September 24, 2009, Introduced by Senators THOMAS, BRATER, JACOBS, CLARK-COLEMAN, SCOTT, CHERRY, OLSHOVE, ANDERSON, BASHAM and SWITALSKI and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.




     A bill to amend 1974 PA 258, entitled


"Mental health code,"


(MCL 330.1001 to 330.2106) by adding section 709.




     Sec. 709. (1) The department shall establish a policy


directive on local grievance procedures that all community mental


health services programs shall be required to follow.


     (2) The department's policy directive shall require a


community mental health services program to reach a decision on a


local grievance within 35 calendar days from the date a grievance


is filed by an applicant, a recipient, a guardian of an applicant


or recipient, or an authorized representative of the applicant,


recipient, or guardian.


     (3) If a mental health professional communicates orally or in


writing to a community mental health services program that the


applicant or recipient is experiencing an emergency situation, the


community mental health services program is required to reach a


decision within 72 hours of receiving that communication.


     (4) If the filing applicant, recipient, guardian, or


authorized representative is dissatisfied with the decision of the


community mental health services program under the local grievance


process, he or she may request within 60 calendar days of that


decision, or within 10 calendar days if the grievance represented


an emergency situation, that the department arrange for an external


review of the grievance if both of the following apply:


     (a) The grievance involves a community mental health services


program determination that an admission, availability of care,


continued stay, or other specialty mental health service or support


is denied, reduced, suspended, or terminated due to lack of medical




     (b) The applicant or recipient does not have legal recourse to


participate in the medicaid fair hearing process regarding the


determination of the community mental health services program.


     (5) Upon receipt of a request for an external review, the


department shall provide written notification of receipt to the


involved community mental health services program.


     (6) Not later than 5 business days after receiving a request


for an external review, or not later than 24 hours if the grievance


represented an emergency situation, the department shall determine


whether external review is warranted. The person filing the


grievance and the involved community mental health services program


shall receive written notification of the determination according


to 1 of the following:


     (a) If external review is not warranted, the department shall


attempt to mediate the disagreement between the person filing the


grievance and the involved community mental health services




     (b) If external review is warranted and the service in


question is solely or primarily of a treatment nature, the


department shall arrange for the review to be conducted by a


psychiatrist who has no employment, contractual, or other


relationship with the department or any community mental health


services program.


     (c) If external review is warranted and the service in


question is solely or primarily of a support nature, the department


shall arrange for the external review to be conducted by a mental


health professional who has experience with the service in


question, and who has no employment, contractual, or other


relationship with the department or any community mental health


services program.


     (7) In arranging for an external review, the department shall


forward immediately to the external reviewer written material


submitted to the department by the person filing the grievance. The


external reviewer may request that the person filing the grievance


provide additional information within 7 business days or within 1


business day if the grievance represented an emergency situation.


     (8) Upon receiving notification that an external review is to


be conducted, the involved community mental health services program


has 7 business days to provide the external reviewer with all


documents and information utilized by the community mental health


services program in making its local grievance decision. If the


grievance represented an emergency situation, the material shall be


provided within 1 business day. Initial notification of the 1-day


requirement may be verbal. Failure of a community mental health


services program to provide the required material within the


prescribed time frame shall result in the department ordering an


immediate reversal of the local grievance decision.


     (9) An external reviewer shall make a recommendation to the


department within 10 business days after receipt of information


under subsections (7) and (8) or within 48 hours from the receipt


of that information if the grievance represented an emergency




     (10) Upon receipt of a recommendation from an external


reviewer, the department shall make a binding administrative


decision about the case within 7 business days or within 24 hours


if the grievance represented an emergency situation. Initial notice


of the decision may be provided orally to the person filing the


grievance and the involved community mental health services


program. In all cases, both parties shall be provided written


notification that shall minimally include both of the following:


     (a) The recommendation made by the external reviewer and the


rationale for that recommendation.


     (b) If applicable, the rationale for why the department did


not follow the external reviewer's recommendation.


     (11) At any time before the binding administrative decision


from the department, the external review process is abrogated if


the person filing the grievance makes a written request for


withdrawal or if the involved community mental health services


program provides written notification that it has elected to


authorize the action sought by the person filing the grievance.


     (12) In making a determination under subsection (6) or (10),


the department may consider all information it considers relevant,


including, but not limited to, all of the following:


     (a) The applicant's or recipient's diagnosis, prognosis, and


case history.


     (b) The severity of the applicant's or recipient's condition


and the degree to which the applicant's or recipient's


circumstances meet the criteria described in section 208 for


priority services.


     (c) The financial resources available to the involved


community mental health services program.


     (d) The degree to which the community mental health services


program utilized appropriate person-centered planning procedures.


     (e) The quality of the written individualized plan of service


and the degree of consumer participation in developing it.


     (f) The availability of the service desired by the person


filing the grievance.


     (g) The existence of co-occurring medical conditions.


     (h) The degree of involvement required from any provider who


is not a mental health human service provider in addressing the




     (13) The department shall provide the legislature annually


with a report for each community mental health services program and


the state in aggregate that includes the following details:


     (a) The number of local grievances filed, categorized


according to emergent or nonemergent status and whether or not the


person filing the grievance had legal recourse to the medicaid fair


hearing process.


     (b) The number of filed local grievances, categorized


according to subdivision (a), in which agreement between the


parties negated a need for a local grievance decision by the


community mental health services program.


     (c) The number of local grievance decisions, categorized


according to subdivision (a), upholding the initial determination


of the community mental health services program.


     (d) The number of local grievance decisions, categorized


according to emergent or nonemergent status, resulting in requests


for external review.


     (e) The number of requests for external review, categorized


according to subdivision (d), that were not honored by the


department, and the outcomes of the department's mediation efforts


for those cases.


     (f) The number of requests for external review, categorized


according to subdivision (d), honored by the department.


     (g) The number of external review cases, categorized according


to subdivision (d), in which the community mental health services


program's failure to provide required material within prescribed


time frames resulted in default judgment for the person filing the




     (h) The number of external review cases, categorized according


to subdivision (d), withdrawn before final administrative decision


at the request of community mental health services programs.


     (i) The number of external review cases, categorized according


to subdivision (d), withdrawn before final administrative decision


at the request of a person filing a grievance.


     (j) The number of external review cases, categorized according


to subdivision (d), in which the external review recommendation


respectively favored community mental health services programs and


parties filing grievances.


     (k) The number of external review cases, categorized according


to subdivision (d), in which the department overturned the external


reviewer recommendation, and the numbers of those overturned


external reviewer recommendations that respectively favored


community mental health services programs and parties filing




     (14) As used in this section:


     (a) "Grievance" means a written communication from or on


behalf of the applicant or recipient, reflecting disagreement with


a community mental health services program or its provider network


over 1 or more of the following:


     (i) The denial, reduction, suspension, or termination of




     (ii) The timeliness of responses to requests for services.


     (iii) The clinical, cultural, or linguistic appropriateness of


services offered or rendered.


     (iv) The availability of services offered or rendered.


     (v) The performance and behavior of individual service


providers and employees.


     (b) "Medical necessity" means screening, assessment, treatment


or support that is consistent with generally accepted mental health


and health care practices, addresses symptoms or the existence of


serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance,


developmental disability, or substance use disorder, as well as


impairments in daily functioning related to these disorders, and is


for the purpose of preventing either the need for more intensive


levels of treatment or relapses and deterioration of an


individual's mental, emotional, developmental, or behavioral

