June 25, 2009, Introduced by Senators WHITMER, CLARK-COLEMAN, BRATER, JACOBS, PRUSI, SCOTT, SWITALSKI, CHERRY and CLARKE and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.




     A bill to require that crisis pregnancy organizations obtain


informed consent from women served by those organizations; and to


provide remedies and prescribe penalties.




     Sec. 1. As used in this act:


     (a) "Crisis pregnancy organization" means a nongovernmental


not-for-profit agency or organization that provides services and


counseling to women who have unplanned or unwanted pregnancies.


     (b) "Medically accurate" means verified or supported by


research conducted in compliance with scientific methods and


published in peer-review journals, where appropriate, and


recognized as accurate and objective by professional organizations


and agencies with relevant expertise in the field, such as the


American college of obstetricians and gynecologists or the American


gynecological and obstetrical society.


     Sec. 2. Services shall not be provided to a pregnant woman by


any person who is employed by, a volunteer at, or in any manner


affiliated with a crisis pregnancy organization except with the


voluntary and informed consent of the pregnant woman. Consent to


the provision of services from a crisis pregnancy organization is


voluntary and informed only if all of the following conditions are


met, before any services are provided:


     (a) A person employed by, a volunteer at, or in any manner


affiliated with the crisis pregnancy organization provides the


pregnant woman with the following information, orally and in




     (i) A medically accurate and objective explanation of the full


range of options available to the pregnant woman regarding her


pregnancy, including abortion, parenting, and adoption.


     (ii) Medically accurate and objective information on the range


of medical risks associated with abortion, pregnancy, and




     (iii) That the pregnant woman has the right to obtain printed


materials listing medical clinics and hospitals that provide


abortion services.


     (b) If the pregnant woman inquires about pregnancy


termination, abortion, or birth control services, a person employed


by, a volunteer at, or in any manner affiliated with the crisis


pregnancy organization orally or in writing informs the pregnant


woman that the crisis pregnancy organization does not provide


information on how to obtain an abortion, abortion services, or


birth control information.


     (c) If the pregnant woman so requests, a person employed by, a


volunteer at, or in any manner affiliated with the crisis pregnancy


organization provides her with geographically indexed, printed


materials that contain a comprehensive list of the medical clinics


and hospitals that provide abortion services.


     (d) The pregnant woman certifies in writing that the


information described in subdivision (a) has been provided to her


and that she has been informed of her right to review the printed


materials described in subdivision (c).


     (e) A person employed by, a volunteer at, or in any manner


affiliated with the crisis pregnancy organization receives a copy


of the certification required in subdivision (d).


     (f) The following notice is posted prominently at the crisis


pregnancy organization: "None of our services are provided by


licensed medical professionals. We do not provide information on


how to obtain an abortion, abortion services, or birth control




     (g) The crisis pregnancy organization distributes the prenatal


care and parenting pamphlet prepared by the department of community


health under section 9161 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368,


MCL 333.9161.


     Sec. 3. A pregnant woman who receives services from a person


employed by, a volunteer at, or in any manner affiliated with a


crisis pregnancy organization who knowingly provided those services


in violation of this act may maintain an action against the crisis


pregnancy organization for actual and punitive damages.