senate resolution no.27

Senators Santana, Chang, Polehanki, Cavanagh, McCann, Wojno, Damoose, Klinefelt, Cherry, Bumstead, Outman, Irwin, McMorrow, Bayer and Singh offered the following resolution:

A resolution to recognize April 2023 as Arab-American Heritage Month.

Whereas, Michigan is home to the highest concentration of Arab-Americans in the United States with at least 220,000 residents; and

Whereas, Arab-Americans are an integral part of this state since their migration to the United States in the early 1900s in order to find a destination that would better provide political, economic, and religious freedoms; and

Whereas, Since migrating to the United States, men and women of Arab descent have shared their rich culture and traditions with neighbors and friends, while also setting fine examples of model citizens and public servants; and

Whereas, The economic capabilities and political involvement in all levels of government are a testament to the power of the Arab-American community; and

Whereas, Arab migrants bring their resilient family values, strong work ethic, dedication to education, and diversity in faith and creed that add strength to our great democracy; and

Whereas, The vast contributions of the Arab-American community in academia, business, medicine, science, and social justice continue to make our state a better place to live; and

Whereas, The working class population of this community has played a pivotal role in the establishment of industrial force that our state is known for today; and

Whereas, Arab-Americans join all Americans in the desire for a peaceful and diverse society where every individual is treated equally and feels safe; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by Senate, That the members of this legislative body recognize April 2023 as Arab-American Heritage Month.