January 19, 2011, Introduced by Senator PAPPAGEORGE and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.
A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the state
constitution of 1963, by amending section 31 of article IV and
section 18 of article V, to limit the budget, to require certain
deposits into certain state funds, and to require a 2/3 majority
for certain appropriations.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
state of Michigan, That the following amendment to the state
constitution of 1963, to limit the budget, to require certain
deposits into certain state funds, and to require a 2/3 majority
for certain appropriations, is proposed, agreed to, and submitted
to the people of the state:
Sec. 31. The general appropriation bills for the succeeding
fiscal period covering items set forth in the budget shall be
passed or rejected in either house of the legislature before that
house passes any appropriation bill for items not in the budget
except bills supplementing appropriations for the current fiscal
year's operation. Any bill requiring an appropriation to carry out
its purpose shall be considered an appropriation bill. One of the
general appropriation bills as passed by the legislature shall
contain an itemized statement of estimated revenue by major source
in each operating fund for the ensuing fiscal period, the total of
which shall not be less than the total of all appropriations made
from each fund in the general appropriation bills as passed. For
the 2012-2013 fiscal period, except as otherwise provided in this
section, the legislature shall not pass general appropriation bills
that exceed the sum of 96% of the estimated state revenue for the
fiscal period, as determined by the revenue estimating conference
held in January immediately preceding that fiscal period as
provided by law, plus revenue enhancements. For the 2013-2014
fiscal period, except as otherwise provided in this section, the
legislature shall not pass general appropriation bills that exceed
the sum of 96% of the estimated state revenue for the fiscal
period, as determined by the revenue estimating conference held in
January immediately preceding that fiscal period as provided by
law, plus revenue enhancements. Beginning for the 2014-2015 fiscal
period and each fiscal period thereafter, except as otherwise
provided in this section, the legislature shall not pass general
appropriation bills that exceed the sum of 96% of the estimated
state revenue for the fiscal period, as determined by the revenue
estimating conference held in January immediately preceding that
fiscal period as provided by law, plus the difference between 96%
of the estimated state revenue for the immediately preceding fiscal
period, as determined by the revenue estimating conference held in
the January before the immediately preceding January, and the
actual state revenue received for the immediately preceding fiscal
period, not to exceed 100% of the estimated state revenue
determined by the revenue estimating conference held in the January
before the immediately preceding January, plus revenue
enhancements. If the actual revenue received in the fiscal period
exceeds 96% of the estimated state revenue as determined by the
revenue estimating conference held in the January before the
immediately preceding January as provided by law, the additional
revenue not to exceed the difference between 96% of the estimated
state revenue and 100% of the estimated state revenue shall be
deposited in the countercyclical budget and economic stabilization
fund and may be appropriated by a concurrence of a majority of the
members elected to and serving in each house of the legislature as
provided by law. If the actual revenue received in the fiscal
period exceeds the estimated state revenue as determined by the
revenue estimating conference held in the January before the
immediately preceding January as provided by law, the additional
revenue shall be deposited in the countercyclical budget and
economic stabilization fund as provided by law. Beginning for the
2012-2013 fiscal period and each fiscal period thereafter, the
funds deposited in the countercyclical budget and economic
stabilization fund under the immediately preceding sentence may
only be appropriated by a concurrence of a 2/3 majority of the
members elected to and serving in each house of the legislature. As
used in this section, "estimated state revenue" means the estimated
amount of general purpose general fund revenue and state school aid
fund revenue available for appropriation for the fiscal year. As
used in this section, "revenue enhancements" mean additional state
revenues not contained in the governor's proposed budget that are
enacted into law or are received from the federal government or any
other source, in that fiscal year.
Sec. 18. The governor shall submit to the legislature at a
time fixed by law, a budget for the ensuing fiscal period setting
forth in detail, for all operating funds, the proposed expenditures
and estimated revenue of the state. Proposed expenditures from any
fund shall not exceed the estimated revenue thereof. On the same
date, the governor shall submit to the legislature general
appropriation bills to embody the proposed expenditures and any
necessary bill or bills to provide new or additional revenues to
meet proposed expenditures. Beginning for the 2012-2013 fiscal
period and each fiscal period thereafter, the governor's proposed
budget shall not exceed the amount that may be passed in general
appropriation bills by the legislature under section 31 of article
IV, excluding revenue enhancements as provided under section 31 of
article IV. The amount of any surplus created or deficit incurred
in any fund during the last preceding fiscal period shall be
entered as an item in the budget and in one of the appropriation
bills. The governor may submit amendments to appropriation bills to
be offered in either house during consideration of the bill by that
house, and shall submit bills to meet deficiencies in current
Resolved further, That the foregoing amendment shall be
submitted to the people of the state at a special election held at
the same time as the 2011 August regular election in the manner
provided by law.