state of michigan

100th Legislature

Regular session of 2020

Introduced by Senators Barrett, Runestad, Lauwers, MacDonald, Victory, Bumstead, Bizon, Zorn, Outman, Stamas, VanderWall, Schmidt, Theis, Daley, Lucido, Johnson and LaSata


AN ACT to prohibit a state department or agency or a member or office of the senate or house of representatives from taking disciplinary action against certain state employees for communicating with certain individuals in the legislative branch.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

Sec. 1. A department or agency of this state or a member or office of the senate or house of representatives shall not take disciplinary action against an employee of the department or agency in the state classified civil service or a nonpartisan employee of the senate or house of representatives, respectively, because the employee communicates with a member of the senate or house of representatives or a member’s staff, unless the communication is prohibited by law and the department or agency or the member or office of the senate or house of representatives taking disciplinary action is exercising its authority as provided by law.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.



Secretary of the Senate


Clerk of the House of Representatives


