SR11, As Adopted by Senate, February 7, 2019
Senators Victory, Outman, Barrett, Daley, McBroom, Lauwers, Stamas, McCann, Brinks, Theis, LaSata, VanderWall and Schmidt offered the following resolution:
Senate Resolution No. 11.
A resolution to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Michigan Farm Bureau.
Whereas, February 4, 2019, marks 100 years of the Michigan Farm Bureau’s presence in the state of Michigan; and
Whereas, The origins of the Michigan Farm Bureau began in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson signed the Smith-Lever Act which created the extension service; and
Whereas, This provided local agricultural agents from land-grant universities through a partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture. Before these agents could be approved, counties had to organize into local farmers bureaus to help direct the extension project; and
Whereas, Michigan organized a state federation of county Farm Bureaus in 1919, following Missouri, Massachusetts, and Vermont, who did so in 1915. The organization began when county extension agents and farmers from 57 counties throughout Michigan met at Michigan Agricultural College (now Michigan State University) to officially form what was then called the Michigan State Farm Bureau; and
Whereas, One month later, the newly formed Michigan State Farm Bureau adopted its mission statement, which read: “Its purposes are to unite under a definite head of all other farm organizations. The Farm Bureau should not be considered just another farmers’ organization added to the list but as THE ONE which may assist all others to better accomplish their purposes.”; and
Whereas, In 1944 the organization dropped the word “State” from its name to officially become the Michigan Farm Bureau; and
Whereas, Today, The Michigan Farm Bureau ensures the growth of Michigan food and farms, such as advocating for good government policy, developing opportunities for young farmers, providing student scholarships and grants, supporting local food efforts, creating food literacy programs for kids, hosting community building events and funding efforts to protect the environment, water quality, farmland preservation, and more; and
Whereas, The Michigan Farm Bureau is involved in numerous annual charitable contributions and volunteerism, including Michigan Easter Seals, Harvest for All, Future Farmers of America (FFA), 4-H, the Michigan Livestock Expo, and the Upper Pennisula State Fair, among many others; and
Whereas, Annually, Michigan Farm Bureau recognizes and honors its deserving Farm Bureau members and individuals from outside the organization for their contributions and achievements in supporting and advancing the state's agriculture industry, including bestowing the Young Farmer Achievement Award, the Young Farmer Agricultural Employee Award, the Educator of the Year Award, and the Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award, among others; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate, That the members of this legislative body commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Michigan Farm Bureau; and be it further
Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Michigan Farm Bureau as evidence of our esteem for being Michigan’s voice for agriculture over the last century.