June 4, 2015, Introduced by Senator BIEDA and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources.




     A bill to prohibit the sale, purchase, barter, or possession


with intent to sell of ivory or rhinoceros horn or products


thereof; to authorize the issuance of permits; to provide for the


powers and duties of state governmental officers and agencies; to


require the seizure of certain items and provide for their


disposition; and to provide for penalties and remedies.




     Sec. 1. As used in this section:


     (a) "Department" means the department of natural resources.


     (b) "Ivory" means any tooth or tusk composed of ivory from any


animal, including, but not limited to, an elephant, hippopotamus,


mammoth, narwhal, walrus, or whale, or any piece thereof, whether


or not polished, embellished, carved, or marked.

     (c) "Ivory product" means an item that contains, or that is


wholly or partially made from, ivory.


     (d) "Rhinoceros horn" means the horn, or any piece thereof, of


any species of rhinoceros.


     (e) "Rhinoceros horn product" means an item that contains, or


is wholly or partially made from, rhinoceros horn.


     (f) "Total value of the ivory, ivory products, rhinoceros


horn, and rhinoceros horn products" means the fair market value of


the ivory, ivory products, rhinoceros horn, and rhinoceros horn


products, or the actual price paid for the ivory, ivory products,


rhinoceros horn, and rhinoceros horn products, whichever is




     Sec. 3. (1) Except as provided in this act, a person shall not


import, sell, offer for sale, purchase, barter, or possess with


intent to sell any ivory, ivory product, rhinoceros horn, or


rhinoceros horn product.


     (2) There is a rebuttable presumption that any ivory, ivory


product, rhinoceros horn, or rhinoceros horn product possessed in a


retail or wholesale outlet commonly used for the buying or selling


of similar products is possessed with intent to sell. The act of


obtaining an appraisal of ivory, an ivory product, rhinoceros horn,


or a rhinoceros horn product alone does not constitute possession


with intent to sell.


     Sec. 5. (1) Section 3(1) does not apply to an employee or


agent of the federal government or this state undertaking any law


enforcement activity pursuant to federal or state law or any duty


imposed by federal or state law.

     (2) The prohibition on import set forth in section 3(1) does


not apply if the import is expressly authorized by a federal


license or permit.


     Sec. 7. Unless the activity is prohibited by federal law, the


department may issue a permit, under terms and conditions as the


department may prescribe, authorizing the import, sale, offer for


sale, purchase, barter, or possession with intent to sell of ivory,


an ivory product, rhinoceros horn, or a rhinoceros horn product


under any of the following conditions:


     (a) For bona fide educational or scientific purposes.


     (b) If the ivory, ivory product, rhinoceros horn, or


rhinoceros horn product is part of a bona fide antique and is less


than 20% by volume of the antique and if the owner or seller


establishes by documentation that the antique is not less than 100


years old.


     (c) If the ivory, ivory product, rhinoceros horn, or


rhinoceros horn product is part of a musical instrument, including,


but not limited to, string and wind instruments and pianos, or a


part of a firearm, and if the owner or seller establishes by


documentation that the item was manufactured not later than 1975.


     Sec. 9. The department may promulgate rules to implement this


act pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA


306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.


     Sec. 11. (1) A person who violates this act or a rule


promulgated or permit issued or under this act is guilty of a


misdemeanor punishable as follows:


     (a) For a first offense, by a fine of not less than $1,000.00

or an amount equal to twice the total value of the ivory, ivory


products, rhinoceros horn, and rhinoceros horn products involved in


the offense, whichever is greater.


     (b) For a second or subsequent offense, by a fine of not less


than $5,000.00 or an amount equal to twice the total value of the


ivory, ivory products, rhinoceros horn, and rhinoceros horn


products involved in the offense, whichever is greater.


     (2) Upon a conviction for violating this act or a rule


promulgated or permit issued under this act, the court shall order


the seizure of all ivory, ivory products, rhinoceros horn, and


rhinoceros horn products involved in the violation and determine


the fine for the violation.


     (3) After sentencing the defendant, the court shall order that


the seized ivory, ivory products, rhinoceros horn, and rhinoceros


horn products be transferred to the department for proper


disposition. The department, at its discretion, may destroy the


ivory, ivory products, rhinoceros horn, and rhinoceros horn


products or donate them to an educational or scientific institution


or organization, including, but not limited to, a zoo, museum,


university, or research group.


     Enacting section 1. This act takes effect 90 days after the


date it is enacted into law.