senate resolution no.100

Senator MacDonald offered the following resolution:

A resolution to reaffirm our support for Michigan businesses by encouraging the state to direct as many procurement dollars as possible to Michigan-based business.

Whereas, The COVID-19 Pandemic had a devastating impact on Michigan businesses, leading to a loss of nearly one-quarter of Michigan’s jobs at its peak. In order to limit the virus' spread, several executive orders and rules resulted in many businesses being ordered to temporarily close or restrict operations. Thousands of Michigan businesses were not able to survive the crisis and were forced to permanently close. As life attempts to return to normal, business owners are faced with unprecedented economic challenges and hardships; and

Whereas, Throughout the Pandemic, the Michigan Senate has taken action to support Michigan businesses and worked to support the economic recovery. Funds have been appropriated to provide relief to small businesses. Legislators have listened to the testimony of and advocated for the interests of business owners; and

Whereas, The long-term vitality of small business in this state is critical to Michigan's economic recovery. The Michigan Legislature is preparing to appropriate an unprecedented amount of state and federal dollars to Michigan business through various means and the state of Michigan has the opportunity to enact policies that ensure more state and federal dollars are appropriated to Michigan companies and that Michigan companies are more competitive in the state’s procurement process; and

Whereas, Michigan businesses and their employees pay a significant portion of taxes in this state. Failure to partner with these businesses within the procurement process at a higher rate will lead to more closures and lost jobs, hindering our economic recovery; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate, That we reaffirm our support for Michigan businesses by encouraging the state to direct as many procurement dollars as possible to Michigan-based business; and be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to the director of the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget; the Chief Executive Officer of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce; the Chief Executive Officer of the Small Business Association of Michigan; and the Michigan State Director of the National Federation of Independent Business.