SR-41, As Adopted by Senate, April 30, 2013



            Senators Nofs and Meekhof offered the following resolution:

            Senate Resolution No. 41.

            A resolution to commemorate May 11, 2013, as Train Day in the state of Michigan.

            Whereas, America is celebrating National Train Day on May 11, 2013, a commemoration of the completion of America’s first transcontinental railroad; and

            Whereas, Federal and state transportation departments have made expansion of high-speed and intercity passenger rail a top priority in building 21st-century national infrastructure; and

            Whereas, Michigan has benefitted from daily train service on Amtrak’s routes; and

            Whereas, Amtrak continues to work with Michigan and other states on the development of the next generation of high-speed and intercity passenger rail trains which will create quality jobs in the United States by helping to revive the domestic manufacturing base; and

            Whereas, Amtrak ridership grew more than 44 percent between 2000 and 2012, and the railroad carried 31.4 million passengers in 2012, making it the best year in the company's history; and

            Whereas, In Michigan, 874,341 passengers boarded or disembarked Amtrak trains in 2012; and

            Whereas, Access to intercity passenger rail service is a vital benefit for Michigan citizens; now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the Senate, That we hereby recognize May 11, 2013, as Train Day in the state of Michigan and congratulate Amtrak on 42 years as America's railroad; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Michigan Association of Railroad Passengers and Amtrak.