SB-0773, As Passed Senate, April 30, 2014





























     A bill to make appropriations for the department of military


and veterans affairs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015;


and to provide for the expenditure of the appropriations.








     Sec. 101. Subject to the conditions set forth in this part,


the amounts listed in this part for the department of military and


veterans affairs are appropriated for the fiscal year ending


September 30, 2015 from the funds indicated in this part. The


following is a summary of the appropriations in this part:






   Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 9.0


   Full-time equated classified positions.......... 889.5


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $    167,201,600


Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental


   transfers............................................           100,000


    Schedule of interdepartmental grant revenue sources:


   IDG, state police............................. 100,000


ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................... $    167,101,600


Total federal revenues.................................        90,362,800


    Schedule of federal revenue sources:


   DOD-DOA-NGB................................ 60,025,300


   DVA-VHA.................................... 27,235,700


   HHS-HCFA, Medicare, hospital insurance...... 2,963,500


   HHS-HCFA, title XIX, Medicaid.................. 88,300


   Federal counter narcotics revenues............. 50,000


Total local revenues...................................         1,500,000


    Schedule of local revenue sources:


   Local - school aid fund..................... 1,500,000


Total private revenues.................................           740,000


    Schedule of private revenue sources:


   Private - veterans' home post and posthumous


    funds........................................ 540,000


   Private donations............................. 200,000


Total other state restricted revenues..................        25,086,400


    Schedule of restricted revenue sources:


   Rental fees................................... 346,400


   Mackinac Bridge authority...................... 70,000


   Test project fees............................. 100,000


   Income and assessments..................... 17,356,100


   Lease revenue.................................. 12,200


   Michigan veterans trust fund................ 5,201,700


   Michigan national guard construction fund... 1,000,000


   Military family relief fund................. 1,000,000


State general fund/general purpose..................... $     49,412,400


    State general fund/general purpose schedule:


   Ongoing state general fund/general


    purpose................................... 46,412,400


   One-time state general fund/general


    purpose.................................... 3,000,000


   Sec. 102. MILITARY


   Full-time equated unclassified positions.......... 9.0


   Full-time equated classified positions.......... 324.0


Unclassified positions................................. $      1,370,100


Military...............................................        63,704,300


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     65,074,400


    Appropriated from:


Interdepartmental grant revenues.......................           100,000


Federal revenues.......................................        45,489,000


Local revenues.........................................         1,500,000


Private revenues.......................................           200,000


State restricted revenues..............................         1,523,600


State general fund/general purpose..................... $     16,261,800


    Schedule of programs:


   Support services............................ 1,909,400


   Armories and joint force readiness......... 16,136,500


   Maintenance and operations of national


    guard training facilities and air bases... 32,050,600


   ChalleNGe program........................... 4,549,200


   Military family relief fund................... 600,000


   Starbase grant.............................. 2,322,000


   National guard tuition assistance program... 5,000,000


   Information technology services and


    projects................................... 1,136,600




   Full-time equated classified positions.......... 565.5


Michigan veterans affairs agency....................... $     16,059,300


Homes..................................................        66,567,900


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     82,627,200


    Appropriated from:


Federal revenues.......................................        29,873,800


Private revenues.......................................           540,000


State restricted revenues..............................        22,562,800


State general fund/general purpose..................... $     29,650,600


    Schedule of programs:


   Veterans affairs agency administration...... 7,045,100


   General legal services/federal


representation................................ 50,000


   Veterans advice, advocacy, and assistance


    grants..................................... 3,762,500


   Veterans' trust fund administration......... 1,455,200


   Veterans' trust fund grants................. 3,746,500


Grand Rapids veterans' home................ 46,012,600


   Board of managers (Grand Rapids home)......... 665,000


   D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home.............. 19,615,300


   Board of managers (Jacobetti home)............ 275,000




Special maintenance – military training sites


    and support facilities.............................. $     15,000,000


Special maintenance – veterans' homes..................           500,000


Land acquisitions and appraisals.......................         1,000,000


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $     16,500,000


    Appropriated from:


Federal revenues.......................................        15,000,000


State restricted revenues..............................         1,000,000


State general fund/general purpose..................... $        500,000




Special maintenance – veterans' homes.................. $       3,000,000


GROSS APPROPRIATION.................................... $      3,000,000


    Appropriated from:


State general fund/general purpose..................... $      3,000,000














     Sec. 201. Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state


constitution of 1963, total state spending from state resources


under part 1 for fiscal year 2014-2015 is $74,498,800.00 and state


spending from state resources to be paid to local units of


government for fiscal year 2014-2015 is $100,000.00. The itemized


statement below identifies appropriations from which spending to


local units of government will occur:




Military............................................... $         50,000


    Schedule of programs:


   Payments in lieu of taxes...................... 50,000


Veterans affairs agency administration................. $          50,000


    Schedule of programs:


   County counselor education and training


    expenses...................................... 50,000


TOTAL.................................................. $        100,000


     Sec. 202. The appropriations authorized under this part are


subject to the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101


to 18.1594.


     Sec. 203. As used in this part:


     (a) "Agency" means the Michigan veterans affairs agency.


     (b) "Department" means the department of military and veterans




     (c) "DOD" means the United States department of defense.


     (d) "DOD-DOA-NGB" means the DOD department of the army,


national guard bureau.


     (e) "DVA" means the United States department of veterans




     (f) "DVA-VHA" means the DVA veterans health administration.


     (g) "FTE" means full-time equated.


     (h) "HHS" means the United States department of health and


human services.


     (i) "IDG" means interdepartmental grant.


     (j) "Large veterans service organization" means a VSO that can


certify that its membership exceeds 30,000 individuals.


     (k) "Medium veterans service organization" means a VSO that


can certify that its membership is between 2,500 and 30,000




     (l) "Small veterans service organization" means a VSO that can


certify that its membership is between 1,000 and 2,499 individuals.


     (m) "Subcommittees" means all members of the subcommittees of


the senate and house appropriations committees with jurisdiction


over the budget of the department.


     (n) "VSO" means veterans service organization.


     (o) "Work project" means a group of activities featuring a


fixed duration, budget, and scope that is expected to cause a


measurable change in the delivery, efficiency, or effectiveness of


1 or more operations.


     Sec. 204. The appropriations from part 1 for interdepartmental


grant funds received by the department from sources outside the


department consist of $100,000.00 from the department of state




     Sec. 206. (1) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,


there is appropriated an amount not to exceed $10,000,000.00 for


federal contingency funds. These funds are not available for


expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item


in this part under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


     (2) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $2,000,000.00 for state


restricted contingency funds. These funds are not available for


expenditure until they have been transferred to another line item


in this part under section 393(2) of the management and budget act,


1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.


     (3) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for local


contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure


until they have been transferred to another line item in this part


under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,


MCL 18.1393.


     (4) In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


appropriated an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 for private


contingency funds. These funds are not available for expenditure


until they have been transferred to another line item in this part


under section 393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,


MCL 18.1393.


     Sec. 207. The department shall cooperate with the department


of technology, management, and budget to maintain a searchable


website that is accessible by the public at no cost that includes,


but is not limited to, all of the following:


     (a) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by category.


     (b) Fiscal year-to-date expenditures by appropriation unit.


     (c) Fiscal year-to-date payments to a selected vendor,


including the vendor name, payment date, payment amount, and


payment description.


     (d) The number of active department employees by job




     (e) Job specifications and wage rates.


     Sec. 208. The departments and agencies receiving


appropriations in part 1 shall use the Internet to fulfill the


reporting requirements of this part. This requirement may include


transmission of reports via electronic mail to the recipients


identified for each reporting requirement, or it may include


placement of reports on an Internet or Intranet site.


     Sec. 209. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used for


the purchase of foreign goods or services, or both, if


competitively priced and of comparable quality American goods or


services, or both, are available. Preference shall be given to


goods or services, or both, manufactured or provided by Michigan


businesses, if they are competitively priced and of comparable


quality. In addition, preference shall be given to goods or


services, or both, that are manufactured or provided by Michigan


businesses owned and operated by veterans, if they are


competitively priced and of comparable quality. In addition,


preference shall be given to goods or services, or both, that are


manufactured or provided by Michigan small businesses that have


veterans compose at least 35% of their total workforce. As used in


this section, "veteran" means that term as defined in section 261


of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1261. As used


in this section, "small business" means that term as defined in


section 7a of the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA


306, MCL 24.207a.


     Sec. 210. The department shall take all reasonable steps to


ensure businesses in deprived and depressed communities compete for


and perform contracts to provide services or supplies, or both. The


director of the department shall strongly encourage firms with


which the department contracts to subcontract with certified


businesses in depressed and deprived communities for services,


supplies, or both.


     Sec. 212. The departments and agencies receiving


appropriations in part 1 shall receive and retain copies of all


reports funded from appropriations in part 1. Federal and state


guidelines for short-term and long-term retention of records shall


be followed. The department may electronically retain copies of


reports unless otherwise required by federal and state guidelines.


     Sec. 215. The department shall not take disciplinary action


against an employee for communicating with a member of the


legislature or his or her staff.


     Sec. 216. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this


part, the schedule of programs in part 1 lists programs which may,


but are not required to be, funded under this part.


     (2) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this part, the


schedule of revenue sources in part 1 may or may not be received


from the funding entities listed.


     (3) Any funding required by statute is not subject to funding


flexibility and shall be funded in accordance with that statute.


     Sec. 217. The department shall improve its budgetary


efficiency pertaining to the delivery of core services delineated


in section 222 by doing all of the following:


     (a) Prioritizing personnel over buildings in budgetary


efficiency considerations.


     (b) Pursuing the physical or virtual consolidation of support


service functions such as information technology, human resources,


and accounting as a means of improving standardization and




     (c) Seeking expenditure reductions whenever possible through


the streamlining of existing service delivery activities.


     (d) Identifying efficiencies that can be gained via the


reduction or elimination of programs, policies, and practices which


have outlived their usefulness.


     Sec. 218. The departments and agencies receiving


appropriations in part 1 shall prepare a report on out-of-state


travel expenses not later than January 1 of each year. The travel


report shall be a listing of all travel by classified and


unclassified employees outside this state in the immediately


preceding fiscal year that was funded in whole or in part with


funds appropriated in the department's budget. The report shall be


submitted to the senate and house appropriations committees, the


house and senate fiscal agencies, and the state budget director.


The report shall include the following information:


     (a) The dates of each travel occurrence.


     (b) The total transportation and related costs of each travel


occurrence, including the proportion funded with state general


fund/general purpose revenues, the proportion funded with state


restricted revenues, the proportion funded with federal revenues,


and the proportion funded with other revenues.


     Sec. 219. (1) The department shall provide quarterly reports,


beginning October 1, to the subcommittees and the senate and house


fiscal agencies, which provide the following data:


     (a) A list of all major work projects, including a status


report of each project.


     (b) The department's financial status, featuring a report of


budgeted versus actual expenditures by part 1 line item including a


year-end projection of budget requirements. If projected department


budget requirements exceed the allocated budget, the report shall


include a plan to reduce overall expenses while still satisfying


specified service level requirements.


     (c) Evidence of efficiencies and management of funds within


established appropriations, documented through the DTMB monthly


expenditure report as described in section 301(3) of this part.


     (d) A list of armory closings and projected closings.


     (e) A list of property sales as described in section 223 of


this part.


     (f) A report on the status of performance metrics cited in


this article.


     (g) A list of the performance measures, outcomes, and


initiatives developed by the agency in the strategic plan required


by section 501 of 2013 PA 9.


     (h) The number of active employees at the close of the fiscal


quarter by job classification and program.


     (2) The department shall provide a corrective action plan


within 30 days of a quarterly report under this section for any


requirements of this part that have not been achieved. The


department shall provide a monthly status of corrective action




     (3) The department shall provide a summary of fund shifts,


that have been approved by the state budget office, that have


occurred between items listed in the schedule of programs mentioned


in part 1 on a quarterly basis to the subcommittees and the senate


and house fiscal agencies.


     (4) The Grand Rapids and D.J. Jacobetti veterans' homes shall


provide to the subcommittees the results of the veterans' homes


annual veterans' affairs inspection and their corrective action




     (5) The Grand Rapids and D.J. Jacobetti veterans' homes shall


provide a list of maintenance projects, and their respective costs,


funded from the special maintenance appropriations in part 1.


     Sec. 220. The department shall provide the following data to


the subcommittees and the senate and house fiscal agencies on an


annual basis:


     (a) Using information received from the grant recipients in


section 401 of this part, a progress report on metric requirements,


copies of certified financial audits and tax reports of grant


recipients, a listing from grant recipients of expenditures by


spending category, including a listing of individual salaries of


each officer and administrative staff, a listing of volunteer hours


including the hours, series, and donations provided to residents of


the Grand Rapids veterans' home and the D.J. Jacobetti veterans'


home. The department shall provide within the report a specific


notification whether any veterans grant recipients failed to comply


with established reporting requirements.


     (b) The Grand Rapids veterans' home and the D.J. Jacobetti


veterans' home shall produce a report including an accounting of


member populations and bed space available, a description and


accounting of services and activities provided to members,


financial information, and current state nursing home licensure




     (c) A detailed report of the Michigan veterans' trust fund


that includes information on grants provided from the emergency


grant program, including details concerning the methodology of


allocations, the selection of emergency grant program authorized


agents, a description of how the emergency grant program is


administered in each county, and a detailed breakdown of trust fund


expenditures for that year, including the amount distributed to


each county for administrative costs and emergency grants. The


report shall also provide an update on the department's efforts to


reduce program administrative costs and maintain the Michigan


veterans' trust fund corpus to its original amount of at least




     Sec. 222. The appropriations in part 1 are for the core


services, support services, and work projects of the department,


including, but not limited to, the following core services:


armories and joint forces readiness; maintenance and operation of


army national guard training facilities and air bases; veterans


affairs agency administration; veterans' trust fund administration;


veterans advice, advocacy, and assistance grants; the military


family relief fund; the challeNGe program; and the Grand Rapids


veterans' home and the D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home. As used in


this section, "core services" means that phrase as defined in


section 373 of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL




     Sec. 223. Sixty days prior to the public announcement of the


intention to sell any department property, the department shall


submit notification of that intent to the subcommittees and the


senate and house fiscal agencies.


     Sec. 225. Funds appropriated in part 1 shall not be used by


the department to hire a person to provide legal services that are


the responsibility of the attorney general. This prohibition does


not apply to legal services for bonding activities and for those


activities that the attorney general authorizes.


     Sec. 227. The department shall not exclude public employee


unions from the bid process.


     Sec. 228. Not later than November 30, the state budget office


shall prepare and transmit a report that provides for estimates of


the total general fund/general purpose appropriations lapses at the


close of the fiscal year. This report shall summarize the projected


year-end general fund/general purpose appropriations lapses by


major departmental program or program areas. The report shall be


transmitted to the office of the state budget, the chairpersons of


the senate and house standing committees on appropriations, the


subcommittees, and the senate and house fiscal agencies.


     Sec. 229. Within 14 days after the release of the executive


budget recommendation, the department shall cooperate with the


state budget office to provide the senate and house appropriations


chairs, the subcommittees, and the senate and house fiscal agencies


with an annual report on estimated state restricted fund balances,


state restricted fund projected revenues, and state restricted fund


expenditures for the fiscal years ending September 30, 2014 and


September 30, 2015.


     Sec. 230. The department shall maintain, on a publicly


accessible website, a department scorecard that identifies, tracks,


and regularly updates key metrics that are used to monitor and


improve the agency's performance.


     Sec. 231. Total authorized appropriations from all sources


under part 1 for legacy costs for the fiscal year ending September


30, 2015 is $20,013,100.00. From this amount, total agency


appropriations for pension-related legacy costs are estimated at


$11,180,100.00. Total agency appropriations for retiree health care


legacy costs are estimated at $8,833,000.00.








     Sec. 300. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1, there is


funding to support unclassified employee positions as authorized by


section 5 of article XI of the state constitution of 1963. These


positions include the following: department director - the adjutant


general for Michigan; assistant adjutant general - army; assistant


adjutant general - installations; assistant adjutant general - air;


senior policy executive - Michigan veterans affairs agency; senior


deputy director – state operations; director - strategy and policy;


advisor - public safety group; and director - Michigan veterans


affairs agency.


     (2) Not less than 30 days prior to the department submitting a


request for an additional unclassified employee position from the


civil service commission, or for any substantive change to the


duties of an existing unclassified employee position, the


department shall notify the subcommittees and the senate and house


fiscal agencies.




     Sec. 301. (1) The department shall provide administrative


support for department operations.


     (2) The department shall maintain the staffing and resources


necessary to ensure proper accountability of state funds.


     (3) The department shall maintain the staffing and resources


necessary to adhere to the state of Michigan financial management


guide for accounting, contracting, purchasing, budgeting, and


financial reporting and the administrative guide to state




     (4) The department shall ensure fiscal controls relating to


procurement of goods and services and other expenditures.




     Sec. 302. (1) From the funds appropriated in part 1 for


military operations, effective and efficient executive direction


and administrative leadership shall be provided to the department.


     (2) The department shall operate and maintain national guard




     (3) The department shall provide resources necessary to ensure


that armories are maintained in accordance with army regulations.


     (4) The department shall evaluate armories for consolidation,


energy, and utility efficiency and identify work projects that


would improve this efficiency and submit a quarterly report on the


status and activities of the armories as provided in section 219,


including a list of maintenance projects and their respective


costs, funded from the special maintenance projects in part 1.


     (5) The department shall establish a system that measures the


condition and adequacy of armory facilities using both quality and


functionality criteria based off the installation status report-


infrastructure inspections that are conducted annually as a


requirement set forth by the national guard.






     Sec. 304. (1) The department shall provide army and air


national guard forces, when directed, for state and local


emergencies and in support of national military requirements.


     (2) The department shall operate and maintain army national


guard training facilities, including Fort Custer and Camp Grayling.


     (3) The department shall maintain a system that measures the


condition and adequacy of air facilities using both quality and


functionality criteria.


     (4) The department shall operate and maintain air national


guard air bases, including Selfridge air national guard base,


Battle Creek air national guard base, and Alpena combat readiness


training center.




     Sec. 307. (1) The department shall maintain the Michigan youth


challeNGe academy to provide values, skills, education, and self-


discipline instruction for at-risk youth.


     (2) The department shall provide the staffing and resources


necessary to train 144 cadets simultaneously at the Michigan youth


challeNGe academy.


     (3) The department shall ensure that the average grade level


increase for Michigan youth challeNGe academy graduates is 2 years


as measured with the test adult basic education (TABE) metrics.


     (4) The department shall take steps to recruit candidates to


the challeNGe program from economically disadvantaged areas,


including those with low-income and high-unemployment backgrounds.


     (5) The department shall partner with the department of human


services to identify youth who may be eligible for the challeNGe


program from those youth served by department of human services


programs. These eligible youth shall be given priority for


enrollment in the program.




     Sec. 308. (1) The department shall provide grants for


disbursement from the military family relief fund.


     (2) The department shall provide quarterly reports to the


subcommittees on the revenues, expenditures, and fund balance of


the Michigan military family relief fund.


     (3) The department shall provide quarterly reports to the


subcommittees on the applications received for assistance from the


Michigan military family relief fund.


     (4) The department shall provide sufficient staffing and other


resources to provide outreach to the Michigan families of members


of the reserve component of the armed forces called into active


duty and to support the processing and approval of at least 60


grant applications for fiscal year 2014-2015 under the Michigan


military relief fund and report those applications at quarterly


legislative hearings of the subcommittees.




     Sec. 309. (1) The department shall maintain the starbase


program to improve the education of at-risk students in math,


science, and technology.


     (2) The department shall use the appropriation in part 1 for


the starbase grant to fund the DOD starbase program as outlined in


10 USC 2193b. The purpose of the program is to improve the


knowledge, skills, and interest of students in kindergarten through


twelfth grade in math, science, and technology. The starbase


program is to specifically target minority and at-risk students for




     (3) The starbase program shall maintain current program


offerings serving K-12 school districts in the state through


existing program sites which include starbase one, located at


Selfridge air national guard base, starbase Battle Creek, located


at Battle Creek air national guard base, and starbase Alpena,


located at Alpena combat readiness training center.




     Sec. 310. (1) The department shall establish and maintain a


national guard tuition assistance program for members of the


Michigan air and army national guard.


     (2) The objective of the national guard tuition program is to


bolster military readiness by increasing recruitment and retention


of Michigan air and army national guard service members (and to


fill federally authorized strength levels for the state), improve


the Michigan air and army national guard's competitive draw from


other military enlistment options in the state, enhance the ability


of the Michigan air and army national guard to compete for members


and federal dollars with surrounding states, and increase the pool


of eligible candidates within the Michigan air and army national


guard to become commissioned officers.


     (3) The national guard tuition program shall be designed after


the federal tuition assistance program model and shall cover 100%


of tuition and authorized fees, up to $4,500.00 a year, for


Michigan air and army national guard members to pursue course work


in programs leading to a certificate, a first associate,


bachelor's, or master's degree. To be eligible for the program, a


Michigan air and army national guard member would have to be


qualified in a military occupational skill, remain in active


drilling status with a service contract, be a member in good


standing, meet yearly physical fitness and weight control


standards, and maintain a 2.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale).


     (4) The department shall make efforts to reach the number of


Michigan air and army national guard members participating in the


program to 1,000 during the third year of the program's existence.


To evaluate the effectiveness of the program, the department shall


monitor the number of new recruits and new reenlistments and the


percentage of those who become participants in the program and by


how competitively the percentage of authorized Michigan air and


army national guard strength obtained—and retained—compares to the


neighboring air and army national guards from the states of


Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Wisconsin.




     Sec.311. The funds appropriated in part 1 for information


technology services and projects shall be used as a pass through


via an IDG to the department of technology, management, and budget


for technology services, including maintenance and repair services,


and technology projects, to maximize the operational efficiency and


effectiveness of the department.








     Sec. 401. (1) The Michigan veterans affairs agency shall


provide outreach services to Michigan veterans that advise them on


the benefits to which they are entitled.


     (2) The agency shall maintain the staffing partnerships and


other resources necessary to develop and operate an outreach


program that will communicate benefit eligibility information to at


least 50% of the 680,417 Michigan veterans with a goal of reaching


100% and enable 100% to access benefit information online.


     (3) The agency shall communicate veteran benefit information


pertaining to the Michigan military family relief fund, Michigan


veterans' trust fund, and United States department of veterans


affairs health, financial, and memorial benefits to which they are




     (4) The agency shall provide sufficient staffing and other


resources to approve requests for military discharge certificates


(DD-214) for fiscal year 2014-2015 and report to the subcommittees




     (5) From the funds appropriated in part 1, the department


shall continue the process to digitize all medical records and


military discharge documents which are currently on paper and


microfilm and report to the subcommittees quarterly on the progress


of these efforts.


     (6) The agency shall provide claims processing services to


Michigan veterans in support of benefit claims submitted to the


United States department of veterans affairs for the health,


financial, and memorial benefits for which they are eligible.


     (7) The agency shall maintain the staffing and resources


necessary to process a minimum of 500 claims per year.


     (8) The agency shall ensure that a minimum of 40% of the


claims submitted by agency personnel are fully developed claims as


tracked by the United States department of veterans affairs and


report on this effort at quarterly legislative hearings of the




     (9) The agency shall provide training support for county


veterans counselors.


     (10) The agency shall provide resources necessary to provide


county veterans counselors with training to ensure quality benefit


counseling services to veterans. From the funds appropriated in


part 1, $50,000.00 shall be allocated for training support.


     (11) The Michigan veterans affairs agency and the Michigan


veterans' trust fund administration shall take steps to assist the


county veterans counselors of this state to obtain training


necessary for the execution of their duties.


     (12) The agency shall develop and implement a process to


ensure that all county counselors receive the training and


accreditation necessary to provide quality services to our




     (13) The agency shall provide the percentage of county


counselors trained by the department at quarterly legislative


hearings of the subcommittees.


     (14) The agency shall provide the percentages of fully


developed claims submitted by county counselors trained by the


department with a goal of 40% at quarterly legislative hearings of


the subcommittees.


     (15) The agency shall create a 5-member advisory board


consisting of presidents or commanders from 2 large veterans


service organizations, 2 medium veterans service organizations, and


1 small veterans service organization. The board shall meet no less


than twice a year, without reimbursement by the agency, and shall


assist the agency in developing plans, reviewing service delivery


initiatives, and identifying services and projects that assist in


meeting agency performance objectives.




     Sec. 402. The agency is authorized to hire legal services for


the amount specified in part 1 for general legal services/federal


representation to represent veterans benefit cases before federal


court in order to maintain accreditation under 38 CFR






     Sec. 403. (1) The agency shall manage the disbursement of


veterans advice, advocacy, and assistance grants to veterans


service organizations.


     (2) The agency shall work to ensure that a minimum of 40% of


the claims submitted by the VSO on behalf of our veterans are fully


developed claims as tracked by the United States department of


veterans affairs and report on this effort at quarterly legislative


hearings of the subcommittees.


     (3) The agency shall disburse VSO grants to assist them to


achieve agency goals and performance objectives in partnership with


the VSOs. Grants to VSOs will be disbursed to fund programs and


projects which are determined by the agency to meet agency


performance objectives.


     (4) The agency shall ensure that each VSO that receives grants


is issued performance standards.


     (5) The agency shall ensure that each VSO that receives grant


funds uses those funds for veterans advocacy and outreach.


     (6) The agency shall monitor the performance of each VSO that


receives grants.




     Sec. 405. (1) The Michigan veterans' trust fund board together


with the agency shall provide emergency grants for disbursement


from the Michigan veterans' trust fund.


     (2) The Michigan veterans' trust fund board together with the


agency shall maintain the staffing and resources necessary to


process a minimum of 2,000 applications for veterans' trust fund


emergency grants.




     Sec. 501. (1) The department shall provide compassionate,


quality interdisciplinary care at the state's Grand Rapids


veterans' home so that members can achieve their highest potential


of wellness, independence, self-worth, and dignity.


     (2) The department shall provide resources necessary to


provide adequate nursing care services to veterans in accordance


with federal standards, including the following:


     (a) A licensed minimum number of 403 residents in skilled


nursing beds at the Grand Rapids veterans' home.


     (b) A licensed minimum number of 72 residents in domiciliary


beds at the Grand Rapids veterans' home.


     (3) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall ensure that its


medical staffing is in accordance with United States department of


veterans affairs standards.


     (4) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall ensure that


transportation is assured for each resident for every medical


appointment outside the veterans' home.


     (5) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall ensure that each


member resident receives daily laundry service.


     (6) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall ensure that


maintenance and custodial services are provided for each home in


accordance with applicable local, state, and federal standards.


     (7) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall ensure that each


resident receives a medical and care assessment including a dietary


plan upon admission to the home, with meals and snacks provided in


accordance with the plan and R 325.20803 of the Michigan


administrative code.


     (8) Appropriations in this article for the Grand Rapids


veterans' home shall not be used for any purpose other than for


veterans and veterans' families.


     (9) Any contractor providing competency evaluated nursing


assistants (CENA) to the Grand Rapids veterans' home shall ensure


that each CENA has at least 8 hours of training on information


provided by the veterans' home.


     (10) Any contractor providing competency evaluated nursing


assistants to the Grand Rapids veterans' home shall ensure that


each CENA has at least 1 eight-hour shift of shadowing at the


veterans' home.


     (11) Any contractor providing competency evaluated nursing


assistants to the Grand Rapids veterans' home shall ensure that


each CENA is competent in the basic skills needed to perform his or


her assigned duties at the veterans' home.


     (12) Any contractor providing competency evaluated nursing


assistants to the Grand Rapids veterans' home shall ensure that


each CENA has at least 1 year of experience in long-term care.


     (13) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall provide each CENA


at least 12 hours of in-service training once that individual has


been assigned to the veterans' home.


     (14) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall ensure that care


services are provided to each resident of the veterans' home in


accordance with standards set by the United States department of


veterans affairs.


     (15) All complaints of abuse or neglect at the Grand Rapids


veterans' home by a resident member, a resident member's family or


legal guardian, or staff of the veterans' home, received by a


supervisor shall be referred to the director of nursing within 10


days of receiving such complaint. The board of managers may


establish a policy that requires reports on allegations of abuse or


neglect to be reported to the director of nursing more frequently.


The director of nursing shall report on not less than a monthly


basis, except that the board of managers may specify a more


frequent reporting period, to the home administrator, board of


managers, agency, subcommittees, and the senate and house fiscal


agencies the following information:


     (a) A description of the process by which resident members and


others may file complaints of alleged abuse or neglect at the Grand


Rapids veterans' home.


     (b) Summary statistics on the number and general nature of


complaints of abuse or neglect.


     (c) Summary statistics on the final disposition of complaints


of abuse or neglect received.


     (16) The process by which visitors, residents, and employees


of the Grand Rapids veterans' home may register complaints shall be


displayed in high-traffic areas throughout the home.


     (17) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall provide an on-site,


board-certified psychiatrist for all resident members with mental


health disorders in order to ensure that those resident members


receive needed services in a professional and timely manner. The


Grand Rapids veterans' home shall provide all members and staff a


safe and secure environment.


     (18) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall ensure that it


effectively develops, executes, and monitors all comprehensive care


plans in accordance with federal regulations and its internal


policies, with a goal that a comprehensive care plan is fully


developed for all resident members.


     (19) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall implement controls


over its food, maintenance supplies, and medical supplies




     (20) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall implement controls


over its pharmaceutical inventory.


     (21) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall establish


sufficient controls for calculating resident member maintenance


assessments in order to accurately calculate resident member


maintenance assessments for each billing cycle. The Grand Rapids


veterans' home shall establish sufficient controls to ensure that


all past due resident member maintenance assessments are addressed


within 30 days.


     (22) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall establish


sufficient controls over monetary donations and donated goods.


     (23) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall implement


sufficient controls over the handling of resident member funds to


ensure the release of funds within 3 business days upon the


resident member leaving the home and to ensure that a


representative of a resident member is provided a full accounting


of that resident member's funds within 10 business days of the


death of that resident member.


     (24) The Grand Rapids veterans' home shall ensure that it


meets a minimum standard of 2.5 patient care hours per patient, per


day, each day, 7 days a week.


     (25) Except as provided in subsection (15), the department


shall report its findings regarding the Grand Rapids veterans'


home's compliance with the requirements and standards under this


section at quarterly legislative hearings of the subcommittees. The


quarterly report shall include, but is not limited to, the


following information:


     (a) The number of patient care hours and staffing levels


measured against the standard set forth in subsection (23).


     (b) The number and dollar value of lost and discarded


prescriptions and the number of early prescription refills.


     (c) The dollar value of monetary donations received, the


number of donated goods received, and the number of donated goods


disposed of.


     (d) The number of resident member maintenance assessments


calculated each month.




     Sec. 502. The board of managers shall exercise certain


regulatory and governance authority regarding admission and member


affairs at the Grand Rapids veterans' homes. The board of managers


shall also work to represent the interest of the veterans'


community in both advisory and advocacy roles.




     Sec. 503. (1) The department shall provide compassionate,


quality interdisciplinary care at the state's D.J. Jacobetti


veterans' home so that members can achieve their highest potential


of wellness, independence, self-worth, and dignity.


     (2) The department shall provide resources necessary to


provide adequate nursing care services to veterans in accordance


with federal standards, including the following:


     (a) A licensed minimum number of 158 residents in skilled


nursing beds at the D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home.


     (b) A licensed minimum number of 11 residents in domiciliary


beds at the D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home.


     (3) The D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home shall ensure that its


medical staffing is in accordance with United States department of


veterans affairs standards.


     (4) The D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home shall ensure that


transportation is assured for each resident for every medical


appointment outside the veterans' home.


     (5) The D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home shall ensure that each


member resident receives daily laundry service.


     (6) The D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home shall ensure that


maintenance and custodial services are provided for the home in


accordance with applicable local, state and federal standards.


     (7) The D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home shall ensure that each


resident receives a medical and care assessment including a dietary


plan upon admission to the home, with meals and snacks provided in


accordance with the plan and R 325.20803 of the Michigan


administrative code.


     (8) Appropriations in this article for the D.J. Jacobetti


veterans' home shall not be used for any purpose other than for


veterans and veterans' families.


     (9) Any contractor providing competency evaluated nursing


assistants (CENA) to the D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home shall ensure


that each CENA has at least 8 hours of training on information


provided by the veterans' home.


     (10) Any contractor providing competency evaluated nursing


assistants to the D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home shall ensure that


each CENA has at least 1 eight-hour shift of shadowing at the


veterans' home.


     (11) Any contractor providing competency evaluated nursing


assistants to the D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home shall ensure that


each CENA is competent in the basic skills needed to perform his or


her assigned duties at the veterans' home.


     (12) Any contractor providing competency evaluated nursing


assistants to the D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home shall ensure that


each CENA has at least 1 year of experience in long-term care.


     (13) The D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home shall provide each CENA


at least 12 hours of in-service training once that individual has


been assigned to the veterans' home.


     (14) The D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home shall ensure that care


services are provided to each resident of the veterans' home in


accordance with standards set by the United States department of


veterans affairs.


     (15) All complaints of abuse or neglect at the D.J. Jacobetti


veterans' home by a resident member, a resident member's family or


legal guardian, or staff of the veterans' home, received by a


supervisor shall be referred to the director of nursing within 10


days of receiving such complaint. The board of managers may


establish a policy that requires reports on allegations of abuse or


neglect to be reported to the director of nursing more frequently.


The director of nursing shall report on not less than a monthly


basis, except that the board of managers may specify a more


frequent reporting period, to the home administrator, board of


managers, agency, subcommittees, and the senate and house fiscal


agencies the following information:


     (a) A description of the process by which resident members and


others may file complaints of alleged abuse or neglect at the D.J.


Jacobetti veterans' home.


     (b) Summary statistics on the number and the general nature of


complaints of abuse or neglect.


     (c) Summary statistics on the final disposition of complaints


of abuse or neglect received.


     (16) The process by which visitors, residents, and employees


of the D.J. Jacobetti veterans' home may register complaints shall


be displayed in high-traffic areas throughout the home.




     Sec. 504. The board of managers shall exercise certain


regulatory and governance authority regarding admission and member


affairs at the D.J. Jacobetti veterans' homes. The board of


managers shall also work to represent the interest of the veterans'


community in both advisory and advocacy roles.






     Sec. 601. The appropriations in part 1 for capital outlay


shall be carried forward at the end of the fiscal year consistent


with section 248 of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL








     Sec. 602. The appropriations for special maintenance –


military training sites and support facilities shall be expended in


accordance with the requirements of section 304 and shall be


expended according to the maintenance priorities of the department


to repair and modernize military training sites and support


facilities, which may include projects such as roof, HVAC, or


boiler replacement, interior renovations, facility expansion,


improvements to parking facilities, and other projects.




     Sec. 603. The appropriations for special maintenance –


veterans' homes shall be expended in accordance with the


requirements of sections 219, 501, and 503 and shall be expended


according to the maintenance priorities of the department to repair


and modernize the state's veterans' homes, which may include


projects such as roof, HVAC, or boiler replacement, interior


renovations, facility expansion, improvements to parking


facilities, and other projects designed to enhance the quality of


life and medical care of members.






     Sec. 702. The 1-time appropriations for special maintenance –


veterans' homes shall be expended in accordance with the


requirements of sections 219, 501, and 503 of this part and shall


be expended according to the maintenance priorities of the


department to repair and modernize the state's veterans' homes,


which may include projects such as roof, HVAC, or boiler


replacement, interior renovations, facility expansion, improvements


to parking facilities, and other projects designed to enhance the


quality of life and medical care of members.














     Sec. 1201. It is the intent of the legislature to provide


appropriations for the fiscal year ending on September 30, 2015 for


the line items listed in part 1. The fiscal year 2015-2016


appropriations are anticipated to be the same as those for fiscal


year 2014-2015, excluding economic factors, and available revenue.


These adjustments will be determined after the January 2014


consensus revenue estimating conference.


     Sec. 1203. The veterans affairs agency shall provide the


percentage of Michigan veterans contacted with a goal of 100% and


report upon those outreach findings at quarterly legislative


hearings to the subcommittees.


     Sec. 1204. The veterans affairs agency shall maintain a


minimum 50% fully developed claims as determined by the DVA.