and data imaging services, media, storage, and




     (c) Patron copier and document reproduction services and




     (d) Conferences, training classes, exhibits, programs, and


workshops conducted as part of the department's mission.


     (e) Use of specialized equipment, facilities, and software


that permit distance learning and meetings, and group decision




     (f) Special services including the rental of department


exhibits and collections.


     (g) Application and other fees.


     (h) Grants, gifts, and bequests from private or public


sources, including those for capital projects.


     (2) The funds received under this section shall be deposited


in and expended from the history, arts, and libraries fund


established in section 216 of this act.


     Sec. 216. (1) A fund known as the history, arts, and libraries


fund is created in the department. The fund shall be used to


receive and expend funds identified in sections 215 and 404(a). All


funds in excess of those funds appropriated in part 1 are


appropriated for expenditure upon receipt. The fund balance may be


carried forward for expenditure in subsequent fiscal years.


     (2) The department shall provide a report to the senate and


house of representatives appropriations subcommittees on history,


arts, and libraries, and to the state budget director, of all


revenues to and expenditures from the history, arts, and libraries


fund in excess of those amounts appropriated in part 1. The report


shall include an estimated fund balance for the fiscal year ending


September 30, 2010. The report is due November 1, 2010.


     Sec. 217. (1) Due to the current budgetary problems in this


state, out-of-state travel for the fiscal year ending September 30,


2010 shall be limited to situations in which 1 or more of the


following conditions apply:


     (a) The travel is required by legal mandate or court order or


for law enforcement purposes.


     (b) The travel is necessary to protect the health or safety of


Michigan citizens or visitors or to assist other states in similar




     (c) The travel is necessary to produce budgetary savings or to


increase state revenues, including protecting existing federal


funds or securing additional federal funds.


     (d) The travel is necessary to comply with federal




     (e) The travel is necessary to secure specialized training for


staff that is not available within this state.


     (f) The travel is financed entirely by federal or nonstate




     (2) If out-of-state travel is necessary but does not meet 1 or


more of the conditions in subsection (1), the state budget director


may grant an exception to allow the travel. Any exceptions granted


by the state budget director shall be reported on a monthly basis


to the senate and house of representatives standing committees on




     (3) Not later than January 1 of each year, each department


shall prepare a travel report listing all travel by classified and


unclassified employees outside this state in the immediately


preceding fiscal year that was funded in whole or in part with


funds appropriated in the department's budget. The report shall be


submitted to the senate and house of representatives standing


committees on appropriations, the senate and house fiscal agencies,


and the state budget director. The report shall include the


following information:


     (a) The name of each person receiving reimbursement for travel


outside this state or whose travel costs were paid by this state.


     (b) The destination of each travel occurrence.


     (c) The dates of each travel occurrence.


     (d) A brief statement of the reason for each travel




     (e) The transportation and related costs of each travel


occurrence, including the proportion funded with state general


fund/general purpose revenues, the proportion funded with state


restricted revenues, the proportion funded with federal revenues,


and the proportion funded with other revenues.


     (f) A total of all out-of-state travel funded for the


immediately preceding fiscal year.


     Sec. 217a. The department shall not approve the travel of more


than 1 departmental employee to a specific professional development


conference or training seminar that is located outside of this


state unless the professional development conference or training


seminar is funded by a federal or private funding source and


requires more than 1 person from a department to attend, or the


conference or training seminar includes multiple issues in which 1


employee from the department does not have expertise.


     Sec. 218. It is the intent of the legislature to explore


supplemental fund sourcing options for the department.


     Sec. 219. The department shall not take disciplinary action


against an employee for communicating with a member of the


legislature or his or her staff.


     Sec. 222. The director shall take all reasonable steps to


ensure businesses in deprived and depressed communities compete for


and perform contracts to provide services or supplies, or both. The


director shall strongly encourage firms with which the department


contracts to subcontract with certified businesses in depressed and


deprived communities for services, supplies, or both.


     Sec. 223. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used by a


principal executive department, state agency, or authority to hire


a person to provide legal services that are the responsibility of


the attorney general. This prohibition does not apply to legal


services for bonding activities or for those activities that the


attorney general authorizes.


     Sec. 224. (1) The department shall collaborate with the state


board of education, the department of human services, the


department of community health, and the department of labor and


economic growth to extend the duration of the Michigan after-school


partnership and to oversee its efforts to implement the policy


recommendations and strategic next steps identified in the Michigan


after-school initiative's report of December 15, 2003.


     (2) From the funds appropriated in part 1, $25,000.00 may be


used to support the Michigan after-school partnership. Funds shall


be used to leverage other private and public funding to engage the


public and private sectors in building and sustaining high-quality


out-of-school-time programs and resources. The cochairs,


representing the department, the state board of education, the


department of human services, the department of energy, labor, and


economic growth, and the department of community health, shall name


a fiduciary agent and may authorize the fiduciary to expend funds


and hire people to accomplish the work of the Michigan after-school




     (3) Participation in the Michigan after-school partnership


shall be expanded beyond the membership of the initial Michigan


after-school initiative to increase the representation of parents,


youth, foundations, employers, and others with experience in


education, child care, after-school and youth development services,


and crime and violence prevention, and to include representation


from the department. Each year, on or before December 31, the


Michigan after-school partnership shall report its progress in


reaching the recommendations set forth in the Michigan after-school


initiative's report to the legislature and governor.


     Sec. 226. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,


there is appropriated an amount not to exceed $2,000,000.00 for


federal contingency funds. These funds are not available for


expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item


in this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


     (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00 for state


restricted contingency funds. These funds are not available for


expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item


in this act under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


     (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for local


contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure


until they have been transferred to another line item in this act


under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,


MCL 18.1393.


     (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $750,000.00 for private


contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure


until they have been transferred to another line item in this act


under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,


MCL 18.1393.


     Sec. 227. From the funds appropriated in part 1, the


department shall implement continuous improvement efficiency


mechanisms in the programs administered by the department. The


continuous improvement efficiency mechanisms shall identify changes


made in programs to increase efficiency and reduce expenditures in


the programs. On March 31, 2010 and September 30, 2010, the


department shall submit a report to the state budget director, the


senate and house appropriation subcommittees, and the senate and


house fiscal agencies on the progress made toward increased


efficiencies in department programs. At a minimum, each report


shall include information on the program review process, the type


of improvement mechanisms implemented, and actual and projected


expenditure savings as a result of the increased program




     Sec. 228. Within 10 days of the receipt of a grant


appropriated in the federal, local and private grants line item in


part 1, the department shall notify the house and senate


chairpersons of the appropriations subcommittees responsible for


the department budget, the house and senate fiscal agencies, and


the state budget director of the receipt of the grant, including


the funding source, purpose, and amount of the grant.


     Sec. 229. Based on the public testimony provided in hearings


on the budget for the department, it is the intent of the


legislature that in any proposed reorganization of the department


the component programs currently within the library of Michigan


shall be kept together in a state department and the component


programs currently within the Michigan historical programs shall be


kept together in a state department.


     Sec. 230. Not later than September 30, 2010, the department


shall prepare and transmit a report that provides for estimates of


the total general fund/general purpose appropriation lapses at the


close of the fiscal year. This report shall summarize the projected


year-end general fund/general purpose appropriation lapses by major


departmental program or program areas. The report shall be


transmitted to the office of the state budget, the chairpersons of


the senate and house appropriations committees, and the senate and


house fiscal agencies.


     Sec. 231. It is the intent of the legislature that the


reorganization of this department shall not jeopardize any federal


funding that the Michigan council for arts and cultural affairs,


the library of Michigan, or the Michigan historical programs may be


eligible for.






     Sec. 401. (1) The MCACA in the department shall administer the


arts and cultural grants appropriated in part 1.


     (2) The MCACA shall render fair and independent decisions


concerning arts and cultural grant requests and shall do all of the




     (a) Use published criteria to evaluate program quality,


including all of the following:


     (i) The department's intended goals and outcomes for each




     (ii) The department's quantifiable measures of success in


meeting the intended goals and outcomes.


     (b) Seek to award grants on an equitable geographic basis to


the extent possible given the quality of grant applications




     (c) Give priority to projects that serve multiple counties,


leverage significant additional public and private investment, or


demonstrate a significant potential to increase tourism or attract


or retain businesses or residents.


     (3) No payment shall be made under part 1 except upon


application submitted in accordance with MCACA published criteria


and procedures, which shall ensure both of the following:


     (a) Artistic excellence and artistic merit are the criteria by


which applications will be judged, taking into consideration


general standards of decency and respect for the diverse beliefs


and values of the people of this state.


     (b) Criteria clearly indicate that obscenity is without


artistic merit, is not protected speech, and will not be funded by


a grant from appropriations under part 1.


     (4) The MCACA shall provide for fair, equitable, and efficient


distribution of funds granted through the regional regranting


program. The MCACA shall provide for an annual assessment of grant


management and distribution of mini-grant awards by designated


regional regranting agencies and review the methodology employed.


     (5) The MCACA shall continue and expand its efforts to


encourage and support nonprofit arts and cultural organizations to


transition from solely volunteer-based organizations to


professionally directed operations. Criteria for support include


the requirement of collaboration between these organizations and


other community organizations.


     (6) The department shall withhold undistributed grant payments


from a grant recipient who violates the requirements for funding in


subsection (3) and may disqualify the grant recipient from award of


future grants for a period of not more than 3 years.


     Sec. 402. The MCACA may award grants to counties, cities,


villages, townships, community foundations and organizations in the


following categories:


     (a) Anchor organization program for organizations that serve


regional and statewide audiences. Anchor organizations shall


demonstrate a commitment to education, to mentoring smaller


organizations, and to reaching underserved audiences.


     (b) Arts projects program.


     (c) Arts and learning program.


     (d) Artists in residence for education program.


     (e) Arts organization development program.


     (f) Capital improvement program.


     (g) Local arts agencies services program.


     (h) Regional regranting program.


     (i) Partnership program.


     (j) Rural arts and cultural program.


     (k) Cultural projects program.


     (l) Historical society projects program.


     (m) Discretionary grants program.


     (n) Cultural and ethnic heritage centers and museums.


     Sec. 403. (1) From the state funds appropriated in part 1 for


arts and cultural grants, no 1 organization may receive more than


15% of this funding.


     (2) The MCACA shall make every effort to provide total grant


awards in the anchor organization program at a level not to exceed


70% of the total amount appropriated for arts and cultural grants.


     (3) As documented in the audit report that is submitted as


part of the grant application process, the total of all grants


awarded to any organization receiving grants within the anchor


organization program may not exceed 15% of their "total


unrestricted revenues, gains, and other support", as defined by the


financial accounting standards board in the accounting standards


for not-for-profit organizations or equivalent accounting standards


for other types of eligible organizations.


     (4) Before any amount appropriated for arts and cultural


grants in part 1 may be expended for a grant to an eligible


recipient, the department shall execute a grant agreement with the


recipient. The grant agreement shall identify the projects funded,


specify the category in section 402 under which the grant is


awarded, and include the prohibitions and sanctions identified in


section 401(3) and (6).


     Sec. 404. Grant applicants shall meet and adhere to the


following requirements:


     (a) Each applicant shall pay a nonrefundable application fee


of $300.00 or 3% of the desired grant amount, whichever is less.


Application fees shall be deposited in the history, arts, and


libraries fund established in section 216. The department may use


the application fee to offset its direct and indirect costs.


     (b) An applicant for a grant under the anchor organization


program shall submit with the application the applicant's most


recent annual audit report which states their "total unrestricted


revenues, gains, and other support", as defined by the financial


accounting standards board in the accounting standards for not-for-


profit organizations or equivalent accounting standards for other


types of eligible organizations. The audit report shall cover an


audit period that ends within 18 months of the date of the




     (c) Each applicant shall identify proposed matching funds from


local and/or private sources on a minimum of a dollar-for-dollar


basis. The match may include the reasonable value of services,


materials, and equipment as allowed under the federal internal


revenue code for charitable contributions.


     (d) Each applicant for a grant that charges admission to their


institution may offer a discounted rate for admission to current


and former United States servicemen and servicewomen, firefighters,


police officers, and first responders.


     Sec. 405. Each grant recipient shall provide the MCACA with


the following:


     (a) Proof of the entire amount of the matching funds,


services, materials, or equipment by the end of the award period.


     (b) Within 30 days following the end of the grant period, a


final report that includes the following:


     (i) Project revenues and expenditures, including grant matching


fund amounts.


     (ii) Number of patrons attracted or benefiting during the grant




     (iii) A narrative summary of each project and its outcome.


     (c) By April 7 of the grant year, each recipient of a grant


greater than $100,000.00 shall submit an interim report that


includes the items identified in subdivision (b).


     Sec. 406. (1) The department shall make the following reports:


     (a) A report identifying the web site location that contains a


list of all grant recipients, sorted by county. This report shall


be provided to each legislator within 1 business day of the


announcement of annual awards by the MCACA.


     (b) A report to the senate and house of representatives


appropriations subcommittees, the state budget director, and the


fiscal agencies, within 30 days after the MCACA announces the


annual grant awards, that includes all of the following:


     (i) A listing of each applicant.


     (ii) The county of residence or domicile of the applicant.


     (iii) The amount requested.


     (iv) The amount awarded.


     (v) The grant category under which an applicant applied.


     (vi) A summary of projects funded for each recipient.


     (vii) The expected number of patrons for an applicant during


the grant period.


     (viii) The amount of matching funds proposed by each applicant.


     (ix) A listing containing the applicant, county of residence or


domicile of the applicant, and amount awarded for any regranted


funds in the preceding fiscal year.


     (c) An annual report to the appropriations subcommittees, the


state budget director, and the fiscal agencies is due when


materials are first distributed by the MCACA seeking grant


applications for the subsequent fiscal year. The report shall


contain the following:


     (i) The MCACA guidelines for awarding grants.


     (ii) A summary of any changes in the program guidelines from


the previous fiscal year.


     (2) The MCACA shall report to the chairpersons of the senate


and house of representatives appropriations subcommittees on


history, arts, and libraries by August 1 all unexpended or


unencumbered discretionary grant funding that is available. The


council shall not redistribute any unexpended or unencumbered grant


funds during the fiscal year without a 10-day notice to the


chairpersons of the senate and house of representatives


appropriations subcommittees on history, arts, and libraries.






     Sec. 502. Funds collected by the department under sections 6,


7, and 7a of 1913 PA 271, MCL 399.6, 399.7, and 399.7a, are


appropriated to the department for the purposes for which they were


received, upon receipt.


     Sec. 503. For the purposes of administering the museum store


as provided in section 7a of 1913 PA 271, MCL 399.7a, the


department is exempt from section 261 of the management and budget


act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1261.


     Sec. 505. From the funds appropriated in part 1 for historical


administration and services, $22,400.00 shall be allocated to


support the operations of the Michigan freedom trail commission as


specified in section 4 of the Michigan freedom trail commission


act, 1998 PA 409, MCL 399.84. These funds shall be used to


reimburse commission members, to pay for necessary contractual


services of the commission, and to hire not more than 1.0 FTE


position in the department's Michigan historical center to support


commission operations.


     Sec. 506. Proceeds in excess of costs incurred in the conduct


of auctions, sales, or transfers of artifacts no longer considered


suitable for the collections of the state historical museum are


appropriated to the department and may be expended upon receipt for


additional material for the collection. The department shall notify


the chairpersons, vice chairpersons, and minority vice chairpersons


of the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on history,


arts, and libraries 1 week prior to any auctions or sales.


     Sec. 507. Unless prohibited by law, the department shall make


available to the historical society of Michigan the use of the


Michigan history magazine subscriber list, or a portion of the


Michigan history magazine subscriber list, at a cost not to exceed


the actual expense incurred for providing a single mailing.


     Sec. 508. Of the funds appropriated in part 1 to the


historical society of Michigan, historical marker program stipend,


the $41,700.00 of historical marker funds is available as a 1-time


stipend to facilitate the transfer and privatization of the state


historical marker program.






     Sec. 601. In order to receive subregional state aid as


appropriated in part 1 to the library of Michigan, a subregional


library's fiscal agency shall agree to maintain local funding


support at the same level in the current fiscal year as in the


fiscal agency's preceding fiscal year. If a reduction in


expenditures equally affects all agencies in a local unit of


government that is the subregional library's fiscal agency, that


reduction shall not be interpreted as a reduction in local support


and shall not disqualify a subregional library from receiving state


aid under part 1. If a reduction in income affects a library


cooperative or district library that is a subregional library's


fiscal agency or a reduction in expenditures for the subregional


library's fiscal agency, a reduction in expenditures for the


subregional library shall not be interpreted as a reduction in


local support and shall not disqualify a subregional library from


receiving state aid under part 1.


     Sec. 602. The funds appropriated in part 1 for a subregional


library shall not be released until a budget for that subregional


library has been approved by the department for expenditures for


library services directly serving the blind and persons with




     Sec. 603. The funds appropriated in part 1 for book


distribution centers shall be distributed equally to the public


enrichment foundation and the Michigan friends of education.