senate resolution no.39

Senators Geiss, Santana, Moss, Camilleri, Hertel, McDonald Rivet, McMorrow, Polehanki, Irwin, Bayer, Chang, Shink, Cavanagh, Klinefelt, Cherry, Wojno, Singh, McCann and Brinks offered the following resolution:

A resolution to recognize April 27, 2023, as Survivors Speak Michigan Day, a part of National Crime Victims Rights' Week.

Whereas, Survivors Speak Michigan is organized by Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice and the Alliance for Safety and Justice; and

Whereas, Crime and violence can harm any individual and community, regardless of age, national origin, race, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, immigration, or economic status; and

Whereas, Most crime survivors do not receive the help they need; and

Whereas, Only eight percent of all victims of violence receive direct assistance from a victim service agency. This drops to four percent when the crime is unreported, which is the case for more than half of all violent crimes; and

Whereas, Through their experiences, crime survivors are uniquely qualified to provide essential input and influence in discussions of public safety and criminal justice policy; and

Whereas, Michigan must address the immediate safety concerns facing families and invest in a long-term, comprehensive plan to address root causes of violence; and

Whereas, The voices and experiences of survivors are too often ignored, leading to poor policy and justice system decisions that fail to meet the needs of survivors or stop the cycle of crime; and

Whereas, Our state must support trauma recovery centers that play a critical role and resource for survivors impacted by crime; and

Whereas, Crime survivors understand existing gaps to recovery and how to bridge them; and

Whereas, Survivors want a system of justice and safety that prioritizes prevention, rehabilitation, and trauma recovery; and

Whereas, Michigan needs to invest in programs that provide assistance to crime victims and their families to effectively deal with the inherent trauma and residual effects of violence; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate, That the members of this legislative body recognize April 27, 2023, as Survivors Speak Michigan Day, a part of National Crime Victims Rights' Week; and be it further

Resolved, That we commend the survivors and advocates of Survivors Speak Michigan for their work to stop violence and help those impacted by it.