September 15, 2009, Introduced by Senator KUIPERS and referred to the Committee on Education.




     A bill to amend 1980 PA 300, entitled


"The public school employees retirement act of 1979,"


by amending sections 6 and 7 (MCL 38.1306 and 38.1307), as amended


by 1995 PA 272.




     Sec. 6. (1) "Original member" means a member employed in


Michigan public schools before July 1, 1945.


     (2) "Out of system public education service" means service


performed in public education meeting 1 or more of the following




     (a) Performed in other states in the United States or its


territorial possessions.


     (b) Performed at the university of Michigan, Michigan state


university, Wayne state university, Grand Valley state university,


Oakland university, or Saginaw Valley university.


     (c) Service purchased before January 31, 1991 and performed in


a juvenile training school operated by a county in this state.


     (d) Service purchased before January 31, 1991 and performed in


a community mental health service program operated under former Act


No. 54 of the Public Acts of 1963 1963 PA 54 for the severely


mentally retarded in day care programs, day training programs, or


day care training programs that were transferred to an intermediate


school district by direction of the department of education.


     (e) Service purchased before January 31, 1991 and performed as


an elementary or secondary teacher at a United States armed forces


military base in the United States or a foreign country.


     (f) Service purchased before January 31, 1991 and performed as


a teacher or administrator of American nationals in overseas public


elementary or secondary schools operated by the United States


department of defense.


     (g) Performed by a person who first becomes employed by an


institution of higher education described in section 4, 5, or 6 of


article VIII of the state constitution of 1963 on or after January


1, 1996.


     (h) Performed by a person who first becomes employed by a


qualified tax supported community or junior college on or after


January 1, 2010.


     (3) "Prior service" means service performed before July 1,




     (4) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, "public


school academy" means a public school academy established under


part 6a or 6b of the revised school code, of 1976, Act No. 451 of


the Public Acts of 1976, being sections 380.501 to 380.507 and


380.511 to 380.518 of the Michigan Compiled Laws 1976 PA 451, MCL


380.501 to 380.507. Public school academy does not include any of


the following:


     (a) A public school academy operated by a state public


university that is not subject to the optional retirement act of


1967, Act No. 156 of the Public Acts of 1967, being sections 38.381


to 38.388 of the Michigan Compiled Laws 1967 PA 156, MCL 38.381 to




     (b) A public school academy corporation formed by a state


public university that is not subject to Act No. 156 of the Public


Acts of 1967 the optional retirement act of 1967, 1967 PA 156, MCL


38.381 to 38.388.


     (5) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, "public


school employee" means an employee of a public local school


district, intermediate school district, public school academy, tax


supported community or junior college, eastern Michigan university,


central Michigan university, northern Michigan university, western


Michigan university, Ferris state university, Michigan


technological university, Lake Superior state university, or


district library as defined in section 69g if the conditions in


section 69g(1) are met for that employee. Service at Michigan


technological university shall be creditable only if the amount of


the accumulated contributions in the state employees' retirement


system created by the state employees' retirement act, Act No. 240


of the Public Acts of 1943, being sections 38.1 to 38.48 of the


Michigan Compiled Laws 1943 PA 240, MCL 38.1 to 38.69, for service


is paid to the retirement system. Service at Ferris state


university shall be creditable as prior service or membership


service only if the employee was employed at Ferris state


university on a full-time basis for 2 or more years after May 17,


1949. Until January 1, 1988, public school employee also includes a


person holding a Michigan teacher certificate and serving as an


employee of the Michigan high school athletic association, other


than a person whose effective date of employment with the Michigan


high school athletic association is on or after December 31, 1986.


Public school employee includes a public school employee on an


approved leave of absence. Public school employee does not include


a person who first becomes employed by a university described in


this subsection on or after January 1, 1996. Public school employee


does not include a person who first becomes employed by a qualified


tax supported community or junior college on or after January 1,




     (6) "Qualified tax supported community or junior college"


means a tax supported community or junior college that has


submitted an appropriate resolution to withdraw from the retirement


system to the retirement board no later than December 1, 2009.


     Sec. 7. (1) "Refund beneficiary" means 1 or more persons whom


the member or former member nominates in writing and files with the


retirement system for the purpose of being paid accumulated


contributions in the event of the death of the member or former


member. If a valid nomination is not on file, the retirement board


shall pay the accumulated contributions to the legal representative


of the deceased member or deceased former member, if any, or to the


estate of the deceased member or deceased former member.


     (2) "Regular interest" means interest at 1 or more rates per


annum determined by the retirement board and compounded annually.


     (3) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection,


"reporting unit" means a public school district, intermediate


school district, public school academy, tax supported community or


junior college, or university, or an agency having employees on its


payroll who are members of this retirement system. The reporting


unit shall be the employer for purposes of this act. On and after


January 1, 1996, reporting unit does not include a university,


except to the extent that university has employees on its payroll


who are members of this retirement system. On and after January 1,


2010, reporting unit does not include a qualified tax supported


community or junior college except to the extent that the community


or junior college has employees on its payroll who are members of


the system.


     (4) "Retirant" means a member who retires with a retirement


allowance payable from reserves of the retirement system.


     (5) "Retirement allowance" means a payment for life or a


temporary period provided for in this act to which a retirant,


retirement allowance beneficiary, or refund beneficiary is




     (6) "Retirement allowance beneficiary" means a person who is


being paid or has entitlement to the payment of a retirement


allowance in the event of the death of a member, deferred member,


or retirant.


     (7) "Retirement board" means the board provided to administer


this retirement system.


     (8) "Retirement system" means the Michigan public school


employees' retirement system provided for in this act.