Senators Warren, Hopgood, Ananich, Smith, Anderson, Bieda, Johnson, Whitmer and Gregory offered the following resolution:

            Senate Resolution No. 62.

            A resolution to urge the Department of Community Health to promote programs to identify and address inequities in the prevention, treatment, and research of diseases threatening the health of women.

            Whereas, There is substantial research indicating that women do not receive the same level of health care as men. Women are less often referred for diagnostic tests, are less represented in health studies, and are less often treated for diseases compared to men with the same condition. There is considerable evidence that women receive less aggressive treatment for certain illnesses, including cardiovascular problems, than men with similar symptoms; and

            Whereas, Physiological differences between men and women contribute to significant distinctions in how certain diseases are diagnosed and treated and the levels of attention from the medical research community. Women smokers are far more likely to develop lung cancer, far more vulnerable to HIV in contacts with men, and far more likely to live in a long-term facility. Women also face difficulties with insurance beyond those faced by men; and

            Whereas, In spite of efforts by women’s groups to achieve parity in treatment and research, there are many aspects of health care that need to be examined before true equity is realized; and

            Whereas, Government agencies and policies play an important role in promoting public health. Public funding for programs, initiatives to increase public awareness of health problems, and encouragement of research can make an enormous difference in how a specific problem is addressed;

now, therefore, be it

            Resolved by the Senate, That we urge the Department of Community Health to promote programs to identify and address inequities in the prevention, treatment, and research of diseases threatening the health of women; and be it further

            Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Department of Community Health.