senate resolution no.44

Senators Shink, Bellino, McCann, Klinefelt, Wojno, Cavanagh, McMorrow, Bayer, Johnson, Chang, Cherry and Geiss offered the following resolution:

A resolution to recognize May 2023 as Drug Court Month.

Whereas, Treatment courts are the cornerstone of justice reform sweeping the nation and are recognized as the most successful justice system intervention in our nation’s history; and

Whereas, Nearly 4,000 treatment courts nationwide, including Michigan’s 208 treatment courts, have restored the lives and families of more than 1.5 million individuals; and

Whereas, Outcomes have shown significant improvements to substance use disorder treatment, substantially reduced addiction and related crime, and do so at less expense than any other criminal justice strategy with a savings of an average of $6,000 for every individual they serve; and

Whereas, Treatment courts facilitate community-wide partnerships, bringing together judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation professionals, law enforcement and community supervision personnel, researchers and educators, national and community leaders, and others dedicated to drug courts and similar types of treatment programs are healing families and communities across the country; and

Whereas, Treatment courts improve education, employment, housing, financial stability, promote family reunification, reduce foster care placements, and increase the rate of addicted mothers delivering babies who are fully drug-free; and

Whereas, Treatment courts demonstrate that when one person rises out of substance use and crime, we all rise; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate, That the members of this legislative body recognize May 2023 as Drug Court Month.