August 20, 2019, Introduced by Senator LUCIDO and referred to the Committee on Judiciary and    Public Safety.




     A bill to amend 1961 PA 236, entitled


"Revised judicature act of 1961,"


by amending sections 2559, 6002, and 6012 (MCL 600.2559, 600.6002,


and 600.6012), section 2559 as amended by 2018 PA 261.




     Sec. 2559. (1) Except as provided in subsection (7), the


following is the schedule of fees allowed for process or papers


served out of a court in this state by a person authorized under


this act or supreme court rule to serve process:


     (a) For personal service of a summons and complaint in a civil


action, along with supporting documents, for each defendant, $26.00


plus mileage.


     (b) For personal service of an affidavit and account, for each


defendant, $26.00 plus mileage.

     (c) For a request for and writ of garnishment, for each


garnishee and defendant, $23.00 plus mileage.


     (d) For personal service of an order to seize goods that are


the subject of a claim and delivery action, $40.00 plus mileage,


plus the actual and reasonable expense of seizing, keeping, and


delivering the goods.


     (e) For receiving and filing a bond from or on behalf of a


defendant in a claim and delivery action, $20.00.


     (f) For an order to show cause, for each person served, $26.00


plus mileage.


     (g) For a subpoena on discovery, for each person served,


$26.00 plus mileage.


     (h) For levying under or serving an order for the seizure of


property and any accompanying paper, $40.00 plus mileage, plus the


actual and reasonable expense of seizing and keeping the property


under the order.


     (i) If the person has seized property, physically or


constructively, under an order for the seizure of property issued


in an action in which a judgment is entered against the owner of


the property, regardless of whether the judgment is entered before


or after the order is issued, and if the judgment is satisfied in


whole or in part before sale of the seized property by full payment


of the judgment payments to the person or settlement between the


parties, 7% of the first $8,000.00 of the payment payments or


settlement amount and 3% of the payment payments or settlement


amount exceeding the first $8,000.00.


     (j) For sale of money seized or received or for property

seized and sold under an order for the seizure of property, 7% of


the first $8,000.00 in receipts of the amount received and 3% of


any receipts amount received exceeding the first $8,000.00.


     (k) For each notice of sale under an order for the seizure of


property or construction lien posted in a public place in the city


or township, $26.00 plus mileage.


     (l) For an order of eviction or a writ for the restitution of


premises, for each defendant, $40.00 plus mileage, plus the actual


and reasonable expense for the physical removal of property from


the premises.


     (m) For a subpoena directed to a witness, including a judgment


debtor, $26.00 plus mileage.


     (n) For a civil bench warrant or body execution, $40.00 plus


mileage, plus a reasonable fee per hour for the amount of time


involved in executing the warrant.


     (o) For service by mail, $13.00 plus the actual cost of




     (p) For each verification by a process server, $10.00 plus




     (q) For each postal change of address verification requested


by the plaintiff, $10.00.


     (r) For each global positioning service verification requested


by the plaintiff, $5.00.


     (s) For each photo verification requested by the plaintiff,




     (2) On submitting a sworn affidavit, a person authorized by


this act or supreme court rule to serve process or papers out of a

court in this state is entitled to receive a $10.00 fee plus


mileage for each process that has an incorrect address. This fee is


in addition to any fee the person is entitled to receive under


subsection (1).


     (3) Mileage is allowed under subsection (1) for each


defendant, garnishee, and person served at 1-1/2 times the rate


allowed by the state civil service commission for employees in the


state classified civil service. Mileage is computed, each way,


using the shortest reasonable route from the place where the court


that issued or filed the process or paper is located to the place


of service.


     (4) The fees and expenses allowed under subsection (1)(h) to


(k) must be collected in the same manner as the sum directed to be


levied or collected under the order for the seizure of property. If


at the time of advertising property for sale a sheriff or other


officer has several orders for the seizure of property against the


same defendant, the sheriff or officer shall charge only 1


advertising fee on the whole, and shall elect on which order he or


she will receive the fee.


     (5) A person authorized by this act or supreme court rule to


serve process or papers out of a court in this state who demands


and receives a greater fee or compensation for performing a service


mentioned in this section than allowed by this section is, in


addition to all other liability provided by law, liable to the


party injured by paying the illegal fees for 3 times the amount of


illegal fees actually paid and all costs of the action.


     (6) A sheriff or other officer who, after the fees specified

by this section have been tendered, neglects or refuses a service


required by law is liable to the party injured for all damages that


the party sustains as a result of the neglect or refusal.


     (7) A person authorized under this act or supreme court rule


to serve process may charge a fee for service of process that


exceeds the fee prescribed under this section or other law if the


fee is agreed to in advance in writing by the person serving


process and the person requesting the service.


     (8) Regardless of whether a fee charged or paid for service of


process exceeds the fee prescribed by this section or other law,


including a fee allowed under subsection (7), a person entitled to


tax costs shall not attempt to tax and is not entitled to recover a


fee for service of process that exceeds the fee prescribed by this


section or other law.


     (9) As used in this section, "order for the seizure of


property" includes an order to seize property, a writ of


attachment, and a writ of execution, including, but not limited to,


execution in a claim and delivery action on property other than the


property that is the subject of the claim and delivery action.


     Sec. 6002. (1) Upon On receipt of any an execution, the


sheriff or other officer receiving who receives the execution shall


indorse thereon on the execution the year, month, day, and hour of


receipt, and that time shall be is the effective date of the




     (2) Executions shall An execution must be made returnable not


less than 20 , nor and not more than 90, 180 days from that


date.after the effective date of the execution.

     (3) When If an officer has begun to serve an execution issued


out of any court , on or before the return day of the execution, he


the officer may complete service and return after the return date.


     (4) An officer who serves an execution may physically or


constructively seize property subject to execution. To effect a


constructive seizure, the officer shall prominently post or attach


to the property a notice stating that the property has been seized


under an execution, the date the seizure commenced, and the name,


address, and phone number of the officer. The officer may, but is


not required to, immobilize or disable property that is


constructively seized.


     (5) (4) When If an officer has begun to serve an execution and


dies , or becomes incapable of completing service and return, any


other officer who might by law have originally served the execution


, may complete it. the service. If the first officer fails to make


a certificate, the second officer shall do so, including the doings


actions of both officers therein. in the certificate. If the first


officer makes a certificate, the second officer shall make a


certificate as to his or her own doings actions in completing




     (6) (5) If there are joint or joint and several obligors and


jurisdiction was not acquired over all of them, the names of those


over whom jurisdiction was not acquired shall must be indorsed on


the an execution.


     (7) If an execution is received by a person that is not an


officer, the person shall not serve the execution but shall


promptly deliver the execution to the issuing court.

     (8) As used in this section:


     (a) "Execution" means an order for the seizure of property, as


that term is defined in section 2559.


     (b) "Officer" means a person that is either of the following:


     (i) A sheriff or deputy sheriff, acting in the county the


sheriff or deputy sheriff serves or under section 582(a).


     (ii) A person acting at the direction of the court that issued


the execution and that, before the execution was issued, appointed


the person a court officer in accordance with the general court


rules or by ex parte motion and order.


     Sec. 6012. Whenever an If an execution issues is issued


against the property of any a person, his the person's goods and


chattels, and lands and tenements, levied upon on by such the


execution, shall be are bound from the time of such levy.effective


date of the execution.